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And even if they did traducir español

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In the first place, there's no reason why they should acquit me and even if they did, I wouldn't marry you.
No hay razón para que me dejen en libertad. Y si lo hicieran, no me casaría contigo.
And even if they didn't, I did.
Si ellos no lo oyeron, yo sí.
And even if they did so, they wouldn't dare to say anything.
Y aunque fuera asi, No se atreverían a decir una palabra.
Well, they ain't got no beer and even if they did have, wouldn't be cold.
No tienen y si tuvieran no estaría fría.
The Americans won't leave and even if they did, others would come, tomorrow, next month or next year.
Los americanos no se irán, y si estos se fuesen, vendrían otros dentro de un mes, o dos, o dentro de un año.
And even if they did, they wouldn't use it for a stupid thing like this.
Y que aunque la tuvieran, no la usarían con ese patán.
- yes, right, but... Presidents do not stay on office forever and even if they did circumstances change.
- Sí, es cierto, pero... no están en eI cargo eternamente y aún así, Ias circunstancias cambian.
You had to have big tits and a little nose... and even if they did marry you... they would knock you up and run off with somebody else.
Tenías que tener grandes tetas y una pequeña nariz. y aun así si no se casaban... te dejaban y huían con alguien más.
And even if they did who's gonna yank a Slim Jim out of God's mouth?
Y aun si hicieron quién es el gusto en la boca de Dios?
And even if they did we can't get a fix on their position.
Y aunque asi fuera, no podemos establecer su posición.
And even if they did, they had nothing to gain by killing Mr. Isogi.
Y aún si lo supieran, no tendrían nada que ganar matando al Sr. Isogi.
I mean, they didn't get you, and even if they did, it wouldn't be permanent.
Me refiero, no te atraparon, y si lo hicieran no sería permanente.
Okay, so there's that. And even if they did, I wouldn't get it, so there's that on top, then.
Y aun si lo supieran, no lo conseguiría.
And even if they did say that, what we'd say is that we don't care.
E incluso si dicen eso, nosotros decimos que no nos importa.
And even if they didn't do it in his name, they did it for him.
Y contra mí. Esta infamia nos acarreará desgracia.
And even if they did, I'd just say, "no, thank you".
Y si lo hicieran, sólo diría : "No, gracias".
New Jersey is not gonna let us near this hump anyway, and even if they did, Brodus could still refuse to talk.
Nueva Jersey no nos permitirá acercarnos a Brodus y aunque lo hicieran, él podría rehusarse a hablar.
And even if they did find it, they wouldn't know what it was.
Y aunque lo encontraran, no sabrían lo que era.
And even if they did, they wouldn't all be expelled at the same time.
Y aun si lo hicieron no hubieran sido expulsados todos al mismo tiempo.
Could be hours before someone came along... and even if they did, they might not pick you up.
Pasarán horas antes de que llegue alguien... y aun entonces quizá no te recojan.
And even if they did, I never opened the Lamont Configuration.
Y si existieran. yo nunca abrí el Cubo del Lamento.
They don't know what it is, and even if they did, they can't use it.
No saben lo que es, y aunque lo supieran, no pueden usarla
And even if they did go on, they would cripple you.
Y aunque lográramos meterlos, te dejarían lisiada.
And even if they did, you don't know where they've taken foxxy.
Y aun que lo valoraran no sabes a donde se llevaron a Foxxy.
Cluvius says the moderate Senate would never support it, and even if they did, there's no legitimate successor.
Cluvio dice que el senado conservador jamás respaldaría la idea, e incluso si lo hicieran, no hay un legítimo sucesor.
I have no right to accept any changes, and even if I did, they'd come back tomorrow with 46 more.
No tengo derecho a aceptar ningún cambio. Y aunque lo hiciese, ¿ no ves que mañana se presentarían con cuarenta más?
And even if you did, they'd only say you should've divorced her, that's all, instead of...
Y aunque lo hiciera el jurado pensaría... que podría haberse divorciado, en vez de...
I went on to develop the idea that all Caesars, Mahomets, Napoleons were criminals and did not stop at spilling blood, even innocent blood, if they had to do so to be successful.
Después desarrollé la idea de que Licurgos, Mahomas y Napoleones... fueron delincuentes que no se detenían si debían derramar sangre... si esa sangre, a veces de inocentes, les ayudaba a lograr su objetivo.
