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As i told you before traducir español

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As I told you before, you went against my orders.
Desobedecisteis mis órdenes.
For many reasons, but let it suffice... as I told you before I am a dying woman.
- Por muchas razones, pero... como le dije antes... - ¿ Por qué? -... soy una mujer moribunda.
You see, as I told you before, internes just don't take money.
Como le he dicho, los internos no podemos aceptar dinero.
My pet, as I told you before Bonnie was born... it's immaterial to me whether you have one child or 20!
Como te dije antes de que naciera Bonnie... ¡... es irrelevante que tengas un hijo o 20!
As i told you before, what Brigham Young says and what the Lord says... are two different things.
Como te dije, lo que dice Brigham Young... y lo que Dios dice son dos cosas distintas.
But as I told you before, names are of such little importance.
Aunque como le dije antes, los nombres no tienen importancia.
Well, come on. As I told you before... Mr. Flynn don't want any caterpillars.
Como les dije antes... el Sr. Flynn no quiere orugas.
As I told you before, the joke's gone far enough.
La broma ya ha llegado lo bastante lejos.
As I told you before...
Como ya les adelanté...
As I told you before, Dr. Cory and I were concerned only with what we had to do.
Como les dije, el Dr. Cory y yo nos preocupamos por lo que debíamos hacer.
We not only have her to think of, but as I told you before we can't risk fire until we know if any new queens have hatched and flown out of this nest.
No son ellos nuestra única preocupación. Hay que saber si alguna nueva reina... hizo cría y escapó.
As I told you before, these men aren't trained.
Como le dije antes, estos hombres no están especializados.
Mr Hannen, as I told you before...
Ya le dije que...
Because, as I told you before, I want to get this over with as quickly as possible.
Porque según acabo de decir quiero que termine esto lo más pronto posible.
And, as I told you before, there's nothing in life I find as exciting as a hunt.
Ben, no puedo expresar lo cuanto aprecio su hospitalidad... pero, como le dije antes... no hay nadad más divertido que una cazada.
As I told you before you must take her tales of the past with a grain of salt.
Ya te lo he dicho otras veces. Hay que tomar sus batallitas con escepticismo.
As I told you before, I just want to relax.
Como te dije, sólo quiero relajarme.
And as I told you before, madam, we have a search warrant, and we intend to search this house.
Yyo ya le dije, señora... que tenemos una orden de registro y registraremos la casa.
As I told you before, there's an unusual power field down here.
Como le dije, hay un extraño campo de energía aquí abajo.
Honestly, it is as I told you before.
Con sinceridad, lo que he dicho antes.
You know, Lyedecker, as I told you before, I think you're part of it.
¿ Sabe, Lyedecker? Como le dije antes, creo que está aliado con él.
You must know, as I told you before, that Colette is only 15 years old.
Deben saber, como ya les he dicho antes, que Colette es de sólo 15 años de edad.
Juanito, as I told you before, there is too much violence in the world.
Juanito como te he dicho antes... hay mucha violencia ahora en el mundo.
But as I told you before, I found nothing.
Pero como ya te he dicho, no he logrado encontrarlo.
As I told you before, I've got the drop on you.
Como te dije, ya te he vencido.
I grabbed a stone and as I told you before Only this time I reached the end.
Agarré una piedra, y como le dije antes sólo que esta vez llegué al final.
It's a shame we haven't been able to come to an agreement but I like you, as I told you before.
Es una pena que no hayamos podido llegar a un arreglo pero usted me gusta, como ya se lo dije.
As I told you before, all we have to do to win is just stay calm, cool, and collected.
Como he dicho antes, Io único que hemos de hacer es estar calmadas y tranquilas.
As I told you before, attacking a civilian car and kidnapping.
Como le dije antes, atacar un auto civil y secuestro.
Not that it's any of you concern, but as I told you before, this is business.
No es asunto tuyo, pero como ya te dije, esto es trabajo.
As I told you before, she refuses to visit me here.
Como ya les he dicho, se niega a venir a verme aquí.
As I told you before, this was no random act of violence.
Como te dije antes, no fue un acto de violencia al azar.
Well, as I told you before, the ERls replicated the most basic of human functions.
Como le dije antes... los REI imitaron las funciones humanas más básicas.
But as I told you before,
Pero la puerta de acceso...
I'm overwhelmed, but as I told you many times before... I can't face my late lord... if I serve Advisor Konoe so soon.
Estoy abrumado, pero como ya te dije muchas veces, no quedaría bien ante mi último Lord... si sirvo al Consejero Konoe, tan pronto.
I'm from the countryside, as I have told you before.
Soy de provincias, como ya dije.
As I've told you before in this job, even when it's finished there's always one more thing to do.
Se lo dije : En esto hay cosas por hacer incluso cuando está acabado.
I won't give you any of the usual alibis as to why I haven't told you about her before.
No pienso usar ninguna de las típicas excusas de por qué no te he hablado antes de ella.
I never told anyone this before, but, well, at home, he often refers to you as "Da-Da Gateman."
Nunca le había contado esto a nadie, pero... bueno, en casa... a menudo se refiere a usted como " "Papito Gateman".
Mr Mendez, as I've told you before, you and I have nothing to say to each other.
Sr. Mendez, como le dije antes, usted y yo no tenemos nada que decirnos.
Doctor Lawrence, as I believe I have told you before...
Doctor Lawrence, como creo que ya le he dicho antes...
As I've told you before, Charles, An authors characters are an extension of his own personality.
Como ya le dije antes, Charles, los personajes de un escritor son extensiones de su propia personalidad.
First thing I did, as you told me before I left, was looking for a guesthouse.
Lo primero que hice, tal y como usted me indicó antes de venir, fue buscar una pensión.
Sammy see I told you was a genius if the Labor Department determined that for each worker by 300 workers at least 3 % minor work as porters etc. By my reckoning the day before the date of payment is 750 000 dollars in the bank
ves samy te dije que era un genio si el departamento de trabajo determina que por cada trabajador por 300 trabajadores menos el 3 % los trabajos menores como los porteros etc segun mis calculos el dia antes del dia de pago hay 750 mil dolares en ese banco
Carl... wanted to get away, and... Well, as I've told you before, there aren't... many people by the beach this time of year.
Carl quería estar tranquilo, y bueno, como le he dicho antes, no hay mucha gente por la playa en esta época del año.
What if I told you that a car sports, the same model as yours, was seen in the vicinity of Bedhampton, before the assault?
¿ Y si yo le dijera que un carro deportivo, parecido al suyo, fue visto en los alrededores de Bedhampton, antes del asalto?
- Hastings, as I told you at the start, once all the facts were placed before me, the solution, it becomes inevitable.
Hastings, como le dije en un principio en el momento en que se me presentan los hechos la solución del caso resulta inevitable.
As I told that girl before you came,
Según le dije a la niña antes de tú venir,
But what might you think, when I had seen this hot love on the wing as I perceived it, before my daughter told me what might you, or your queen, think if I had played the desk or table-book?
¿ Pero qué habríais pensado, si cuando vi ese ardiente amor tal como lo advertí, antes de que mi hija me lo contara qué habríais pensado vos o la reina, si hubiera sido el cuaderno de sus notas?
It's like I told you before, we Amish, we do everything half again as hard as you do.
Nosotros los Amish hacemos más de lo que ustedes hacen.
- Because, as I've told you before - -
- Porque como ya te he dicho...

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