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A politician traducir español

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I'm not a politician, I'm a negotiator.
No soy político, soy negociador.
You got Dante with a sick mother ; Brady abandoned by his parents ; Carson, the ignored son of a politician.
Tenemos a Dante con una madre enferma Brady abandonado por sus padres Carson, el hijo ignorado de un político.
Should have been a politician, Cruz.
Debiste ser político, Cruz.
If Buchard is trying to shield Town Hall we can be sure it's a politician.
Si Buchard está intentando proteger al Ayuntamiento podemos estar seguros de que es un político.
Have they seen a politician, do any politicians live nearby...
Si han visto a un político, si vive cerca algún político...
Now, you're a politician.
Ahora eres político.
Peter's a politician in training.
Peter es un futuro político.
And the education system, it works like this - " I will give you a world view. And if you repeat my world view, if you reconfirm my world view, you will pass your exams and you will go higher and higher and higher and you will become a policeman, a magistrate, a lawyer, a general, a politician, and you will be happy and you will succeed.
Y el sistema educacional, trabaja como esto - " Te daré una visión del mundo y si repites mi visión del mundo, y si reconfirmas mi visión del mundo, pasarás tus exámenes e irás más alto, y más alto, y más alto
I Iike serious in a politician.
Me parece bien, es un político.
I already saw that he / she brought annotations, as a politician.
Ya ví que trajiste anotaciones, como un político.
As in Britain, if you have a keen interest in dodgy share dealings and illicit sexual liaisons, you may like to become a politician.
Como en Bretaña, si tienes un gran interés en los negocios chungos de acciones y en las relaciones sexuales ilícitas, te complacerá hacerte en político.
Something a politician might wear. I don't know.
Quizá un político lo llevaría, no lo sé.
I had a bad experience with a politician recently.
Tuve una mala experiencia con un político recientemente
Your mother told me never to criticize a politician's speech.
Tu madre me dijo que nunca critique el discurso de un político.
Obviously, as a politician, I won't be getting up and announcing that at the despatch box.
Obviamente, como político, que no conseguirá y anunciando que el cuadro de envío.
Are you seriously asking me to feel sorry for a politician who'd sell us all for a thousand votes?
¿ Me está pidiendo seriamente a sentir pena por un político que nos vendería por unos miles de votos?
As the daughter of a politician, let me tell you, it is better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. Wait.
Como hija de un político, déjame decirte que es mejor pedir perdón que pedir permiso.
He's a politician, charming is his business.
Es un político, ser encantador es su trabajo.
State holidays are not given out for nothing. This Nathan Explosion is a rock musician, not a politician or war hero.
Ese Nathan Explosion es un músico de rock no un político o un héroe de guerra.
Getting his ass kicked by a politician today that couldn't have inspired much confidence.
Que un político te patee el culo no debe inspirar mucha confianza.
You're a politician, aren't you?
Usted es un político, ¿ no es así?
Well, I could never have been a politician's wife.
Nunca podría haber sido la esposa de un político.
Oh, I'm a politician, Director Vance.
Soy político, Director Vance.
Yeah... I'm not a politician. I'm a history professor.
No soy un político, soy profesor de historia.
You know, he's a politician.
Ya sabes, es político.
He's a politician, after all.
Es un político, después de todo.
They were exposing the anomalist of a politician there... who was crunning as congressman... when they were abducted on March 8. 1997.
Hannah tenía ocho años cuando pasó esto. La adopté dos años después... O mejor, vino a vivir conmigo.
Yeah, yeah, you're the principal so I'm like a politician's wife and she's the head of the parent board so I have to be nice.
Si, si, eres el Director asi que soy como la mujer de un politico y ella es la presidenta de la asociacion de padres, asi que tengo que ser agradable.
You wanna be a politician?
¿ Quieres ser política?
Cornelius Fudge is a politician first and a wizard second.
Es el primer pensamiento del brujo.
The car belongs to that politician.
El coche pertenece a ese político.
Kira said... As long as the police don't chase him... he won't lay a hand on any politician.
no matará a políticos
But a State Dept. order says the politician we detained there must be returned to his duties.
Pero nuestro Departamento de Estado... ordenó que el representante político que detuvimos allí... fuese restituido en su cargo y funciones.
I've always regarded you as a good politician.
Siempre te he visto como un buen político.
How can a young, ambitious politician like yourself, rise in such an environment like that without crossing a line or two?
¿ Cómo pueden los políticos jóvenes y ambiciosos como usted elevarse sobre un ambiente como ese sin romper algunas normas?
How in the world can a cheap politician say, "I know this guy intended to vote for Gore even though he didn't punch through the ballot"?
¿ Cómo rayos puede un político barato decir : "Sé que este tipo quiso votar por Gore aunque no perforó la boleta"?
A politician needs to know his people, right?
Tienes mejor visión si llevas el velo.
- Ask this conservative politician.
Pregúntale a los que tienen derechos políticos ahí
- Dumps her at Flatty's. I can't see any politician knowing about that bar.
- Bueno, odia ir a los funerales.
I'm not a politician.
No soy político.
The group hopes to confront the politician who will be attending the Νational Pharmaceutical Conference.
El grupo espera enfrentarse al político quien asistirá a la Conferencia Nacional de Farmacéuticos.
- A well respected politician.
- Un político muy respetado.
I'd have said you were a born politician.
Me han dicho que usted es un político nato.
Why is it that in our country no politician or industrialist has ever been convicted of a crime
¿ Por qué en nuestro país ningún político... ni empresario ha sido nunca condenado por un crimen?
He's a serviceman, not some oily politician.
Es un militar, no un político.
Other than a creepy politician vibe, no.
¿ Distinto a una mala onda política?
Is that some kind of a crusty old politician or something?
Exacto. ¿ Es algún tipo de viejo político enojado o algo así?
I ain't no politician, but, uh, maybe I could help put something together that keeps us all whole.
No soy un político pero, quizás pueda ayudar a poner algo de cordura que nos mantenga unidos.
Hey, maybe I would make a good politician.
Quizá sería un buen político.
You think about it from a voter's perspective and not a career politician's.
Usas la perspectiva del votante y no la de un político.
And a doctor of archaeology turned peacemaking politician.
Y un doctor en arqueología convertido en un político pacificador.

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