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Translate.vc / English → Russian / [ S ] / Sighs in relief

Sighs in relief translate Russian

8 parallel translation
( sighs in relief )
And all of Switzerland sighs in relief.
Все в Швейцарии вздохнули с облегчением.
[Sighs in relief] Thank you for coming.
Спасибо, что пришла.
Stitch by stitch, the embroiderer sews in loneliness, weariness- -anxiety, sadness, nights of terror- -and sunrises of dismay- -and she sighs with relief when she has completed a small tapestry with conventional roses.
Стежок за стежком, тянется нитка... Сидишь одна-одинешенька... Уставшая...
What the hell's going on? Arggh! ( Sighs in relief )
Какого чёрта тут происходит?
( Sighs in relief )

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