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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ A ] / And it's all because of you

And it's all because of you traducir español

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You're the head deacon of this church, Mr. Simpson, and I want you to listen to what I have to say, because it's your clique that started all this trouble.
Usted es el diacono principal de esta iglesia, Mr. Simpson, Y deseo que escuche lo que tengo que decir,
Our dream of running off and living together, all the happiness you might have made come true - It's all impossible now, because you couldn't go through with it the other night.
Nuestro sueño de huir y vivir juntos toda la felicidad que podría haber sido... es imposible ahora, porque no podía continuar con esto después de la otra noche.
God told him to rewrite the Holy Bible... because it's full of errors- - errors, mind you- - and to go out and preach... that all churches are an abomination in the sight of the Lord... except this one... that God told him personally... to go out and get an army to run.
¡ Errores! Y de salir a preconizar que todas las iglesias... son una abominación para el Señor excepto ésta... y que Dios le dijo personalmente que fuera a conseguirse un ejército.
I understand how long and hard all of you have worked, and it's truly unfortunate that you'll lose your jobs because of this.
Entiendo cuánto y lo duro que han trabajado, y es una verdadera desgracia que pierdan sus trabajos por esto.
Well, it is. And it's all because of you.
Lo es, y tú lo provocas.
But my Scotch blood is working right this minute... and it tells me that there is one thing in your life that's worrying you... something that you find very difficult to handle... because all your strength and your courage... and your authority in the town seems to be of no avail.
Pero mi sangre escocesa está trabajando en este momento... y me dice que hay una cosa en su vida que lo preocupa... algo que le resulta muy difícil manejar... porque toda su fuerza y su valentía... y su autoridad en la ciudad parecen no servir de nada.
No doubt you've heard that life is pleasant in this regiment, that it's a fashionable catch-all for young men of good family with no talents to speak of, that we're called "The Gay Policemen," because we do little more than stand guard here and there a few hours a day and keep the peace, such as it is, in Seville.
Ya habrá escuchado que la vida aquí es placentera y que es una asignación elegante para jóvenes de buenas familias y escaso talento y se nos conoce como los "alegres policías" porque hacemos poco más que estar de guardia unas horas al día para mantener la paz en Sevilla.
- It's all because of you. Since the moment I first saw you I wanted to meet you, and since I met you I do nothing but dream about you.
Sí, porque en cuanto la vi deseé conocerla.
and all the talking in that scene, I just identified it with so much because going to Hollywood as a young girl and suddenly finding they want to make you over totally, it's such a total change and it was like I was always fighting to show some of myself,
"Quiero que me ames por lo que soy", y todo el diálogo en esa escena, me sentí muy identificada con ella porque, cuando fui a Hollywood de niña y de pronto me encontré con que me querían cambiar por completo,
And you can tell him that just because I'm from out of town, that don't mean I don't know what it's all about.!
Dígale que aunque yo sea un forastero... ¡ sé cómo son las cosas!
And it's all because of you.
Todo gracias a ti.
How can I make your flesh know how it feels to see all those who are like you, and only because they are like you, despised, slaughtered, and even worse, denied the simplest bit of decency that is a living being's right?
¿ Cómo puedo hacerles saber lo que se siente al ver a todos los que son como uno, y sólo porque son como uno despreciados, asesinados y aún peor privados de un poco de decencia, que es el derecho de todo ser viviente?
After what you've told me, I think it's a form of hallucination. Because of all these nude bombardments we have, and above all you, with your profession.
Después de lo que me has dicho, pienso que se trata de alucinaciones debido a todos estos bombardeos de desnudos que tenemos, y sobre todos tú, con tu profesión.
You're full of indignation for the wrongs that have been done to you. First by fate and now by police investigation. That's why you're in such a hurry to end it all, because you've had enough of those suspicions and indignities.
Su sangre bulle de indignación por las ofensas recibidas... del destino, del policía del barrio... por eso corre de un lado para otro, para terminar con todo, porque le tienen harto ya todas esas tonterías y sospechas.
Oh, of course. I was thinking it was your fault because you'd been left in charge, or Manuel's for not waking you, and all the time, it was my fault.
Yo pensaba que era tuya por estar al cargo o la de Manuel por no despertarte pero resulta que es culpa mía.
