All on your own traducir español
726 traducción paralela
You can handle everything from now on all on your own.
Puedes encargarte de todo a partir de ahora.
I hope you're not being bored, Mr. Scarlett, sitting there all on your own.
Sr. Scarlett, espero que no se aburra - Ahí solo.
Buy it all on your own terms!
Te dicen : Cómprelo a crédito.
Like everyone else, you'll have to bear those all on your own.
Como todos los demás, tendrás que sobrellevarlos, solo.
Seems to me you've made a lot of plans all on your own, you two.
Parece que planearon muchas cosas ustedes solos.
Were you all on your own?
¿ Estaba solo?
When I blow this whistle for the Grand Parade, you're all on your own.
Al primer toque de silbato, empieza la gran parada.
A million copies, all on your own label.
Un millón de copias, con tu propio sello discográfico.
Mrs. Peel, I wouldn't dream of leaving you here all on your own.
¡ No puedo dejarla aquí sola! Pues yo le digo que puedo hacerlo...
Now, sir, I'm not going to let you take the risk all on your own. We're in this together- - the Union Jack and the Star Spangled Banner.
- ahora, señor, yo no voy a dejar que corra todo el riesgo solo estamos juntos en esto la "Union Jack" y la bandera "Star Spangled"
- Do you live here all on your own?
- ¿ Vives aquí tú sola?
It has to do with standing outside of it all on your own.
Tiene que ver con estar fuera de todo, no depender de nadie.
you doing this all on your own?
¿ Haces esto por tu cuenta?
You saved $ 65 all on your own?
¿ Tú sola ahorraste 65 dólares?
Oh. Must be a bit lonely in that big house all on your own.
Oh, se sentirá un poco sola en una casa tan grande.
However you took a big risk, to do all on your own, without calling the midwife.
Habéis corrido un buen riesgo haciéndolo todo vosotras solas, sin llamar a la comadrona.
- iEscuchaste lo que dije?
You must act on your own, independent of all else.
Bien, cuando sea necesario ponerse en contacto conmigo...
Well, it's all right to live on a horse if it's your own horse.
Está bien vivir sobre un caballo si el caballo es suyo.
Is it all right for you to handle this matter... on your own decision?
¿ Crees que es correcto que trates este asunto... sin consultar a nadie?
I was in Nairobi on my own safari the year that all Kenya rang with your exploits.
Estaba en Nairobi el año en que sus proezas resonaban por toda Kenia.
It's hard to go all that way on your own.
Es duro irse lejos, solo.
All you had to do was put the finger on your own sister.
Todo lo que tenía que hacer era señalar a su propia hermana.
- All your dough won't help here because here you're on your own.
Tu pasta no sirve de nada. Estás solo aquí.
" They left me out there all alone and Mama said,'You're on your own
" Me dejaron ahí fuera completamente sola y mamá dijo. :'Ahora debes hacerlo sola'
Thanks for letting me in on your secret... that you own all the way from 23rd Street down to Canal.
Gracias por contarme el secreto... ... de que es tuyo todo desde Ia 23 hasta canal.
All I know is if you wanna get the police on you, all you gotta do is buy a cheap bottle of hooch and drink it quiet, minding your own business.
¿ Lo sabe? Sé que si pone a su policía en acción sólo encontrarán... que bebí vino barato. Estaba preocupado.
Look, woman, not on your own precisely, with all these people.
Mira, mujer, sola no, con la gente.
All right, if you want a flop, have it on your own time.
Una experiencia nueva. Si quieres fracasar, allá tú.
When I have overthrown him, I will give you all his lands that border on your own.
Cuando derroque al faraón, te daré las tierras que limitan con las tuyas.
Fixed it all up on your own, without a word to me.
Arregló todo para ti, sin decirme una palabra.
You are on your own now, just be careful, that's all
Estás ahora por tu cuenta, Sólo ten cuidado, eso es todo
I only wish to point out that tonight you have thrown away... with your own hand... all the advantages which an interrogation invariably converts on an accused man.
Tan sólo quiero señalar que esta noche ha comprometido todas las ventajas que un interrogatorio en regla confiere a todo acusado.
You've turned your backs on the God of love and compassion..... and invented for yourself this cruel, senile delinquent..... who blames the world and all that he created for his own faults.
Le dan la espalda al Dios del amor y de la compasión. Han inventado a este delincuente senil y cruel que culpa al mundo y a su creación por sus propias falencias.
Well, put your own kettle on and stick your head in it for all I care.
Ponga Ud. la pava al fuego y tu manténgase allí
You could have left on your own and taken all the money for yourself.
¿ No tienes que ir a lo de Elías a cobrar los rifles?
- I wouldn`t want him to slap you down... for steppin` out of line... makin` decisions on your own and all that.
- Sí, no quisiera que te reprenda... por desobedecerle... y tomar decisiones por tu cuenta.
Well, first of all - you get shown to your own private hole - in the skirting board. Then you put the mouse skin on...
En primer lugar te enseñan tu agujero privado en el rodapié... luego te pones la piel de ratón.
Away from all, on your own.
¡ Aléjate de todos, por cuenta propia!
It's all on your very own shelf, which is to be labeled "Donald's Saturday Night Douche Kit."
Está todo ahí, en tu propia estantería, que será etiquetada como
Did you think all this up on your own?
¿ Te crees todo eso que me has dicho?
- You're doing all this on your own?
- ¿ Se encarga Vd. de todo?
We all know the tricks that the sun and the sea, even your own eyes, can play on you.
Todos sabemos las jugarretas que el sol y el mar e incluso sus propios ojos, pueden jugarle.
I may want to see you later, Major, for your own personal slant on all this.
Quiero que luego me dé su opinión personal de todo esto, comandante.
You stand a better chance on your own. I'll be all right.
Tienes más posibilidades por tu cuenta.
I say walk on your own. All by yourself. Come on, come on...
Sí, sí... sigue tú solo, sigue tú solo, ahí esta, eso es.
You all may want to go off on your own.
Tal vez deseén marcharse.
You all may want to go off on your own.
Tal vez deseéis marcharos.
And you have left your mother outdoor, all on her own!
Y has dejado a tu madre, fuera de la puerta y sola como un perro.
You have achieved all this on your own, Dr Reinhardt... and you would have every right to reject the request of a comparative stranger, but...
Todo esto lo ha conseguido solo, Dr. Reinhart. Y tiene todo el derecho a no atender mi petición, pero...
All right, you're on your own.
Muy bien, estás por tu cuenta.
all on my own 16
on your own 129
your own 34
your own mother 17
all of them 1505
all of you 1837
all of it 1580
all of the time 16
all of me 19
all of the above 61
on your own 129
your own 34
your own mother 17
all of them 1505
all of you 1837
all of it 1580
all of the time 16
all of me 19
all of the above 61
all of us 884
all of a sudden 697
all of 26
all over the world 65
all over the place 53
all of us together 30
all over 197
all ok 18
all over it 16
all of' em 133
all of a sudden 697
all of 26
all over the world 65
all over the place 53
all of us together 30
all over 197
all ok 18
all over it 16
all of' em 133
all over again 78
all or nothing 24
all of these 19
all of ya 20
all of this 232
all of that 76
all out 34
all of what 16
all or nothing 24
all of these 19
all of ya 20
all of this 232
all of that 76
all out 34
all of what 16