Well, even if the people had noticed our little theft action, I don't think that they would come over to us and say, what did you take there or something.
Si la gente hubiese visto el robo, no creo que hubiesen venido a decirnos :
and so even if they did love you in their queer fashion- -
Así que, aunque los amaban a su manera -
The worst of it is if someone did train the dogs, they could dangle that word right in front of me and I wouldn't even recognize it.
Lo peor de todo es que si alguien los hubierá entrenado, podría decirla delante de mi y yo ni siquierá la reconocería.
And if they did they would be even more naïve than you, Monsignor.
Y si lo hicieran serían tan incautas como monseñor.
But you can meet him because you're his friend And even if you're arrested... They'll think you did it for some personal reason
Y aunque te arresten, creerán... que lo has hecho por algún motivo personal.
It has been shown that if those extra 100,000 people had lived to a ripe old age, they would have cost us even more in pensions and social security than they did in medical treatment.
Está demostrado que si esas 100 mil personas que mueren hubieran llegado a viejos, nos costarían mas en pensiones y seguridad social que lo que costaron los tratamientos médicos.
Even if many influential voices tried to persuade him to commit suicide... as they did with Socrates! This way they're insulting him and making him look like a coward and an insane man!
Aunque muchos de los honorables de aquí lo han invitado a matarse, a beber la cicuta, como Sócrates, no entendiendo que así lo sepultan, haciéndolo pasar por bellaco en vez de loco.
And even if it did - Yeah? I'm not the sort of person that they happen to.
Y aunque así fuera, no soy del tipo de persona a la que le ocurre.
Even the person who did this, if they're not caught and punished, something will happen in their life where they will be punished.
Aunque no arresten ni castiguen al culpable, le ocurrirá algo en la vida que será como un castigo.
Even if the cops did come, they'd be no match for Jeremy and we'd be next.
Y si viniera la poli no podrían con Jeremy y nosotras iríamos después.
Listening to Mr. Sommers... I realized how strange it must be for Max, Isabel, and Michael... not to even know their own history. And how scary it would be if anyone discovered it before they did.
Al escuchar al Sr. Sommers... me di cuenta de lo raro que debe ser para Max, Isabel y Michael... no conocer su propia historia... y de lo aterrador que sería que alguien más la descubriera.
And we don't know they'd care even if they did know.
Y no sabemos si eso les importaría.
And even if you did, they won't have the antidote you need.
Y si llegas, no tendrán el antídoto que necesitas.
And when I said even if they did, it wouldn't be a big deal?
Al decir que aun detectándolo, no sería para tanto.
No. And even if it did, I don't care what they think about your age.
Si hubiera sido así, no me importa lo que opinen de tu edad.
I don't trust any of our people and even if I did what questions could they ask that won't trip an alarm?
No confío en nuestro personal, y si así fuera ¿ cómo preguntarán sin alarmar?
We need to move this camp, and, my gosh, if I feel how I did yesterday, if everyone feels how they did yesterday, I can't even get myself out of first gear.
Y por dios si me siento como ayer, si todos se sienten como ayer. No puedo pasar de primera velocidad.
If they did do a photo shoot, and we don't even know that they did, where are the photos?
Si ellos hicieron una sesión de fotos, y nosotros no sabíamos de eso, dónde están las fotos?
Even if they did, and I'm not saying they did you can't hear anything in those choppers.
Aunque fuera así, y no digo que lo sea no hay forma de oír nada en los helicópteros.
With the right papers, a person could safely get across the border in 15 minutes, so even if a person did mistakenly spot you and happen to call the authorities, you could be safely gone before they arrived.
Con los papeles correctos, una persona podría cruzar segura la frontera en 15 minutos y si alguna persona te reconoce y llama a las autoridades podrías haberte ido antes de que lleguen.
Even if they did, it won't be your lost and found boys who get there.
- Aunque te la dieran, gastarías tiempo en conseguir gente para ir. Tú tendrías que ir.
Even if they did, I would hunt you down and kill you myself.
Y aunque los hiciera, yo mismo te cazaría y te mataría.
Okay, let's say I am buying any of this, and I'm not. But if I did, we don't even know where they were taken.
Bien, digamos por un minuto que compro esta historia lo cual no es verdad, pero si lo hiciera ni siquiera sabemos desde donde fueron tomados. ¿ Del futuro?

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