Ask anybody traducir español
623 traducción paralela
You can ask anybody.
Puedes preguntar a cualquiera.
Ask anybody.
Pregúntele a cualquiera.
Of course, ask anybody.
Claro, pregunta a cualquiera.
I don't ask anybody to trust me, and I don't trust anybody.
No le pido a nadie que confíe en mí, y yo no confío en nadie.
Where can he be? Didn't you ask anybody?
No he visto al Sr. Marius.
Personally I'm very tolerant, ask anybody.
Por mi parte, soy muy tolerante, pregúntale a cualquiera.
Ask anybody.
Todos lo saben.
You just ask anybody who Marko is.
Pregúntale a cualquiera quién es Marco.
She just lived here a few weeks, and I never ask anybody any questions.
Sólo ha vivido aquí unas semanas.
We wouldn't ask anybody if we could -
No habrá que preguntarle a nadie si podemos.
Ask anybody to do.
Pedirle nada a nadie.
And you wouldn't ask anybody to do anything, would you?
Y tú no le pedirías nada a nadie. ¿ O sí?
I'm just a measly 100-dollar-a-month instructor, and that's too much to ask anybody to marry you on. It's too much to ask.
Solo soy un mísero instructor de 100 dólares al mes, y sería mucho pedir que alguien se casara así.
Ask anybody in Chinatown. Where are your works?
Pregunta a cualquiera en Chinatown.
You only got to ask anybody in show business.
Pregúntale a la gente del espectáculo.
He didn't ask anybody could he sing.
No ha pedido permiso a nadie.
Besides, I never got up nerve enough to ask anybody.
Además, nunca tuve agallas para pedirle a nadie.
You can ask anybody, they'll tell you Quirt Evans is a mighty cautious citizen.
Pregunta, cualquiera te dirá que Quirt Evans es un ciudadano cauteloso.
You ask anybody. They'll tell you.
Pregúntenselo a cualquiera, se lo dirán.
Didn't ask anybody what they think.
No pediste la opinión de nadie.
Well, you can ask anybody in the town of Aztec. That's the junction.
Se lo puede preguntar a cualquiera en Aztec.
Ask Ed. He can be surer than anybody.
Ed lo sabe mejor que nadie.
I won't have anybody ask what they think of me.
- ¡ Basta! Prohíbo esa pregunta.
And we don't ask favors from anybody.
Y no pedimos favores a nadie.
Anybody ask ya about his condition just say he's still slowed down.
Si te preguntan por su estado, Diles que sigue lento.
Isn't anybody gonna ask you guys to dance?
¿ No va sacar nadie a tus chicos a bailar?
Ask for Michael Fane, anybody'll show you.
Traiga a sus amigos. Pregunte por Michael Fane. Todos saben dónde vivo.
- Ask anybody!
Pero pregunte.
Anybody ask you to have dinner with us?
¿ Alguien te pidió que cenaras con nosotros?
Anybody ask you?
¿ Alguien te preguntó?
Any employer will ask you for a character reference and in my wildest imagination, I cannot conceive of anybody whose character is less deserving of a reference than yours. I'll explain your character!
¡ Y si me piden referencias, les explicaré con todo detalle la clase de persona que es usted!
I been doing well on my own, if anybody should ask.
Si alguien te pregunta, me fue bien solo.
- Anybody ask anything? - No, ma'am.
- ¿ Han venido a preguntar?
I mean, since you ask no matter what anybody else says, I think you're a gentleman.
Ya que lo pregunta a pesar de lo que piensen los demás, creo que es un caballero.
- Hey, Brennon. Anybody ask for me?
- Oye, Brennon. ¿ Preguntaron por mí?
If anybody should get down off a hack and ask you... your old man had plenty of motive for killing Lathrop.
Qué historia más trillada. Su padre tenía muchos motivos para matar a Lathrop.
Ask anybody in Europe.
Pregunta a cualquiera en Europa.
How could anybody ask for more?
Quién puede pedir más
Gee, isn't anybody going to ask me if I like it?
Quizás algo más sencillo. ¿ Nadie va a preguntarme si me gusta?
Did you ever know anybody who didn't like to open a telegram... or look at a bill from a tailor or... wouldn't ask a girl to dance because probably she'd already promised a dance.
¿ Conociste alguna vez a alguien a quien no le gustara abrir un telegrama... o mirar la factura de un sastre... o no le pidiera bailar a una chica porque creia que ella ya se lo habia prometido a otro?
I've been a hero, if you can call it that, for 25 years and does anybody ask me what I done?
He sido un héroe 25 años... y ¿ alguna vez alguien me pregunta que he hecho?
I won't ask you again I won't tell anybody how I got it I've just got to know what's going to happen tomorrow.
No le diré a nadie como lo conseguí.. ... pero necesito saber que va a pasar mañana.
Oh, Papa, you've given us the nicest Christmas present anybody could ask for.
Papá, nos has hecho el mejor regalo de todos.
Anybody ask the owner about this?
Vamos a ver ¿ sabe el dueño algo? ¿ Alguien se lo ha pedido?
Now, Judge Whittaker, I ask you, has anybody's secretary been in here?
Juez Whittaker, se lo pregunto, ¿ ha estado aquí alguna secretaria?
I didn't ask him if he killed anybody.
Yo no le pregunté si había matado a alguien.
Anybody that wants anything to eat, just ask Mrs. Ohlrig.
Si alguien quiere algo de comer que se lo pida a la Sra. Ohlrig.
Did anybody here ask for the Sabre Dance?
¿ Alguien pidió El baile del sable?
Anybody ask you to stick around and get an earful?
¿ Alguien te pidió que te quedaras oyendo?
Anybody come around, ask any questions?
¿ Vino alguien, hizo alguna pregunta?
We won't ask for more than anybody else.
No pretenderemos más que los demás.
anybody here 163
anybody 677
anybody home 323
anybody there 124
anybody out there 31
anybody else 178
anybody in there 17
anybody see anything 16
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anybody in here 21
anybody 677
anybody home 323
anybody there 124
anybody out there 31
anybody else 178
anybody in there 17
anybody see anything 16
anybody hungry 26
anybody in here 21