Because i don't traducir español
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- I don't - - Because we are scared.
Porque estamos asustados.
I don't like showering at the gym, because of all, like, the athlete's foot and stuff.
No me gusta ducharme en el gimnasio, con todos los pies de la gente y demás.
I don't know, maybe because I'm good at what I do?
No sé, tal vez porque yo soy bueno en lo que hago?
I'm sorry my house is a little busy because matters of national security really don't take a day off.
Disculpa mi casa está algo ocupada porque los asuntos de seguridad nacional en verdad no se toman un día libre.
Fine, look, I don't recall the exact date, but I remember it took forever to get home because O.J.'S Bronco was clogging up the 405.
Bien, mira, no recuerdo la fecha exacta, Pero recuerdo que tardamos una eternidad para llegar a casa Porque'S DO Bronco estaba obstruyendo el 405.
I mean, am I going to blow up my life because of something I don't even know if I really saw?
O sea, ¿ voy a desperdiciar mi vida por algo que ni siquiera sé si de verdad vi?
Help! Because I don't give a shit about your million dollars,
¡ Mamá!
Well, clearly, not everybody needs this ear-wig thingy, because I don't have one and my brain is perfectly intact.
Claramente, no todo el mundo necesita esta cosita, porque no la tengo y mi cerebro está intacto.
I can't help you because I don't know where the gold is.
No puedo ayudaros porque no sé dónde está el oro.
All right, I am going to look because I don't want to be rude in case you're not tricking me, which I knew the whole time you were tricking me.
Está bien, lo voy a buscar Porque yo no quiero ser grosero en caso de que no me estás engañando, Que yo sabía que el conjunto vez que me estabas engañando.
Listen, Kirk, I don't know what you're insinuating here, because I've only seen Nerds in Paradise...
Escucha, Kirk, no sé lo que está insinuando aquí, Porque sólo he visto Nerds in Paradise...
Because I don't want you getting sick.
Porque yo no quiero que se enferme.
It's because I don't want to say unkind things about him.
Es porque no quiero decir cosas poco placenteras de él.
I hope it's not fettuccini because I really don't like cream-based sauces.
Yo espero que no sea fettuccini porque no me gustan mucho las salsas a base de crema.
Oh, it's because I don't have much to do at work.
Ah, es porque no tengo mucho que hacer en el trabajo.
It's because I don't want the others to hear.
Es porque no quiero que los otros escuchen.
Good, because I don't want anything to ruin this night. Uh-oh. Uh-oh, what?
Bien, porque no quiero que nada arruine esta noche. ¿ Qué pasa?
So watch yourselves, because I don't want to be dealing with that shit again.
Así que tened cuidado, porque no quiero tener que tratar otra vez con una mierda así.
Yeah, but this happened because you went out without my protection. I don't need you with me every second of my life.
Sí, pero esto ocurrió porque saliste sin mi protección.
Because I don't think she understands who I am.
Porque no creo que entienda quién soy.
Well, I'm so relieved that I'm not married to a football player because I don't really have that problem.
Qué alivio no estar casada con un jugador de fútbol porque no tengo ese problema.
Oh, so because I- - I don't unblock your calls, somehow I'm involved. What does that even mean?
Así que... porque no desbloqueo tus llamadas, resulta que estoy involucrado.
I- - I don't care about the bigger picture or secrets or- - or who's sleeping with who, unless it's you sleeping with Rachel because that shit really pisses me off.
No me importa que haya algo más, secretos o... quién se acueste con quién, a no ser que sea que tú te acuestas con Rachel porque esa estupidez me cabrea.
I mean, a civil case and you don't have to come to every little hearing, but it would be nice because it would show the judge you give a shit and all that.
Me refiero a que es un caso civil y no hace falta que vengas a cada pequeña vista, pero estaría bien porque demostraría al juez que no te importa y todo eso.
That I don't know, because I haven't found it yet.
Eso no lo sé, porque no he encontrado todavía.
That's because I don't talk about it all the time.
Es porque no hablo de ello todo el tiempo.
I don't want to be haunted just because I'm a leading man.
No quiero que me persigan solo por ser el actor estelar.
You can tell me, but don't tell me, because then legally I'd have to fire you.
Puedes decírmelo, pero no me digas porque entonces legalmente tendría que despedirte.
I don't want to do any of those things, because what they don't allow me to do is put on those headphones and tune you out.
No quiero hacer ninguna de esas cosas porque lo que no me permiten hacer es ponerme esos auriculares - y dejarte de oír.
