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Andrew traducir español

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Dr. Andrew Devlin, Laura's suspect. And ex-fiance.
Dr Andrew Devlin, Laura sospechoso y ex prometido
You knew that I was engaged to Andrew.
Tú sabías que yo estaba comprometido a Andrew
- And Andrew.
- Y Andrew
Can't see you ever getting in the mood with a guy like Andrew.
No se puede ver que para que no penetren en el estado de ánimo con un tipo como Andrew
The Andrew Devlin I knew was always decisive.
El Andrew Devlin sabía siempre fue decisiva
Yeah, Andrew Devlin.
Sí, Andrew Devlin
I never liked Andrew Devlin, and the feeling was mutual.
Nunca me gustó Andrew Devlin, y el sentimiento era mutuo
I'm guessing Andrew took that hard.
Supongo que Andrew tuvo que dura
Andrew was furious that he had to pay Emma 25 % of his earnings for the rest of her life.
Andrew estaba furioso que tenía pagar Emma 25 % de sus ganancias para el resto de su vida
Andrew's like Tony Stark's evil twin.
El gemelo malvado de como Tony Stark de Andrew
There is no one else, Andrew.
No hay nadie más, Andrew
Andrew, you're off the hook. You don't need to smooth talk me anymore.
Andrew, eres descolgado Usted no es necesario para suavizar me hables más
Hi, I'm Andrew Mittal.
Hola, soy Andrew Mittal.
I'm happy with Andrew.
Soy feliz con Andrew.
Is Andrew in town?
¿ Está Andrew en la ciudad?
Well, I'd hang out, but I'm making dinner with Andrew tonight.
Bueno, quedaría contigo, pero esta noche ceno con Andrew.
We're having dinner with Andrew's father tonight.
Esta noche cenamos con el padre de Andrew.
You really mustn't feel badly about not wanting to meet Andrew's parents.
Realmente no tienes que sentirte mal por no querer conocer a los padres de Andrew.
I don't want to break up with Andrew.
No quiero romper con Andrew.
It's exactly the sense of adventure Andrew's mother and I tried to foster in our own children.
Es exactamente el sentido de la aventura que la madre de Andrew y yo tratamos de inculcar a nuestros hijos.
You know what I mean. And Andrew's father was so... amazing- - he was warm and welcoming.
Sabes lo que quiero decir, y el padre de Andrew era tan... increíble :
I mean, Andrew is smart, he's kind, he doesn't dress like a high school student who just got expelled. What is wrong with me?
Quiero decir, Andrew es inteligente, es amable, no se viste como un estudiante de instituto al que acaban de expulsar. ¿ Qué me pasa?
You know, you might have to accept the fact that whatever your relationship with Andrew means, you just don't want it.
¿ Sabes? Puede que tengas que aceptar el hecho de que signifique lo que signifique tu relación con Andrew, simplemente no lo quieres.
Skim milk latte for Joan and whole milk latte for Andrew.
Café con leche desnatada para Joan y café con leche entera para Andrew.
Why'd you want to meet? Um... Andrew, you're such a great guy, and I'm lucky to know you.
¿ Por qué has querido que nos veamos? Andrew, eres un tipo genial, y tengo la suerte de conocerte.
Andrew, are you okay?
Andrew, ¿ estás bien?
No. Andrew?
No. ¿ Andrew?
You know, you might have to accept the fact that, whatever your relationship with Andrew means, you just don't want it.
Sabes, podrías tener que aceptar el hecho que, sea lo que signifique tu relación con Andrew, no la quieres.
Skim-milk latte for Joan and whole-milk latte for Andrew.
Café con leche desnatada para Joan y café con leche entera para Andrew.
Six days ago, my boyfriend Andrew Mittal drank coffee from a cup with my name on it.
Hace seis días mi novio, Andrew Mittal, tomó café de un vaso que tenía mi nombre.
Andrew was brilliant and kind.
Andrew era brillante y amable.
You say this guy Andrew was your boyfriend?
¿ Dices que Andrew fue tu novio?
We can't really do anything with the fact that Elana March said she knows what you and Andrew were talking about, because there was a lot of people in that coffee shop, and she could have heard that from anyone.
No podemos hacer nada respecto al hecho de que Elana March dijo que sabe lo que tú y Andrew estuvisteis hablando, porque había un montón de personas en aquella cafetería, y podría haberlo escuchado de cualquiera.
It's been almost a week since Andrew died.
Ha pasado casi un semana desde que Andrew murió.
Andrew died because he knew me.
Andrew murió porque me conocía.
I was cleaning out Andrew's apartment.
Estaba limpiando el apartamento de Andrew.
I... I can't help but feel responsible for what happened to Andrew.
No... puedo evitar sentirme responsable de lo que le ocurrió a Andrew.
Did Andrew know you put her in jail?
¿ Sabía Andrew que usted la encarceló?
I don't hold you responsible for Andrew's death.
No la hago responsable de la muerte de Andrew.
Andrew would have been better off.
Andrew habría estado en mejores circunstancias.
I was sorry to hear about the murder of Andrew Mittal and more than a bit unhappy to learn that his death was an attempt on your own most cherished life.
Sentí escuchar que Andrew Mittal había sido asesinado y me sentí más que infeliz al saber que su muerte fue un intento contra tu apreciada vida.
Giving you a gift here, Andrew.
Tómalo como un regalo, Andrew.
You're gonna testify against your boyfriend, Andrew Nichols.
Vas a testificar en contra de tu novio, Andrew Nichols.
We're gonna have to let Andrew walk.
Tendremos que dejar ir a Andrew.
Andrew walks.
Andrew camina.
Andrew Munsey was a very capable spy.
Andrew Munsey era un espía muy capaz.
U.S. President Andrew Jackson is hesitant to intervene, and Texas has no choice but to declare itself an independent nation.
El presidente americano Andrew Jackson es reticente a intervenir, y Texas no tiene otra elección que declararse a sí misma nación independiente.
Named after Colonel John Coffee, protégé of President Andrew Jackson.
Nombrado en honor del coronel John Coffee, protegido del presidente Andrew Jackson.
Andrew Jackson.
Andrew Jackson.
And he and andrew munsey were plotting a coup
Él y Andrew Munsey estaban tramando un golpe de Estado En contra del régimen de Irán.

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