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And you're out traducir español

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Half the time when I call you, you're out with your friends, and you can't talk anyway, so don't act like a victim sitting around all lonely.
La mitad del tiempo cuando te llamo, estás fuera con tus amigas y de todas formas no puedes hablar. Así que no actúes como la víctima que siempre está sola.
Trying to help you out, and you're gonna question me?
Intento ayudarte, ¿ y me cuestionas?
And you're gonna figure out how to dispose of the locket, right?
Y tú vas a ver cómo te deshaces del medallón. ¿ De acuerdo?
And you get to darwinian evolution, and you find out we're not special on this earth, we're just one among other lifeforms.
Llegamos a la evolución darwiniana y descubrimos que no somos especiales sino una forma más de vida.
But you have to realize that when all these demons come out, and they're gonna come out, you have to face them alone.
Pero tienen que darse cuenta que cuando todos esos demonios aparecen, y van a aparecer. Tienen que enfrentarlos solos.
You know, you're going to have to, like, hang out with him and stuff after this.
Vas a tener que juntarte con él después de esto.
And if you're wondering if I was behind the Horsemen's recent debacle, I'll let you work that out for yourself.
Y si te estás preguntando si estoy detrás del reciente debacle de Los Jinetes, voy a dejar que lo soluciones tú mismo.
And like Dorothy did when she landed in Oz, you're beginning to realize that the only way out is through.
Y al igual que lo hizo Dorothy cuando aterrizó en Oz, estás empezando a darte cuenta que la única salida, es ir mas adentro.
Jack, for a moment, they will think you're Hannes, so lead them out and keep them busy.
Jack, por un momento van a pensar que eres Hannes, por lo que distráelos y mantenlos ocupados.
For us, it's just, you know, we're out, and we're getting paid, and we're playing.
Para nosotros, esto sólo significa pasear, tocar y cobrar.
I know that you're gonna be selling to people, and you're gonna just be telling your life story, but you need to cut that shit out right now, or you're gonna get popped.
Se que vas a venderle a otros, y vas a contarles la historia de tu vida, tienes que parar esa mierda, inmediatamente, o te van a matar.
Obviously, you're very good at what you do, So if you want to get out of here soon and with a clean history...
Obviamente, eres muy buena en lo que haces, así que si deseas salir de aquí pronto y con un historial limpio...
- Ok, the plan is you're going to get out of here and I'm going to hold them off as long as I can.
Bien, el plan es que salgas de aquí y yo voy a mantenerlos retirados lo más que pueda.
You got to get on a boat and you're going to take that money and you're going to get out of here.
Tienes que conseguir un barco... y vas a tomar ese dinero y vas a salir de aquí...
Why don't you go and find out if you're so brave?
¿ Por qué no vas y lo averiguas si eres tan valiente?
Unless you equalize the pressure inside and out you're not getting that damn thing open!
¡ Todd! Si no igualas la presión no podrás abrir esa maldita puerta.
Two knocks and we'll know you're out.
Dos golpes y sabremos que ya saliste.
You're just as likely to take out half the Metropolitan Police Force unless you can tell me how you can tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys.
Podría sacar a la mitad de la policía metropolitana... a menos que me diga cómo puede diferenciar... a los buenos de los malos.
I swear to God, I will fucking smash your puny little fucking skull and then I will pluck every little pubic hair out of your bollocks if I think you're getting anywhere close
Juro por Dios que aplastaré tu maldita cabeza y te arrancaré cada vello de las pelotas sí creo que te acercas remotamente
When you're a kid, you want to explore and see what's hiding in the shadows even if it scares the shit out of you.
Cuando eres niño, quieres explorar... y ver lo que se esconde en las sombras, aunque te dé un buen susto.
You're cutting in and out a bit.
Se está cortando un poco.
And I better not find out that you're late to that school.
Y espero no enterarme que llegaste tarde.
I don't see why you don't understand how dangerous it is out there and that we don't approve of who you're associating with!
¡ No entiendo cómo no te das cuenta de lo peligroso que es y que no estamos de acuerdo con que tengas esos amigos!
You're here out of pity, as a favor to your old man, so stop busting my balls, and ask the Spaniard what he gave his friend the manager for the info.
¡ De lástima estás acá y por hacerle un favor a tu viejo! No me rompas las pelotas y si querés saber, preguntale al Gallego qué le dio a su amiga por la información.