Look, I just don't want you walking around thinking it was my fault at all, because you saw the guy- -
Mira, lo único que no quiero es que vayas por ahí pensando que todo fue culpa mía, ya viste a ese tío...
- I asked you because I don't know either.
- Te pregunté porque yo tampoco lo sé.
I don't hold grudges because of those things.
No guardo rencores por ese tipo de cosas.
I'm doing it because it's fun, and you don't need money.
Lo estoy haciendo porque es divertido, uno no necesita dinero.
Because I don't have confidence.
Porque no estoy segura de mí misma.
Don't feel embarrassed just because I found out that you like me.
No sientas vergüenza solo porque descubrí que te gusto.
So don't reach out your hand towards me, because I'm not going to take your hand either.
Así que no estires tu mano hacia mi, porque no voy a tomar tu mano tampoco.
Neither do I. Because Iowa has contributed nothing to our union, and I don't understand why a state so insignificant gets the right to kick off a presidential primary.
Yo tampoco. Porque Iowa ha contribuido nada a nuestro sindicato, y yo no entiendo por qué un estado tan insignificante consigue la derecha para dar inicio a una primaria presidencial.
Actually, I don't really care, because we're finished.
Realmente no me importa, porque hemos terminado.
Sheldon, I understand that you're upset because you feel left out, but I don't know why we're even talking about this.
Sheldon, entiendo que estés molesto porque te sientes abandonado, pero no sé por qué aún seguimos hablando de esto.
You can clean your feet all damn day... it don't matter, because I'm having sex with Reagan tonight.
Te puedes estar lavando los pies todo el maldito día... no importa, porque yo voy a tener sexo con Reagan esta noche.
I carry Canadian cash because I do a lot of business there and I don't trust banks.
Llevo dinero canadiense porque hago muchos negocios ahí y no confío en los bancos.
Because I don't let people in.
Porque no dejo que la gente se me acerque.
I prefer the latter because I don't want to be remembered as the guy who didn't.
Prefiero el segundo lema porque no quiero... que me recuerden como el sujeto que no lo intentó.
Again, Werner, I can't tell you because I don't make predictions.
Repito, Werner, no puedo decirlo porque no hago predicciones.
The FBI knocks, they don't jiggle doors, and I go "who is it?" just instinctively because I thought someone was trying to break in.
El FBI llama a la puerta. No la sacude. Pregunté : "¿ Quién es?" Por instinto... porque pensé que alguien quería forzar la entrada.
and she goes "That IP address you gave me to do the file transfer is not inside Motorola's campus, it's outside, and because of that I can't transfer the file because we need to use a special proxy server to do so and I don't have an account".
Dice : "La dirección IP que me diste para que hiciera la transferencia... no está dentro del Campus de Motorola, está fuera... y, debido a eso, no puedo transferir el archivo... porque necesitamos utilizar un servidor especial para eso... y no tengo una cuenta".
I do think we'll want to... offer round trips because a lot more people would be willing to go if they think that if they don't like it, they can come back.
Pero creo que querremos ofrecer... pasajes de ida y vuelta... porque muchas más personas estarían dispuestas a ir... si piensan que, si no les gusta... pueden regresar a la tierra.
Well, I don't think that anybody has ever seen the real Frank Zappa, because being interviewed is one of the most abnormal things that you can do to somebody else.
Creo que nadie conoce al verdadero Frank Zappa, porque una entrevista es una de las cosas más anormales que podemos hacer a otra persona.
I don't see why the Albert Hall would need a script in the first place, because we weren't doing a play, we were doing an orchestra and group concert.
No comprendo porque el Albert Hall recibió un guión, porque no hacemos teatro, Era el concierto de un grupo con la orquesta.
I don't feel any closer or farther away from the center of cosmic consciousness because of the use of drugs.
No me siento más cerca o más lejos de un centro de conciencia cósmica por las drogas.
I Found My Falsetto Because Of Off The Wall, Don't Stop'Til You Get Enough.
Encontré mi falsete gracias a Off the Wall y Don't Stop.
because i don't care 17
because i don't want to 46
because i don't know 34
because i'm happy 21
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i can't 94
because i said so 88
because if you don't 161
because i like you 101
because i don't want to 46
because i don't know 34
because i'm happy 21
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i can't 94
because i said so 88
because if you don't 161
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53
because i'm 96
because i'm a woman 25
because i am 105
because it's true 90
because if 20
because i'm black 19
because i 431
because i did 41
because i love her 53
because i'm 96
because i'm a woman 25
because i am 105
because it's true 90
because if 20
because i'm black 19
because i 431
because i did 41