Because it's not traducir español
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Now, I may end up drowning, but it's not gonna be because of you.
Puede que termine ahogándome, pero no será por causa tuya.
Dante Valerio's a client. But don't worry, I am headed to an unrelated consult, because I am not a cruel person. And it would be cruel to steal your one big fish.
Pero, tranquilo, voy a una consulta distinta... porque no soy una persona cruel... y sería cruel robarte tu único pez grande.
Stay away from the border, because you're not gonna get a second chance. That's it?
Aléjese de la frontera porque no tendrá otra oportunidad.
No, it's not because Jeremy wouldn't be dead if I had just been paying attention.
No, no va bien, porque Jeremy no estaría muerto si yo hubiera prestado atención.
I'm just purposely not trying because it's your birthday.
Lo hago a propósito porque es tu cumpleaños.
Because I heard this one tell Dr. Prentice that you're not the real father and it's just some random guy that she dated.
Porque oí a esta contarle al Dr. Prentice que no eres el verdadero padre y que es un tío cualquiera con el que salió.
Because it's for work. Not play.
Porque es por trabajo, no diversión.
Listen, I wanted to come down here to our campaign headquarters in Des Moines, not go to some fancy hotel ballroom like you know who, and say to all of you who worked day in and day out, on our behalf for this campaign, in every corner of this state... It's because of you that we brought it home tonight!
Escuchen, quise venir al cuartel general de campaña en Des Moines y no ir a un hotel elegante como ya saben quién y decirles a todos que trabajaron tanto todos los días en nuestro nombre para esta campaña en cada rincón del estado ¡ que es gracias a ustedes que logramos la victoria esta noche!
OK, maybe it's because I'm not into it right now, but I show you something.
Tal vez es porque no estoy en ella en este momento, pero yo te muestre algo.
It's not, it's not, it's not because of that...
No es... No es... No es por eso.
Of course it's not working, because nothing works in this shithole.
Claro que no funciona. Nada funciona en este sitio de mierda.
Because most of the time, it's just not there.
Porque mayormente, eso no está ahí.
I think it's embarrassing to have so many expectations and a totally superficial label to put on a band to state that they're the next big thing, because, you know, that's not our goal in the first place.
Me cohíben un poco las expectativas Es muy superficial etiquetar así a una banda de rock. Ese nunca fue nuestro objetivo.
And you don't want to blow it with her, because when the time comes and she's not around anymore, the world becomes a cold, hard place.
Y no quieres enfadarte con ella, porque cuando llegue el momento y no esté, el mundo se convertirá en un lugar frío y mucho peor.
Because it's not pretty.
Porque no es agradable.
I feel so close to you, and it's not just because I can feel your thing on my leg.
Me siento tan cerca tuyo, y no es solo porque puede sentir tu cosa en mi pierna.
And it's not going to be weird because you'll be telling a friend and not a boss.
Y no va a ser raro porque se lo vas a estar diciendo a un amigo y no a un jefe.
And it's not because it's illegal, and it's certainly not because I'm afraid you know karate because there is nothing about your performance that is believable.
Y no porque sea ilegal, y desde luego tampoco porque me dé miedo que sepas karate sino porque no hay nada en tu actuación que sea creíble.
Because it's not about winning.
Porque no se trata de ganar.
It's not, in fact, because they were vaccinated.
No es, de hecho, porque que fueron vacunados.
It's not because I love you any less.
No es porque te quisiera menos.
It's not her... because it's on my father's side.
No es ella... porque está en el lado de mi padre.
Except it's not good for me because I love her.
Excepto que no es bueno para mí porque la quiero. - Jesús.
It's really not blackmail, because you're not asking for money.
Realmente no es chantaje, porque usted no está pidiendo dinero.
And I'm not gonna nag you about it because I know you already know it's really bad for you.
Y no te voy a regañar por esto... porque sé que ya sabes que es muy malo para ti.
'Cause you're, like, awesome and that sucks because it's, like, that's not what I want.
Por que eres genial, y eso apesta porque, no es lo que quiero.
It's not because someone's gonna steal your food.
No es porque alguien vaya a robarse tu comida.
because all that "We'll see" does is make me think it's possible, and then I end up ruining things, not just for myself, but for my friends, when really you have no intention of saying "Yes."
porque todo eso de "ya veremos" me hace creer que es posible y luego acabo arruinando los planes, no solo los míos, sino los de mis amigas, cuando realmente no tienes intención alguna de decir "sí".
I only hope it's not for drinking... because if this is starting to be a pattern with you, having witnessed it firsthand...
Yo solo espero que no sea para beber... porque si esto esta empezando a ser un patron con usted, haber sido testigo de primera mano...
Because it's too late for us, but I will not let you take my daughter and twist her into some version of herself that she will come to loathe.