And you're saying that, pending blood results, Craig's story checks out?
¿ Y dices que, antes del análisis de sangre, que la historia de Craig es posible?
And you're welcome, for getting you out of there.
Y gracias, por sacarme fuera de allí
There's a man lying out there somewhere, possibly dying, and you're buggerising around thinking about only yourself and your addiction.
Hay un hombre yaciendo en alguna parte, posiblemente muriendo, y tú estás radiante pensando sólo en ti mismo y en tu adicción.
I mean, you're always running in and out of here, you're cooking something, you're volunteering somewhere.
Siempre andas entrando y saliendo... cocinando algo, trabajando de voluntaria en algún lado.
You think you're making strides, you think you're taking the initiative. And then, the next minute, they grind your work out of existence.
Crees que tomas la iniciativa, y al minuto siguiente borran tu trabajo y deja de existir.
And by the time you go a third hop out from the original target, you're watching this bartender chat with her mother about Botox.
Y para cuando llegas al tercer contacto del objetivo original, estás viendo a un bar tender... conversar con su madre de Botox.
You can go out and know that you're safe.
Puedes publicar y sabes que estás a salvo.
Dr. Greer said they were gonna stop sending teams out, that they were gonna lock the doors and wait it out. No, you're a doctor.
El doctor Greer dijo que iban a dejar de mandar equipos... que iban a cerrar las puertas y esperar.
I just... I simply think that we're here and I... We have to figure out a response to this, somehow, and you've got us...
Sólo creo que ya estamos aquí y tenemos que decidir cómo reaccionar a esto, y ya nos tiene...
He's out there now doing god knows what. And you're trading on his infamy.
Está allá afuera haciendo Dios sabe qué y tú estás jugando con esa infamia.
And nothing ever works out, is that what you're trying to say?
Y no logras nada nunca, ¿ eso quieres decir?
And there, you're going to figure out the murderer.
Allí encontrarás al asesino.
You're going to come with our employee and fill out some forms.
Irá con nuestro empleado a llenar algunos formularios.
Now you're back, and you're suddenly quitting the law, cheating hotels out of expensive liquor, wearing a weird pinkie ring?
Ahora que está de vuelta, y estás repentinamente dejar la ley, engaño hoteles de licor caro, llevaba un anillo meñique raro?
And if you find you're not happy with it, it's not a big deal to change it out.
Y si usted encuentra que no es feliz con ella, que no es un gran problema para cambiar a cabo.
I'm gonna get you a glass of water and we're gonna figure some things out okay?
Voy a traerte un vaso de agua y resolveremos algunas cosas. ¿ Está bien?
There's probably a lot of people who'll hear this and be like, "You're out of your mind."
Seguramente hay mucha gente que... pensará que estoy loco por decirlo...
- and then you're out of here.
- y entonces estás fuera de aquí.
I'll figure it out. Oh, and let me guess. You're drinking a nice glass of red wine.
Déjame adivinar, te bebes una buena copa de vino tinto.
Basically, he's not running fast enough, and the school says, " Sorry, you're out.
Básicamente, no está yendo lo suficientemente rápido... y el colegio dice : " Lo siento, no seguirá.
All right, I get it. You're all angry at me because I made you feel important and then you found out you weren't.
Entiendo que estén enfadadas conmigo porque las hice sentir importantes y descubrieron que no lo son.
And now you're following this girl out to the ass-crack of the solar system, huh?
Y ahora sigues a esta chica hasta la raja del culo del sistema solar, ¿ eh?
And when you decide out of the blue that you're gonna run for congress that has an effect on me!
¡ Y cuando decides de la nada qué quieres entrar al Congreso!
One more time and you're out.
Una vez más y estás fuera.
And if you're going to freak out every time that you see a frozen chicken, I think we should go to the hospital.
Y si vas a asustarte cada vez que ves un pollo congelado creo que debes ir al hospital.
We go through that door together, we come out together, and anything other than that, you're a piece of shit.
Atravesamos esa puerta juntos, salimos juntos, y cualquier otra cosa, eres una mierda.
Diesel, I understand what you're saying, but we've painted ourselves into a corner, and now, we have to paint ourselves out.
Diesel, entiendo lo que dices, pero nosotros mismos nos hemos acorralado, y ahora debemos salir.

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