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All that sort of thing traducir español

251 traducción paralela
All that sort of thing.
Todo ese tipo de cosas.
It's pretty awful and all that sort of thing.
No, no, Julia's through with all that sort of thing.
No, Julia lo ha dejado todo.
They like music and art and all that sort of thing.
Aman la música, el arte, cosas de ese tipo.
Usual round. Bathing and driving and all that sort of thing.
La rutina : baños, paseos en coche y todo lo demás.
Trees and a lake and all that sort of thing.
Árboles, un lago, y esa clase de cosas.
- Of course, I know you'd consider it vanity and all that sort of thing.
- Claro, ya sé... lo considera una vanidad y todo ese tipo de cosas.
Besides, you're just the man for medals and all that sort of thing.
Además, eres un hombre de medallas y todas esas cosas.
You know, tell me who to invite and all that sort of thing.
Decirme a quién debo invitar y cosas por el estilo.
Yes, and all that sort of thing.
Sí, ya estoy enterada.
Oh, charmed, welcome, and all that sort of thing, you know.
- Encantado, bienvenida, y esas cosas.
Inoculations and all that sort of thing, you know.
Las inoculaciones y esas cosas.
T - t-the army a-a-and all that sort of thing, I mean.
Por estar en el Ejército y todo eso.
And look after yourself and all that sort of thing.
Cuídate y ese tipo de cosas. Si, Milord.
Ocean voyages, south Americans in Paris, and all that sort of thing? Mm-hmm. But nothing I saw could top my memories.
¿ Viajes por el océano, sudamericanos en París, y todo ese tipo de cosas? Pero nada de lo que vi podría superar mis recuerdos.
Men and marriage and all that sort of thing take up too much time.
Los hombres, el matrimonio, eso ocupa demasiado tiempo.
I only talked to you'cause I realized you were one of us and all that sort of thing.
Usted parece uno de los nuestros. No es cierto.
Routine, discipline, all that sort of thing.
Rutina, disciplina y esas cosas.
Alice, I was sort of hoping... You mean children, all that sort of thing?
Alice, yo tenía la esperanza de... ¿ Piensas excluir los niños de nuestro hogar?
Home and all that sort of thing.
El hogar y esas cosas.
Loveland, I found, was an army officer who'd retired with a bit of money. And Torres - Well, Torres was obviously an old bandit. Turned revolutionary and all that sort of thing.
Averigüé que Loveland era un oficial retirado con un poco de dinero... y Torres era un viejo bandido que se había vuelto revolucionario.
Yes, sir, but whatever she did... Well, a woman doesn't understand much about exchange laws... and all that sort of thing, especially an actress like my mother.
Sí, señor, pero una mujer no entiende mucho de leyes monetarias... y toda esa clase de cosas, especialmente una actriz como mi madre.
Maids, valets — all that sort of thing. One night, a few weeks later, he came home and was very excited... and told me we had to leave immediately for India on urgent business.
Una noche, unas semanas después, llegó a casa alterado... y me dijo que debíamos partir a India por un asunto urgente.
Where are the bombs, torpedoes, death-dealing devices and all that sort of thing?
¿ Dónde están las bombas, los torpedos, las máquinas mortales y todo eso?
You know, oomph and all that sort of thing.
Ya sabe, el atractivo y todo ese tipo de cosas.
And you mean you can pirouette and all that sort of thing?
¿ Quiere decir que puede hacer piruetas y todo ese tipo de cosas?
. Ya sabes, los números rojos y esas cosas.
Saludos, felicitaciones, y todas esas cosas.
Good old Welsh blood, you know, and all that sort of thing.
Es la buena sangre galesa, ya sabe, ese tipo de cosas.
It's a lot of fun docking around interviewing chorus girls and all that sort of thing.
Se Io pasan en grande entrevistando a coristas y cosas así.
You see, my dear girl.... I say, I rather like this feeling of big business and all that sort of thing.
Verá, querida... no sabe cuánto me gusta esto de hacer un gran negocio y ganar mucho dinero.
I wish passionately that I were the bride but... fortunes of war and all that sort of thing.
Desearía haber sido yo la novia, pero... ya sabes que no se puede ganar siempre.
What ho, and all that sort of thing.
Vaya, vaya y todo eso.
Quiz Kids and all that sort of thing. They know more than I do.
Y en los tiempos que corren saben más que yo.
- A goodwill visit and all that sort of thing.
Es una visita de buena voluntad, ya sabe.
They had to give up gas, tires and all that sort of thing, and Lambert Davidson's got a warehouse full of them.
Han tenido que privarse de los neumáticos, la gasolina, todo eso, y Lambert Davidson tiene un almacén lleno.
Picnic baskets. All that sort of thing.
Cestas de picnic, esas cosas.
You'll have to give up all that sort of thing but you know you much prefer living in the country.
Deberás abandonar todas esas cosas, pero tú sabes que prefieres vivir en el campo.
- It's an active battle zone, and all that sort of thing.
- Es una zona de guerra activa. - ¿ Zona de guerra?
Pip-pip and all that sort of thing.
Hasta luego. ¡ Chao!
You're not going to let me in for the curse of the Allenbys... and all that sort of thing.
No permitirás que me incluyan... en la maldición de los Allenby, y todas esas cosas.
Well, if you enjoy that sort of thing, it's quite all right with me.
Bueno, si le gustan esas cosas, por mí está bien.
Don't you think the world would be a better place, Commander, if we all did that sort of thing a little more often?
¿ No cree usted, capitán, que el mundo sería mucho mejor si todos hiciéramos este tipo de cosas?
And another thing.. . my point is this. He's not the sort of chap to give things away,..... lose his head, spill the beans, all that sort of business.
Y otra cosa, desde mi punto de vista... él no es la clase de hombre que exterioriza sus sentimientos... que pierde la cabeza y lo cuenta todo.
That's the sort of thing I've had all my life.
Eso es lo que tuve toda mi vida.
But that sort of thing's all gone now.
Pero ahora todo eso se ha acabado.
Now, I want you to tell him that if he will come to me... and make a public statement through the newspapers... that he's the only man who could do this sort of thing... and that the Ranger System is perfectly all right, then I'm perfectly willing to overlook all the things he's been doing.
Quiero que le digas que si viene a verme... y hace una declaración pública en los periódicos... diciendo que es el único hombre capaz de hacer esto... y que el sistema Ranger es seguro... estaré dispuesto a olvidar todo lo que ha hecho.
It's a miracle his wife is standin for that sort of thing all these years.
Es un milagro que... su mujer lo haya soportado todos estos años.
After all, you did take me out of the restaurant, introduce me to the right people... and that sort of thing, but, well, I have some brains too.
Me sacaste del restaurante, me presentaste gente importante... y todo eso, pero yo también pienso.
I've had to fight against that sort of thing all my life.
Es algo con lo que he tenido que luchar toda mi vida.
That sort of thing's going on all over London.
Cosas así pasan por doquier en Londres.

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