But me, I don't mind admitting that I'm confused and I am because we didn't just find your nephew's body in the safe. Now, all this was spread out on the floor of the safe just the way you see it.
A mí no me importa admitir que estoy confundido, y de veras que lo estoy... porque... no sólo hallamos el cadáver de su sobrino dentro de la caja fuerte... sino que también todo esto tirado en el piso de la caja.
And although you'd expect to find it in the weather section, you know, because of the glory business and all that, that's not where they put it.
Y aunque usted esperaría encontrarlo en la sección de meteorología, es decir, por la cuestión de la Gloria y todo eso, no es allí donde está.
And, in case you're wondering why i'm telling you all this with my pig friends here, it's because one of the first places here, they found the principle ingredient for the new terror weapon, was in a pigsty.
Y en caso de que se estén preguntando por qué les cuento todo esto aquí con mis amigos cerdos, es porque uno de los primeros lugares en donde se encontraba el ingrediente primordial para la nueva arma de terror, era en una porqueriza.
" All and all, if it's not because of you,
" Al fin y al cabo, si no llega a ser por ti,
Now, if you don't think that's a serious business... tell me about it when your house is burning, we can't get the pump out... and the road's all blocked because of a nigger's car.
Si crees que no es para tanto, ya me dirás qué te parece cuando tu casa esté en llamas y no podamos apagarla. Y la carretera esté obstruida por el coche del negro.
Don't show them to your motorcyclist... it's not because you know me that you know men... Beware of them like cholera, they're all liars... thieves, and the like...
No se las enseñes a tu motero... no porque me conozcas a mí, conoces a todos los hombres... ten cuidado con ellos como con el cólera, son todos... mentirosos,...
But many innocent lives are being lost. And you know very well yourself it's all because of people practicing black magic. I'm sorry to tell you we can't afford to have any more deaths!
Muchas almas se han perdido, y sabes bien que es porque la gente practica magia negra y estoy harto de decirte que no nos podemos permitir más muertes.
I don't know, It's nice to Iearn about people who are different from you, because when you're born some place and you live there all your life, you don't get exposed to a Iot of different kinds of people or places.
Porque cuando uno nace en un lugar y vive toda su vida allí, No se expone diversas clases de gente o de lugares. Así que, la única manera de hacer eso es ir allí, o conseguir que venga aquí, o escribiendo de un lado al otro.
Thanks to compound interest, you now own 98 % of all the world's wealth. Because you hoarded it for three million years, nobody's got any money except for you and Norweb.
Con los intereses, ahora eres dueño del 98 % del capital de la Tierra y nadie tiene nada aparte de ti y Endesa.
It's about belonging, it's about belonging and we all feel like we belong, y'know because of him, you can't say he's dead, we still belong.......
Estamos en ésto, estamos en ésto y todos sentimos que pertenecemos, ya sabes, por él, no se puede decir que haya muerto, aún seguimos....... Bexy, Bexy
This is gonna be the biggest search in the central coast since what? Since probably World War II, and it's all because of you.
Va a ser la búsqueda mas grande de la costa central desde... probablemente desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Man, you understand me, we hurt and suffer but it is the best, because lady. by the fate of his son we let's get a good benefit of all this because we're going to get such a criminal complaint against the couple that they are going to lose their hair.
Hombre, entiéndeme, nos duele y sufrimos pero es lo mejor, porque señora gracias a la suerte de su hijo vamos a sacar una buena tajada de todo esto porque le vamos a meter una querella criminal a la parejita
I don't want you to get upset or anything but with Martin and all, maybe it's not a good idea to be seen together in the building, because he had a lot of friends.
No quiero que te enfades pero con Martin y eso, quizás no es buena idea que nos vean juntos en el edificio, porque tiene muchos amigos.
And whatever you don't have today, it's all because of him.
Y todo lo que no tienes también es por su culpa.
We're all here tonight because of our daughter, Jade, a girl that brings so much light to our life, and as you can tell, if there's one thing we need, it's light.
Estamos todos aquí esta noche por nuestra hija, Jade, una chica que trae tanta luz a nuestra vida. Bueno, como ven, si hay algo que necesitamos, es luz.
