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1524 traducir español

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Tell Doc Hastings to come up to 1524, on the run.
Que el Dr. Hastings suba a la 1524 enseguida.
In 1524, Tyndale fled London for mainland Europe, ending up in Worms in Germany, a city which had recently been made safely Protestant by its allegiance to the new radical doctrines of Martin Luther.
En 1524, Tyndale escapó de Londres al continente, y acabó en Worms, Alemania, una ciudad segura y convertida recientemente en protestante al comprometerse con las nuevas y radicales doctrinas de Martín Lutero.
The rocket will be launched from the barn, heading 72.51 degrees... Five thousand linear feet 30-gauge... Two hundred linear feet...
El cohete se lanzará desde el granero, rumbo 72,51 grados... 1524 metros lineales... 610 metros lineales...
It's 1524 Pelham Manor.
Pelham Manor 124.
Dr. Sanders, 1524.
Dr. Sanders, 1524.
Did you know that between 1524 and 1526 over 100,000 German peasants were killed in these woods?
¿ Sabías que entre 1524 y 1526 más de 100.000 campesinos alemanes murieron en estos bosques?
We are.1524 kilometers away.
Estamos a 0.1524 kilómetros.
It's still.1524 kilometers...
Sigue a 0.1524 kilómetros...

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