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Are you going to kill me traducir español

262 traducción paralela
Are you going to kill me?
¿ Me vas a matar?
- Are you going to kill me, Mark?
- ¿ Vas a matarme, Mark?
Are you going to kill me?
- ¿ Vas a matarme?
Are you going to kill me too, Caesar?
¿ Me matarás a mí también?
Are you going to kill me?
¿ Vas a matarme?
Are you going to kill me?
¿ Va a matarme?
How are you going to kill me?
¿ Cómo vas a matarme?
- Are you going to kill me?
- ¿ Vas a matarme?
Are you going to kill me too?
- ¿ Me va a matar a mí también?
Are you going to kill me?
¿ Me vais a matar? ¿ Me vais a ahorcar?
Are you going to kill me?
¿ va a matarme?
Tell me the truth, are you going to kill me?
¿ Sinceramente, va a matarme?
- Are you going to kill me?
- ¿ Qué, me va a matar?
Are you going to kill me if they don't pay?
- ¿ Me mataréis, si no os paga?
"Are you going to kill me?"
"¿ Vas a matarme?"
Are you going to kill me?
Vas a matarme?
Are you going to kill me?
¿ Me va a matar?
Are you going to kill me, Bandit?
¿ Me vas a matar, bandido?
Are you going to kill me?
Me vas a matar?
Are you going to kill me?
¿ Me matarás? No maté a nadie.
Are you going to kill me?
¿ Van a matarme?
- Are you going to kill me too?
- Me vas a matar a mi tambien?
So when are you going to kill me?
¿ Cuándo me ibas a matar?
Are you seriously going to kill me, Curel?
¡ No habrá vergüenza para el nombre de tú familia! ¿ En serio?
You're not going to kill me, are you?
No vas a matarme, ¿ verdad?
And what are you going to do now, kill me?
¿ Qué vas a hacer ahora...
You're not going to kill me, are you?
- Vamos, ¿ no irás a matarme?
Are you going to kill me too now?
¿ Qué harás?
Let's hear how you are going to kill me for ruining your Hana-kai.
Veamos como es que van a matarme por aruinarles su Hana-kai.
Are you trying to drive me out of my mind? Are you going to get Janet to kill me?
¿ Quieres que pierda el juicio, o buscarás a Janet para que me asesine?
Going to kill me, are you?
¡ Te mato!
You're not going to kill me are you?
No vas a matarme ¿ verdad?
Takechi, are you going to have Okada Izo kill me too?
Takechi, ¿ dispondrás que Okada Izo me elimine a mi también?
Are you still going to kill me?
Todavia me vas a matar?
If you are going to kill me, kill Valentina too.
Si vais a matarme a mí, matad también a Valentina.
Are you watching me! ? I'm going to kill it!
¡ Me están mirando!
- Because... you're going to return to Val Verde... and you are going to kill the president... that you helped to overthrow me.
- Porque va a volver a Val Verde, y va a matar al presidente al que ayudó a derribarme.
Captain Picard,..... are you going to let them kill me?
Capitán Picard... ¿ Va a permitir que me maten?
We are going to fight against you, you whom no one can kill. Grant me leave to strike you.
Lucharemos contra ti a quien nadie puede matar.
Are you going to tell me your plan to kill me?
¿ Vas a decirme que planeas matarme?
I ain't going to scream no more... but if you are going to kill me... stop being such a chickenshit bitch... and pull the fucking trigger.
No voy a gritar más... Pero si me vas a matar... Deja de ser tan pendejo...
If you are going to kill me, then do so.
Si vas a matarme, entonces hazlo.
You fuckers are going to kill me.
Me van a matar, desgraciados.
You are going to kill, leave me out
Tú vas a matar, déjame al margen.
You're not going to kill me. are you?
No me vas a matar, ¿ verdad?
You're not going to kill me, are you?
No me vas a matar, ¿ verdad?
Ya know! - Dawson, I completely forgot to tell you something yesterday and you are just going to kill me for it.
Dawson, ayer olvidé decirte algo, y me vas a matar.
You are going to tell me where Pierre Brogan is... or I'm going to kill you and your assistant right here.
Dígame dónde está Pierre Brogan... o los mataré a usted y a su asistente aquí mismo.
But you are going to kill me, aren't you?
Pero tú vas a matarme, ¿ verdad?
Are you really going to kill me...
¿ Realmente vas a matarme...
Are you going to try to kill me or just stare at me?
¿ Y bien? Me vas a matar o me vas a mirar?

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