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There's still a heat signature where it used to be, but it's all scattered and dissipating.
Sigue habiendo una firma térmica donde estaba, pero está toda dispersa y desvaneciéndose.
It's just, well... there's the story me and my dad always tell, and then there's what really happened.
Es solo que... bueno, está la historia que papá y yo contamos. Y luego está lo que realmente sucedió.
If you speak in current trends, then there is no stress, and it's very serene.
Si hablas de las tendencias actuales, no hay estrés y es muy serena.
And the very second the sun starts shining, there's some kind of euphoria in people.
Y en el instante en el que empieza a brillar el sol, notas que hay cierto tipo de euforia en la gente.
There's a certain vibe from sitting outside all night long. until the sun rises extremely early, and it kind of gets romantic, in a way that only exists in summer.
Hay cierta energía al estar sentado afuera toda la noche hasta que el sol sale tempranísimo y las cosas se ponen románticas de una forma que solo sucede en el verano.
And then there's also our shawarma chef.
También importa nuestro chef de shawarma.
And that's where there'll be a fire box at one end of the cooking pit and a chimney at the other.
En un extremo del asador hay un fogón y en el otro extremo, una chimenea.
And there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about the amount of animals it took for us to serve our menu for the day.
No pasa ni un día en el que no piense en la cantidad de animales necesarios para cumplir con el menú del día.
It means community is what barbecue means, and there's a community of us that are still keeping it alive.
Lo que el asado significa es comunidad. Tenemos una comunidad que lo mantiene vivo.
They're both old. Yeah, and there's, like, this whole duck thing, but mostly they're old.
¿ Qué tal si pedimos nuestro Comidas al mismo tiempo
Besides Han, there hasn't been a girl in here in days, and... she's not my type.
Además de Han, no ha habido una chica aquí en días, y... ella no es mi tipo.
I want to get back to the dessert bar while Bobby's still there and possibly working up a little sweat.
Quiero volver al bar de postres mientras Bobby siga allí y posiblemente trabajando y sudando un poco.
They're announcing soon, and there's sure to be a bounce.
Lo anunciarán pronto y seguro subirán los precios.
Steph Reed. That's her name. She was in on every pitch, and she doesn't work there anymore, either.
Estuvo presente en cada reunión y ya no trabaja ahí tampoco.
Information like this is never free. There's bribes and payoffs under it.
Información así nunca es gratis, siempre hay sobornos y pagos ocultos.
I may have given you the impression that I was happy there, and I may well end up that way. But the truth is, it's been bumpy.
Quizá te haya parecido que estaba contenta ahí y puede que termine siendo así pero lo cierto es que ha sido difícil.
And I don't know what kind of cookies you like, so there's a variety.
No sé cuáles galletas te gustan, así que pedí varias.
There's brush along the shore and an incline to conceal you. - No, there isn't.
Hay arbustos a lo largo de la costa y una pendiente para ocultaros.
Sorry, Richard, but it's cold out there, and we heard something...
Lo siento, Richard, pero fuera hace frío y hemos oído algo...
And we both know, the real problem is, there's no pay for the men.
Y ambos sabemos que el auténtico problema es que no hay paga para los hombres.
There's a week's worth of food and supplies in there.
Hay comida y provisiones para una semana ahí dentro.
There's a fight coming, and you have to save us.
Se acerca una pelea y tú tienes que salvarnos.
There's a lot of acreage out there, and Jake does know every inch of it, so it could be.
El área es muy grande y Jake conoce cada centímetro, así que podría ser.
I can't spare another search party, and I'm not sending these good folks out there after all that's happened...
No puedo perder a otro equipo de búsqueda. y no enviaré a estas personas allá afuera después de todo lo que pasó...
Well, there's only two roads he can use, and we'll be on both of them with fast trucks.
Pues solo hay dos caminos que puede usar y estaremos en ambos caminos con camionetas rápidas.
It's only got four wheels and there's no fucking hot tub in the back.
Solo tiene cuatro ruedas y sin Jacuzzi.
There... there's no food here, and the baby and I just got so hungry, and I need you to not be mad at me because I just...
Aquí no hay comida. El bebé y yo estamos famélicos. No te enojes conmigo porque solo fue un mordisco.
Oh, and there's someone here to see you.
