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Anwar traducir español

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My condition... don't tell her anything, Anwar.
Anwar... no le digas nada de mi situación.
You? Anwar, you?
¿ Anwar, usted?
¡ Ram Bahadur!
Where's that friend of yours, Anwar?
¿ Dónde está ese amigo el tuyo, Anwar?
Who else but Anwar spoils them?
¿ Quién pero Anwar los estropea?
Anwar Band Co. is locked up!
¡ Anwar Band Y Co. estaba cerrado!
Anwar pesters him so he takes it Else he is so busy with work.
Anwar se lo recuerda de tomarlos pero él está tan ocupado con el trabajo.
Like Anwar blushes at seeing you!
¡ Como Anwar se ruboriza en verle!
Anwar Sadat.
Anwar Sadat.
Anwar Sadat?
¿ Anwar Sadat?
Why don't you bring the car around, An war.
Da la vuelta con el coche, Anwar.
Think of Jimmy Carter. Anwar Sadat. Camp David.
Piensa en Jimmy Carter, Anwar Sadat, Camp David.
Bet 200,000 on a century partnership between Anwar and Afridi
Apuesta 200.000 entre Anwar y Afridi
There's a 12-point kick with ANWAR between exploring and drilling.
Para la RNVSA, hay gran diferencia entre explorar y perforar.
This is drilling, which is the only way you know if there's oil there and which will forever damage natural treasures like ANWAR.
En este caso, sólo perforando podemos saber si hay petróleo ahí dañando permanentemente tesoros naturales como RNVSA.
Maybe then you can explain your problem with drilling ANWAR for oil.
Así podrás explicar tu objeción sobre perforar RNVSA.
So as a matter of cold fact, Chipper you'll see it's the porcupine caribou and ANWAR's their calving ground and you can't put a price tag on that.
Así que, de hecho, pequeño verás que la RNVSA es el lugar donde nace el caribú erizo y eso no tiene precio.
Dr. Anwar Samir, 30 years old, single, Saudi Arabian descent.
Dr. Anwar Samir, 30 años, soltero. Árabe.
Dr. Anwar Samir. He's 30 years old, single, came to New York in'95.
30 años, soltero, vino acá en el'95.
Martin, Samantha, I want you to check Anwar's apartment and his girlfriend.
Martin, Samantha revisen las casas de él y ella.
Anwar, this is Dr. Falk.
Anwar, habla el Dr. Falk.
I'm sorry, Anwar, but there are other factors in this decision.
Considero otras cosas.
I'm sorry, Anwar, but even if I wrote the recommendation... I don't think they'd accept you.
Lo siento, pero aún si la escribiera dudo que lo acepten.
Anwar did a six-week rotation on a biotech company last summer.
Anwar, trabajó para una empresa de biotecnología.
We just got Anwar's bank statements.
Tenemos su registro bancario.
After this investigation... do you think Anwar will be able to get a job in his field?
¿ Crees que Anwar podrá hallar empleo tras esto?
Anwar I know, but I do not recognize the other man.
Conozco a Anwar. Peo no reconozco al otro.
- Is Anwar in trouble?
¿ Está en líos?
Well, I can tell you that Anwar is not guilty of anything.
Puedo decirle que Anwar no es culpable de nada.
Anwar is torn between the world he knew and the world he's in.
Está indeciso entre el mundo que conoció y éste.
I love this country, and so does Anwar.
Amo a este país. Y Anwar también.
Think he's being truthful about Anwar?
¿ Crees que fue sincero sobre Anwar?
Don't trust them, Anwar!
No confíes en ellos.
And Anwar's fingerprints are all over the apartment.
Y las huellas de Anwar están por todas partes.
She saw Kamal and Anwar come in late last night, drunk as skunks.
Kamal y Anwar llegaron muy ebrios anoche.
Anwar was definitely looking for something.
Anwar definitivamente buscaba algo.
We just got a call from Anwar's supervisor, Dr. Falk.
¿ Hola? Recién llamó el supervisor de Anwar el Dr. Falk.
His doorman just saw Anwar outside his building, waving a gun.
Su portero acaba de ver a Anwar fuera del edificio. Armado.
Within the last month, Anwar wrote three checks for $ 1,000 each.
Este mes, Anwar giró 3 cheques por $ 1000 cada uno.
- Anwar gives Kamal money.
- Anwar da dinero a Kamal.
Kamal gets cold feet and Anwar eliminates him.
ÉI se asusta, Anwar lo elimina.
Anwar's girlfriend, Lindsey, works in Pediatrics.
La novia de Anwar, Lindsey, trabaja ahí.
Listen to me, your loyalty is honorable... but time is running out for Anwar and you.
Escúcheme, Lindsey, su lealtad es honrosa, pero se les acaba el tiempo.
Anwar's our main suspect for Kamal's murder.
Anwar es el sospechoso principal del asesinato...
The FBI has been looking for you.
Anwar, te busca el FBI.
- Does Anwar know?
- ¿ Anwar lo sabe?
I called the manager. A guy matching Anwar's description... was there an hour before the bomb threat.
Llamé y dijeron que alguien como Anwar fue allá antes de la amenaza.
That must be why Anwar took Kamal's keys.
- Por eso tomó las llaves.
What about that anthrax Anwar ripped off for us?
¿ Y las muestras de ántrax?
Anwar killed him.
Anwar lo mató.
- Yes, Anwar.
- Sí.

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