Porque es demasiado tarde para nosotras, pero no voy a permitirte que cojas a mi hija y la conviertas en una versión de ella misma que odiará.
Well, b-because it's not the kind of thing you blab about to your wife.
Bueno, b-porque no es el tipo de cosa que Blab acerca a su esposa.
Because it's not true.
Porque no es cierto.
Because if you take that ape and damage it in ways that only humans can inflict damage, watch it turn itself into something it's not, then our job is to take those shattered parts and, uh, bring them together,
Porque si usted toma ese simio y dañarla de manera que solo los humanos pueden infligir daños, ver girar en algo que no es, entonces nuestro trabajo es tomar las partes destrozadas y, uh, reunirlos, y permitir, a traves de un acoplamiento exitoso A- -,
Do not tell me that it's okay because it worked.
No me digas que está bien porque ha funcionado.
That's because it's not there.
Es porque no está ahí.
That's because it's not there.
Eso es porque no está ahí.
Because it's not real magic.
Porque no es magia real.
Because your happiness, your entire life... it's not real.
Porque tu felicidad, tu vida entera... no es real.
It's not easy, because they spend 90 % of their time underwater, out of sight.
No es fácil, ya que pasan 90 % de su tiempo bajo el agua, fuera de la vista.
All of the controversial songs the industry decided to punish me for... and they put a boycott on all of my records, and it's, uh... hard for me to incorporate those songs anymore because they are not relevant to the times.
La industria me castigó por todas las canciones controvertidas, y boicotearon todos mis discos, y ya me cuesta incorporar esas canciones ahora porque dejaron de ser pertinentes.
Celia, it's not because he's successful, it's because he's, well, he's flesh and blood.
Celia, no es porque sea un triunfador, es porque es, bueno, es mi sangre.
I'm not into girls because it's trendy.
No me gustan las chicas porque esté de moda.
It is not an attack, It is not an invasion Because, well, that's beside with warning.
No es un ataque, no es una invasión porque, bueno, eso no viene con advertencia.
That's because it's not in any guidebook, Tagliaboo.
Eso es porque no está en ninguna guía, Tagliaboo.
We didn't have a lot of mobility in that suit, so when you see those astronauts hopping around on the lunar surface, it's not because they themselves are clumsy or that the gravity is just impossible to deal with.
No teníamos mucho de la movilidad en ese traje, así que cuando veas los astronautas saltando alrededor en la superficie lunar, no es porque ellos mismos son torpes o que la gravedad es simplemente imposible de tratar.
Sorry, but it can't be brought, not when somebody on this team is lying... because one of those hands... is attached to a body... that's attached to a penis!
Lo siento, pero no puedo ser partícipe, no cuando alguien en el equipo está mintiendo... porque una de esas manos... va unida a un cuerpo... ¡ que va unido a un pene!
Because you're gonna tell her she's agent-in-command, so that when she's not pathetically trying to make me jealous by hitting on this idiot beard-face sweater-model, she's gonna lord it over me and Ray, who, by the way, forgot to bring gum!
Porque vas a decirle que ella es la agente-al-mando, para que cuando deje de hacer patéticos intentos de ponerme celoso coqueteando con el idiota cara-barbuda modelo de suéteres, empiece a darnos ordenes a Ray y a mí, quien, por cierto, ¡ olvidó traer la goma de mascar!
And it's a good thing, too, because not one person was home in this neighborhood when I rang the doorbells.
Y es una buena cosa, también, porque no había una persona casa en este barrio cuando llamé los timbres.
Because it's not me.
Porque no soy yo.
Something the GSC would never let me do, because it's not a military upgrade.
Algo que la CSG nunca me permitiría hacer, porque no tiene aplicaciones militares.
There's an issue that I've been worried about since the merge because we didn't really do it right, you know, the whole "you're not my twin".
Hay un tema que me ha estado preocupando desde la fusión, ya que realmente no lo hicimos bien, ya sabes, todo lo de "tú no eres mi gemelo".
because it's not true 18
because it's you 31
because it's true 90
because it's fun 25
because it's the right thing to do 30
because it's wrong 29
because it's embarrassing 16
because it's the truth 44
because it's 93
it's not fair 795
because it's you 31
because it's true 90
because it's fun 25
because it's the right thing to do 30
because it's wrong 29
because it's embarrassing 16
because it's the truth 44
because it's 93
it's not fair 795
it's not 5855
it's not that difficult 19
it's not bad 367
it's not your fault 1412
it's not that good 18
it's not funny 753
it's nothing 2788
it's nothing new 26
it's not mine 359
it's nothing i can't handle 24
it's not that difficult 19
it's not bad 367
it's not your fault 1412
it's not that good 18
it's not funny 753
it's nothing 2788
it's nothing new 26
it's not mine 359
it's nothing i can't handle 24