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Anything you want to talk about traducir español

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We can talk about anything you want to talk about.
Podemos hablar de lo que quieras.
Listen, Christina, if there's... if there's ever anything you want to talk about, about what might be going on at home or whatever, you know that I'm here, okay?
Oye, Christina, si hay algo de lo que quieras hablar de lo que pueda pasar en casa, o lo que sea, ya sabes que estoy aquí, ¿ de acuerdo?
Anything you want to talk about, call me...
Cualquier cosa de la que quieras hablar. Llámame. Llámame.
Anything you want to talk about?
¿ Quieres que lo hablemos?
Si hay algo de lo que quieras hablar,...
is there anything you want to talk about?
¿ Quieres hablar de algo?
Daria, is there anything you want to talk about?
Daria, ¿ quieres hablar de algo?
Anything you want to talk about?
¿ Quieres hablarlo?
Anytime there's anything you want to talk about.
Por favor, llámame a la hora que sea si quieres hablar.
We're pretty jammed up out there so unless there's anything you want to talk about, sign the bottom of the form.
Volvamos de nuevo al trabajo. Si no tienes nada más que decir, firma al final del informe.
Mom, if there's ever anything you want to talk about with me, you can.
Mamá, si hay algo de que lo que quieras hablar conmigo, puedes hacerlo.
Is there anything you want to talk about?
¿ Quieres hablarme de algo?
um... that is, if there's anything you want to talk about at all, anything that happened while you were gone, uh... I'm not really that hard a guy to talk to.
Si hay algo de lo que quieras hablar, lo que sea que pasó mientras te fuiste, uh, realmente no soy ese tipo duro con el que hablar.
He can talk to you about anything you want to talk about.
Él puede hablar con usted sobre cualquier cosa que desea hablar.
If there's anything you want to talk about...
Si hay algo de lo que quieras hablar...
Anything you want to talk about?
¿ Algo de lo que quieras hablar?
If there's anything you want to talk about... anything you wanna get off your chest, then I'm here for you.
Si hay algo de lo que quieras hablar, algo que oprima tu pecho, entonces... aquí estoy para ti
But, uh... i know you don't want to talk about it - that's why we haven't said anything - but, uh... something must have happened, bob.
No tengo ni idea.
Was there, uh, anything in particular that you want to talk to me about, Miss Prudy?
¿ Hay algo en particular de lo que quieras hablar?
I will talk to you as often as you want, for as long as you want about anything you want.
Hablaré con usted cuando quiera, por el tiempo que quiera y de lo que quiera.
Anything you want to talk about, soldier?
¿ Quieres hablar de algo?
Talk to mary if you want to know anything about old polly. Mary.
Hable con Mary si quiere saber algo de la vieja Polly.
All right, I don't want to talk to you about anything.
Bueno, no tengo intención de hablar contigo de nada.
Listen, is there anything that, you know, you want to talk about that's bothering you?
¿ Quieres hablar de algo que te preocupe?
But if you see anything, I want you to talk to me about it.
Pero si ves algo, quiero que me lo cuentes.
Oh, sweetheart, If you don't tell us your name... and your friend doesn't want to talk about it, I can't do anything.
Oh, cariño, si no nos dices tu nombre y tu amigo no quiere hablar, no puedo hacer nada.
And if there should be anything at all that you wanna talk about then I want you to come to me or to us.
Y si hay algo de lo que quieras hablar, cualquier cosa quiero que acudas a mí o a nosotros.
If you want to talk about anything...
Si quieres hablar sobre lo que sea ven y habla con tu madre.
You want to talk about anything?
¿ Quieres hablar de algo?
If you knew anything about sports, there's about 6 teams up here, so I don't want to talk about it, OK?
Si sabrías algo de deportes, sabrías que hay 6 equipos aquí y no quiero hablar de esto. ¿ OK?
Susan, if there's anything I can do, if you want to talk about anything -
Susan, si puedo ayudarte en algo, si quieres hablar del tema...
But I want you to talk to me about anything, okay?
Pero quiero que me cuentes lo que sea, ¿ de acuerdo?
You don't really want to be here, and we don't really have anything to talk about.
Tú en realidad no quieres estar aquí, y nosotros no tenemos nada de que hablar. Por lo menos estoy haciendo el esfuerzo.
- Iike in here. Are you sure there isn't anything you want to talk to me about?
¿ Estas segura que no hay nada que quieras hablar conmigo?
You know, if you ever got a problem anything at all you want to talk about you know where to find me, don't you?
Si tienes algún problema lo que sea y deseas hablar puedes buscarme.
You never want to talk about anything.
Nunca quieres hablar de nada.
If you have any questions or if you want to talk about anything at all...
Si tienes alguna pregunta o quieres saber cualquier cosa...
All right but if you want to talk about anything I'll be here...
Pero si luego quieres hablar de algo, lo que sea, estaré aquí.
Bright is there anything you want to talk to me about?
Bright ¿ hay algo que quieras decirme?
Do you want to talk about anything?
¿ Quieres hablar de algo?
Things aren't as solid between us as they used to be but I'm still here for you if you want to talk about anything.
Lana, sé que las cosas no han sido perfectas entre nosotros pero sabes que cuentas conmigo. ¿ No quieres hablar de algo?
While I wear this ridiculous turban I do not want to talk to you about anything.
Mientras traiga puesto este ridículo turbante no quiero hablar contigo de nada.
I just want you to know that you can talk to us about anything. Anything at all. Whatever's on your mind.
Quiero que sepas que puedes hablarnos de lo que quieras, cualquier cosa que te preocupe.
Do you have anything else you want to talk about before we finish?
Deborah, si quieres añadir algo antes de acabar, es el momento.
- So is there anything you want... to talk to me about? Anything you want to ask?
¿ Hay algo que quieras discutir conmigo o preguntarme?
I don't want to talk to you about anything.
No quiero hablar contigo de nada.
If there's anything you want to talk to me about - with regard to the War Crimes Commission - call me anytime.
Si quieres hablar de la Comisión... de crímenes de guerra, por favor llámeme.
If there's anything you want to talk to me about, just come to me.
Si hay algo de lo que quieran hablar conmigo, sólo vengan a verme.
Y'know, Jenny, I know it's none of my business, but, I wanted to tell you that if you wanted to talk to someone... about anything... you can talk to me if you want to.
Sabes, Jenny, se que no es asunto mío, pero quería decirte que si quieres hablar con alguien sobre lo que sea...
You don't want to talk to me about anything?
¿ No quieres hablarme de nada?
I want to talk about a little bit of it starting with yesterday's reward challenge, and you, Eliza, you were the first woman knocked out, and when you sat down on the bench with the guys, you weren't hiding anything. I was pissed.
Quiero hablar un poco sobre eso comenzando con el reto de recompensa de ayer, y tu, Eliza, fuiste la primera mujer en salir, y cuando te sentaste en la banca con los hombres, no te callaste nada.

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