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This guy, he looked over at me and he's like,
Me miró y me dijo :
And I was like, " Yeah, you should buy the ticket, we can roll.
Y le dije : " Sí, compra el billete y nos iremos.
You look like you're playing hide-and-seek with the sun your entire life.
Parece que jugaste a las escondidas con el sol toda tu vida.
But some places you go, like, "There's no black people." And that's...
Pero en algunos lugares, dices : "No hay negros". Y eso...
And the comments section was like, " Uh, actually...
Y los comentarios eran del estilo : " En realidad...
And we're like, "Why?"
Y nos preguntamos : "¿ Por qué?".
They're like, "James Bond cannot be played by Idris Elba because Idris Elba is black, and James Bond is white!"
"No lo puede interpretar Idris Elba porque es negro, y Bond es blanco".
They were like, "When you think about it, James Bond was based on a real man, who was white, and so, he should be played by a real white man."
Me dijeron : "James Bond está inspirado en un hombre real que era blanco, así que debería interpretarlo un hombre blanco".
But if you think about it, James Bond often operates in places like Scotland and the UK and Europe.
Pero si lo piensan, James Bond a menudo opera en lugares como Escocia, el Reino Unido y Europa.
I get up and I'm like, "Oh, I feel horrible."
Me levanté y me sentía terrible.
And as I poured the milk into the cereal bowl, my body was like, "Hey, Trevor?"
Cuando serví la leche en el tazón con cereales, mi cuerpo dijo : "Oye, ¿ Trevor?".
I was like, "Okay, go ahead and burp."
Le dije : "Bueno, hazlo, eructa".
"Okay, here it comes." And my body was like...
"Bien, aquí viene". Y mi cuerpo hizo...
He's like, "Yeah. And?"
Me dijo : "Sí, ¿ y?".
He's like, "Yeah, right. And?"
Me dijo : "Bueno. ¿ Y?".
And he's like, "Trevor, how was your show?"
Y me dijo : "Trevor, ¿ cómo estuvo tu show?".
I was like, " Yeah, and I'd like to live to see another, Mick.
Me dije : " Sí, y me gustaría vivir para contarlo.
I'd walk into a store in Edinburgh, and I'd just be like...
En Edimburgo, entraba a una tienda y decía :
He'd emerge like he was stepping out of the plane and into a music video.
Emerge como si bajara de un avión en un video musical.
And I always imagine Nelson Mandela was sitting in the room, and his assistant came over. She was like,
Siempre imagino que Nelson Mandela estaba sentado, y que su asistente se acercó y le dijo :
And Barack was like, " Oh, man, Nelson Mandela, this is the craziest day of my life!
Y Barack le dijo : " Hermano, Nelson Mandela, ¡ es el día más loco de mi vida!
And Nelson Mandela was like, " Not with that voice.
Y Nelson Mandela dijo : " No con esa voz.
When people say they don't like immigrants, most of the time, they're not referring to immigrants who look and sound like them.
La gente que detesta a los inmigrantes no detesta a aquellos que hablan y se ven como ellos.
And the Russians were like, "What did you say?"
Los rusos dijeron : "¿ Qué dijiste?".
I love how guys talk about an erection like it's something bought at the store and we can't return.
Me gusta que los hombres hablen de una erección como algo que compraron y no se puede devolver.
And just be like, " Okay, okay.
Digan : " De acuerdo.
And he was like, " Vlad. The guys got to be there at three o'clock.
Dijo : " Vlad, los muchachos deben estar a las tres en punto.
Type one, you got a death metal SEAL, which is, like, the beard and the tattoos and everything, and then type two is your squared away, fitness freak, entrepreneur SEAL.
Tipo uno el SEAL metalero que es el que lleva barba y tatuajes y todo eso y luego el segundo que es el correcto, fan del ejercicio y el SEAL emprendedor.
And once we get airborne, would you like a bowl of fresh fruit?
Y una vez despeguemos, ¿ querría fruta fresca?
Rhodes and his engineers hid it in the plans to protect against situations just like this.