Y tienes visita.
There's the world as it is... and the world as we would like it to be.
Existe un mundo tal y como es... y otro como nos gustaría que fuera.
There's this new theater that has couches and waiter service.
Hay un cine nuevo que tiene sofás y servicio de camareros.
And since there's no pool...
Y ya que no hay piscina...
I just got there last year, and there's still a lot of red flags.
Llegué allí el año pasado, y todavía hay un montón de banderas rojas.
And there's no such thing as daddy issues.
Y eso de los problemas paternales no existe.
And if I can love, I guess that means there's something wrong with you, not me.
Y si soy capaz de amar, eso quiere decir que hay algo mal contigo, no conmigo.
You're messed up, all right, and that's why she finally went out there.
Sí. Estás jodido y es por eso que finalmente salió.
There's nothing on earth that makes you feel so big and so inadequate all at the same time.
No hay nada en el mundo que te haga sentir tan grande y tan inadecuado al mismo tiempo.
And there's no point waiting for the russians.
Y no tiene sentido esperar a los rusos.
And then we're gonna kill you and take your woman, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Y luego te mataremos y tomaremos a tu mujer, y no hay una maldita cosa que puedas hacer al respecto.
And the people that owned these pants were super poor'cause there's no money in my pants.
Y los dueños de estos pantalones eran super pobres, porque no hay nada de dinero en los míos.
And if you factor in things like gun ownership, uh, previous arrest records, multiple hospitalizations for the wife and for Marshawn, there's a 78 % chance...
Y si tu factor en cosas como dueños de armas, uh, registros de arresto previo, multiples ingresos al hospital de la esposa y Marshawn, Eso tiene una probabilidad del 78 %...
So you go in there and you start talking neighborhoods, different areas, different corners, we might be able to get a better idea of what he's worried about.
Asi que ve ahi y empieza a hablar con los vecinos. diferentes areas, diferentes esquinas, Deberiamos tenes una mejor idea de lo que el esta preocupado.
Let's just get out there and deal with these amateurs you hired.
Entonces salgamos y lidiemos con estas novatas.
If I had seen a voyeur peeping in Ms. Pain's window, and I am not saying that I was ever there,
Si hubiera visto a un mirón fisgoneando por la ventana de la Srta. Dolor, y no estoy diciendo que haya estado allí,
[laughing] going over and over it, and I don't think there's any reason why we couldn't have a child.
Le he estado dando muchas vueltas, Francisco, he estado pensando y creo que no hay ninguna razón por la cual no podamos tener un hijo.
I opened the door, and there was Ángeles'husband... and Francisco's secretary, Carolina... doing... well, you know what.
Y entonces abrí la puerta y estaban... el marido de Ángeles... y la secretaria de don Francisco, Carolina... haciendo... Bueno, tú ya sabes lo que estaban haciendo.
But if there's a tie... and this is where Donald Duck comes in, it's resolved... by the toss of a coin.
Pero si hay empate... Ahí es donde entra el Pato Donald. Se resuelve lanzando una moneda al aire.
I am well, my family are well, and there's peace, this is all I ask.
Estoy bien, mi familia está bien y hay paz, es todo lo que pido.
There is God's will and nothing more.
Está la voluntad de Dios y nada más.
# There's light for a look at the Savior... Sometimes God speaks to us in unexpected and surprising ways.
A veces el Señor nos habla de maneras inesperadas.
so I read your book, and there's something that stuck out to me.
Leí su libro, y hay algo que me llama la atención.
True, and there are other examples like that throughout history, but here's the difference.
Cierto, y hay muchos otros ejemplos de este tipo en la historia, pero le digo cuál es la diferencia.
and there's more 69
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there's a 25
there's always hope 39
there's no time like the present 22
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there's a 25
there's always hope 39
there's no time like the present 22
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there's a way 67
there's always another way 25
there's nothing to see 65
there's nothing i can do about it 58
there's nothing in here 52
there's nothing to be scared of 52
there's nothing wrong with that 87
there's a woman 38
there's an 48
there's a way 67
there's always another way 25
there's nothing to see 65
there's nothing i can do about it 58
there's nothing in here 52
there's nothing to be scared of 52
there's nothing wrong with that 87
there's a woman 38
there's an 48