No, I seem, on the contrary... a powerful, a motive force... with my own system of thought and philosophy. And all of you, my dears - because it's true - look as big as cockroaches... [Laughing] Or some quite, quite unimportant things.
Ahora parezco, al contrario, una fuerza potente y votiva con mi propia línea de pensamiento y mi filosofía, y todos Uds porque es verdad, se ven del tamaño de cucarachas o como alguna otra cosa sin importancia.
And it's all because of you.
Y todo gracias a ti.
And all of a sudden, you're being competitive. That's because it's a competition!
Si mojo la cama es porque te tengo miedo.
It's just that sometimes, you know... I get the impression... and I know it might be unfair... but I get the impression... you do all this because of me... and not because you believe.
Es que a veces tengo la impresión, y sé que puede ser injusto, pero tengo la impresión de que haces todo esto por mí y no porque tú lo creas.
It's hard for you to see it all because of the way it jolts up and down.
Es difícil para el tanque verlo todo por la forma en que se salta arriba y abajo.
Pretending you only care about football results because the world's a terrible place and what's the point of it all?
Fingir que sólo le importa el fútbol, porque el mundo es un lugar terrible. Como si no hubiera otra cosa.
All the management at NBC... bunch of creeps, and I'm not afraid to say it right now, and, you know, it's funny, because I know you feel the same exact way I do about NBC because you told me on the phone personally last week that you feel the same way.
Todos los directivos de la NBC... panda de lameculos, y no me da miedo decirlo, y es que tiene gracia, porque sé que tú piensas exactamente igual que yo, porque me lo djiste personalmente por teléfono la semana pasada,
Gotta have luck in this world, part of it is your genetic make-up, that's luck and then, what you do out there is also partly genetic, because hard work is genetic the desire to do hard work, the willingness to work hard and be determined and not be turned aside, that's all genetic, too!
Hay que tener suerte en este mundo, parte de ello es tu composición genética. Eso es suerte y luego, lo que haces ahí fuera también es en parte genético, porque el trabajo duro es genético el deseo de hacer trabajo duro, la voluntad de trabajar duro, y ser decidido y que no te dejen a un lado, también es genético...
It's all because of you that we've been taken away from everything that we knew and everybody that we loved.
Por tu culpa se nos alejó de todo... lo que conocíamos y de todos los que queríamos.
And it's all because of you.
Y todo por ti.
It's all really happening, and I know it's because of you.
Todo está realizándose. Y yo sé que es por ti.
And it's all because of You. "
Y es todo por tu culpa ".
- Well, I am, Holman, and it's all because of you.
- Bueno, lo estoy, Holman, y todo gracias a ti.
And I promised that I'd have all those files... transferred to the computer before the review... so now I'm gonna be there, like 24 hours a day getting that done. But it's not because of you, and I just...
Y prometí que transferirría los archivos al computador antes de la revisión, estaré 24 horas al día terminando eso, pero no es por ti y sólo...
It's just because of all the anticipation. And you just have to remember that you love Chandler.
Ya sabes, todo ha sido muy precipitado y acuerdate de cuanto quieres a Chandler.
It's all here because of poo, and now I'll tell you why
* Todo es gracias a la mierda te diré porque *
'Cos I sometimes feel we're better off not reading the novel at all because we come up with these expectations and then of course, we know how it's going. Don't you find?
A veces pienso que es mejor no leer la novela porque siempre tienes expectativas, y encima ya sabes lo que va a pasar. ¿ No crees?
We don't do huge productions, it's better to waste 3 or 10 meters of film than to start all over again because you started too early and weren't concentrating.
Nosotros no hacemos grandes producciones, es mejor perder 3 o 10 metros de película que recomenzar un plano porque empezaste muy pronto y no estaban concentrados.
Or maybe a movie isn't a good idea at all, because you can't talk during, and then, you know, what's the point of any of it?
O quizás la película no sea buena idea, porque no puedes hablar durante ella... y luego, ya sabes, ¿ cual es el punto de tener la cita?
And it's all because of you.
Y es gracias a ti.
- Good, because it's up to all of you to get lots of people to come and make it look great.
Bien, porque está en todos ustedes conseguir a mucha gente para que sea grandioso.

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