Rhodes y sus ingenieros lo ocultaron en los planos para protegerlos en caso de situaciones como esta.
Well, when you get to be my age, boys, you both pray for and fear situations like this.
Bueno, cuando lleguen a mi edad, chicos, rezarán por y temerán a la vez situaciones como estas.
Like their shoes and their favorite nail salons, latest haircuts, eyebrow shaping, spinning class....
Como sus zapatos y su sitio favorito para hacerse las uñas, los últimos cortes de pelo, forma de las cejas, clases de spinning...
There's no digital record like phone, text and e-mail.
No hay registro digital como con los teléfonos, mensajes o correos.
You know? Had someone shoot and miss, so that he looks like a victim and not a suspect.
Ya sabes, que alguien le dispare y falle para parecer una víctima y no un sospechoso.
Biology and physics coming together- - this is like the peanut butter cup of the mind.
La biología y la física uniendose... esto es como una copa de mantequilla de maní para la mente.
It's like she's stealing him and they're just having the best time doing all their dumb girly stuff together.
Es como si ella me lo está robando y sólo están teniendo un buen momento haciendo todas las tontas cosas femeninas juntas.
We're celebrating our new A.D.D. drug, and it'll probably be over in, like, six minutes.
Celebraremos el lanzamiento de una nueva droga para el déficit de atención, y probablemente terminará en unos seis minutos.
You can't expect us to do quality work with you popping in and out like this.
No puedes esperar que hagamos nada de calidad si vas entrando y saliendo así.
And her hands were like two frozen chunks of tundra.
Sus manos eran como dos pedazos helados de tundra.
And you know what happens to people like me in prison.
Y ya saben lo que pasa cuando gente como yo va a la cárcel.
I told her if day care is anything like prison, find the biggest baby and knock him out.
Le dije que si la guardería se parece en algo a la prisión, que busque al bebé más grande y lo noqueé.
You need to push your brain out of its comfort zone and reach mental exhaustion. my brain must look like the hulk. you could learn to speak hindi.
Tienes que alejar a tu cerebro de su zona de confort y llegar al agotamiento mental. Te llevo cada día al trabajo, mi cerebro debe parecer Hulk. Si de verdad quieres ponerte un desafío, podrías aprender a hablar hindi.
It's a little strange and it's not like we have a lot to talk about.
Es un poco raro ir a cenar con tu ex pareja, y no es que tengamos mucho de que hablar.
You kind of look like Zack trying to figure out that tip. and working for an ex-boyfriend isn't very smart.
Me recuerdas un poco a Zack haciéndose una idea de esa propina. Pues claro que no quiero que estés mal, pero también quiero que seas inteligente. y trabajar para un ex novio no es que sea muy inteligente.
He's thin and sexy like a Jewish greyhound.
Es delgado y sexy como un galgo judío.
And I'd like to think Howie wouldn't take a job.
Y me gustaría pensar que Howie no aceptaría un trabajo que me hiciera sentir incómoda.
and I don't like it now.
No me gusta después del sexo y no me gusta ahora.
And I don't want you to be stuck at a job you don't like.
Y yo no quiero que tú estés atascada en un trabajo que no te gusta.
it's okay. like I'm being selfish and holding you back.
No tienes que hacerlo, está bien. ¿ Ves? Ahora me siento fatal, como si estuviera siendo egoísta e impidiera que avanzases.
So, I am six-foot-something and sitting in that plane, like, all curled up,
Mido más de un metro ochenta.
But, like- - Oh, yeah, Carl. Just like me, we like to fight and sex is fun for us.
Sí, a Carl y a mí nos gusta pelear y el sexo es divertido para nosotros.
and like you said 33
and like it or not 28
and like that 19
and like i said 57
and like you 18
like 39801
likely 68
liked 74
likes 62
like my father 47
and like it or not 28
and like that 19
and like i said 57
and like you 18
like 39801
likely 68
liked 74
likes 62
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
likewise 551
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
likewise 551
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like always 190
like a cat 27
like i care 29
like you 1448
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like always 190
like a cat 27
like i care 29
like you 1448