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Archbishop traducir español

956 traducción paralela
Leopold Mozart, director of the court orchestra Archbishop's residence in Salzburg.
Leopold Mozart, director de la orquesta de la corte de la residencia arzobispal en Salzburgo.
"I will present it myself to the archbishop's children."
"Yo mismo presentaré a los niños al Arzobispo."
Archbishop of Salzburg.
Arzobispo-Príncipe de Salzburgo.
Then the archbishop met with Leopold Mozart.
Enseguida el Arzobispo hace venir a Leopold Mozart.
" Our good archbishop is dead.
" Nuestro buen Arzobispo ha muerto :
The solemn entry of the new Archbishop Count Hieronymus Colloredo.
La entrada solemne del nuevo Arzobispo Hieronymus Graf Colloredo.
I wish I had your confidence, Archbishop.
Desearía contar con su confianza, Arzobispo.
You have all spoken : you, my Nobles... you, my gallant General... you, my Archbishop... and you, my hero cousin.
Todos han hablado... ustedes, mis nobles... usted, mi valiente General... usted, mi Arzobispo... y usted, mi primo héroe.
Will you slaughter all of contrary faith, Archbishop?
¿ Masacrará toda fe contraria, Arzobispo?
My next production looked so disapprovingly at the other two that they made him an archbishop.
Mi siguiente creación miraba con tal desaprobación a los otros dos que le hice arzobispo.
Poor Archbishop.
Pobre arzobispo.
If he said One day you'll be an archbishop...
Si me dicen : "Un día serás Arzobispo de Montferrand."
What do you think it is, the Archbishop's head?
¿ Que piensas que es, la cabeza del Arzobispo?
Like the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Como el Arzobispo Canterbury.
Now imagine yourself standing before an archbishop.
Ahora imagínate que estás ante un arzobispo.
An archbishop, not the pope.
Un arzobispo, no el papa.
- An archbishop.
- Un arzobispo.
And the day we threw the Archbishop through the window, we had a better show. "
Y cuando arrojamos al arzobispo por la ventana tuvimos un mejor espectáculo. "
Then, of course, His Eminence the Archbishop... The Duchess of Argyle...
Entonces, su eminencia el arzobispo y la duquesa de Argyle.
The Archbishop has gone to see the Tsar.
El metropolitano ha ido a ver al zar para pedirle clemencia.
And if they fail me, I shall go straight to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Y, si ellos me fallan, acudiré al Arzobispo de Canterbury.
It seems it was given to her by an archbishop madly in love with her.
Creo que le fue regalado por un arzobispo enamorado de ella.
- But I couldn't very well before the girl had been examined by the archbishop and the officers of the church.
- No puedo hacerlo sin que la examinen.
My King charged the Archbishop of Reims and other loyal and learned priest to examine me before I was allowed to lead his army.
Mi rey encargó al Arzobispo de Reims y a otros sacerdotes fieles y eruditos que me examinasen antes de encomendarme al mando del ejército.
The examination at Poiters by the Archbishop of Reims has no relevance.
La investigación del Arzobispo de Reims carece aquí de relevancia.
Reminds me of the fellow that kept writing to the Archbishop. What was that?
Me recuerda a aquel tipo que no dejaba de escribir al Arzobispo.
- Oh, I'm listening. - "And even Stigand, " the Archbishop of Canterbury, agreed to meet with William... and offer him the Crown. "
- Oh, estoy escuchando - " Y aún Stigand el Arzobispo de Canterbury, estuvo de acuerdo en conocer a William y ofrecerle la Corona
We just need the OK from the government, the Arts Council, the Home Secretary and the Archbishop.
Solo necesitamos el permiso del Gobierno, de la Comisión de Artes, del Ministerio del Interior y del Arzobispo.
I wrote to the archbishop asking for the council to spend it on this sacred work.
He escrito al arzobispo para que el ayuntamiento lo destine a esta obra santa.
The archbishop of Westminster has ordered - "
El arzobispo de Westminster ha ordenado... "
Archbishop, tell them what happened to the Kilkenny Cats.
Arzobispo, decid lo que ocurrió con los gatos de Kilkenny.
You'd like a dead archbishop.
¿ Qué quiere, un arzobispo? .
But I do know you will have to appear before another court, in the person of the Archbishop, who believes your conduct to have been reckless and insubordinate.
Pero sí sé que habrá de comparecer ante otro tribunal, el del señor Arzobispo, que opina que su conducta ha sido imprudente e irregular.
You would do well to display more contrition before the Archbishop than you show before me.
Le aconsejo que muestre ante el Señor Arzobispo un arrepentimiento mayor que el que me muestra a mí.
I doubt if the Archbishop will agree with you.
Dudo que el Señor Arzobispo esté de acuerdo con usted.
Please inform Father Brown personally that he's to appear before the Archbishop next Thursday.
Hágame el favor de informar personalmente al Padre Brown que debe comparecer ante el Sr. Arzobispo el próximo jueves.
- But, then you're the nephew of that old witch, Maria who used to write anonymous letters to the archbishop.
- Entonces.. Tú eres el sobrino de la vieja bruja de Maria. El que escribía anónimos al arzobispo.
Archbishop Alexis will bless our union.
El archimandrita bendecirá nuestra unión.
The archbishop?
¿ El archimandrita?
I wish I could love you, and for that I wouldn't need an archbishop or a palace.
Ojalá pudiera amarle, y para eso no necesito palacios o archimandritas.
He presents it to the archbishop, who turns it into a convent, and it's curtains for our cancan.
Se lo regala al archimandrita que lo convierte en un convento, y se baja el telón para el cancán.
That's right, but by doing so we turn the King against us, and he's your one powerful support against the Archbishop.
Es cierto, pero haciendo esto volvemos al rey contra nosotros, y es nuestro único aliado de peso contra el arzobispo.
I'm subject to no-one but the Archbishop.
Sólo respondo ante el arzobispo.
I wanted to hang it in the National Theater, but the director and the archbishop protested.
Quise colgarlo en el Teatro Nacional, pero el director general y el arzobispo protestan.
Suspend the manager, forget the archbishop and do as you like.
no se le hace caso al arzobispo, y hacemos lo que queramos.
Hmm. Sir, my Lord Archbishop comes to greet you.
Señor, el arzobispo desea saludaros.
My Lord Archbishop... will Your Grace persuade the queen... to send the duke of York unto his princely brother presently?
Arzobispo, ¿ tendrá a bien persuadir a la reina a que se envíe al duque de York a saludar a su augusto hermano?
My Lord Archbishop.
Milord arzobispo...
What do you want from me, Archbishop?
¿ Qué queréis de mí, arzobispo?
The Archbishop and Wartenberk.
El arzobispo y Wartenberk.
The Archbishop?
¿ El arzobispo?

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