Because it's you traducir español
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He told you lies because it was inevitable, but you must decide ifyou want him, and ifyou can forgive him or not, that's the real problem.
Te mintió porque era inevitable. De ti depende decidir si realmente lo aprecias y si quieres perdonarlo o no. Ése es el problema.
- Uh-huh. Turns out, research says that it's, you know, it's super-hard for millennials to get interested in mortgages because of the economy and stuff.
Las investigaciones dicen que es muy difícil que la Generación Y se interese en hipotecas por la economía y demás.
We don't even use the word "sell" in Rebirth. Because once you realize how much better Rebirth's products are than what you get in the store, it just...
No usamos la palabra "vender" en Rebirth porque cuando te das cuenta de cuán mejores son los productos Rebirth que los que hallas en tiendas, es sólo...
It's because you forgot vittles again.
Porque otra vez olvidaste los víveres.
No, it's not the same because we're not gonna leave you for the police.
No, no es lo mismo porque no vamos a dejarte por la policía.
Right, but I think, at this point, what's less important is whether or not you hit it, more just where your eyes end up because that's what people'd be looking at.
Pero ahora creo que importa menos si le das que dónde miras, el público ve eso.
It's because you babied her.
Porque la mimaron.
Well, enjoy it while you can because IBM is going to have a portable and then it's sayonara.
"Bueno, disfrútenlo mientras dure porque IBM lanzará una portátil y entonces será sayonara".
It's because you're...
Es porque eres...
I assume it's because you want to use me as a pawn in your quiet battle with my mother and uncle.
Supongo que es porque quieres usarme como peón en tu silenciosa batalla con mi madre y mi tío. No.
You're not here because you're a better lawyer or person. You're here because you're almost as crazy as Frank Castle, and that's it.
No estás aquí porque seas mejor abogado o mejor persona, sino porque estás casi tan loco como Frank Castle, nada más.
The case that's been consuming you, causing people to despise you, call you names... I even quarreled upon occasion because of it?
El caso que te ha estado consumiendo, causando que la gente te desprecie, llamándote cosas feas... ¿ y que yo una vez me peleé por eso?
So I came to save your ass, but just because these wings aren't the ones you wanted, that's it? We're done?
Así que vine a salvar tu trasero, pero porque estas alas no son las que querías, ¿ Eso es todo?
Maybe it's because you've been humoring his metaphor without fully embracing it.
Tal vez sea porque usted ha sido la corriente a su metáfora sin abrazar plenamente.
Or it's because you think that everybody's out to get you.
O es porque usted piensa que todo el mundo esta tratando de hacerte daño.
Maybe it's entirely in character, but you wouldn't know because we haven't talked in so long.
Quizá así soy ahora, pero tú no lo sabes porque no hablamos hace mucho.
She's gonna point right at you, because... well, it's the truth, so she won't be lying.
Apuntará directo hacia ti, porque es la verdad. Carajo, no. No estaría mintiendo.
It's because rusty told you about the threats that Gary made.
Es porque te dijo oxidada sobre las amenazas que Gary hizo.
It's just, you know, kind of a fling, because, you know, he's young.
Es solo, tu sabes, una aventura, porque, pues, es joven.
It's obviously a very risky position to be in because you're putting yourself very close to the US Army.
Obviamente es una posición muy arriesgada porque te acercas peligrosamente al Ejército de los EE.UU.
And, you know, it was typical of Jesse, because he alluded to them that this is something that's... it's gonna be big in the papers.
Y, bueno, era típico de Jesse, porque les mencionó que esto era algo que iba a ser algo grande en los periódicos.
And I know that you think that this is just about Charlie, but I think... I think maybe it's bigger, because what came through that mirror instead of Charlie, it didn't exactly grow up in the neighborhood.
Y sé que crees que esto es solo sobre Charlie, pero creo que tal vez esto sea algo mayor, porque lo que vino a través del espejo en vez de Charlie, no creció exactamente por aquí.
Because you know what it's like to love Sol and lose him.
Porque entiendes cómo se siente amar a Sol y perderlo.
I'll protect you because it's in my own best interest.
Te protegí porque es por mi propio beneficio.
Because it's important you focus on the case now, and yet it would be terrible if your aunt's first day on the island should tarnish the rest of her stay here.
Porque es importante que se enfoque en el caso, y sería terrible si el primer día de su tía en la isla manchara el resto de su estadía aquí.
You know, it's very apt that he called his restaurant Le Calmar because he had his tentacles everywhere.
¿ Sabe? Es muy apropiado que llamara a su restaurante Le Calmar... porque él tenía sus tentáculos por todos lados.
It's funny you say that because er, er, er, you see, in my mind, once I worked out the how
Es gracioso que digas eso, Veras, en mi mente, cuando descubro el cómo... entonces trabajo en el quién.
It's just... when I thought you weren't there for me, it hurt, because I wanted you to be there for me.
Es solo... que cuando pensé que no estarías, me dolió, porque... quería que estuvieras para mí.
So I'm guessing it's because... you and your boyfriend are engaged to be married.
Y supongo que es porque tú y tu novio van a casarse.
She says you haven't been by in a while. She thinks it's because you're angry with her.
Dice que no has ido en un tiempo.
Because that's how long it would have taken you to read that book, and then talk to her, and then casually drop in the line about Frida Kahlo. I introduced you.
Porque eso es lo que te habría llevado leer ese libro y luego hablar con ella, y luego mencionar de forma casual esa frase de Frida Kahlo.
And it's powerful because with it, he can tell what you think, what you want, where you are and who you are.
Y es poderosa porque con ella, él sabe qué piensan, qué quieren ustedes, dónde están y quiénes son.
But you sit down and, um... and eat, because it's not gonna be as good cold.
Pero siéntate y come, porque no va a estar tan bueno si se enfría.
Um... I'm gonna go and get dressed because it's a very long ride to Portland, but, um, you have a great day at work.
Voy a ir a vestirme porque es un viaje muy largo hasta Portland, pero... que tengas un buen día en el trabajo.
People were really friendly, because it benefits you to onboard more people in, so bitcoin's always been this very friendly community and it's also... in some ways it's self-serving that way, but we were there for the right reasons.
La gente era muy amable, ya que le beneficia a bordo de más personas en, por lo bitcoin siempre ha sido muy amable esta comunidad y también es... en cierto modo es auto-servicio de esa manera, pero estuvimos allí por las razones correctas.
You know, it's so weird that your feet hurt, because every time I see you, I feel like you're sitting.
Es raro que te duela el pie, porque cada vez que te veo, veo que estas sentando.
Just because you don't want to admit it doesn't mean it's not happening.
Que no quieras admitirlo no significa que no esté pasando.
it's because you're human.
es porque eres humano.
Because if you don't, it's a really long wait.
Porque si no lo haces, la espera es muy larga.
I'm making you take a break because that's how long it'll take you to mosey back up here after you send your 20 texts to your boyfriend.
Estoy haciendo que tomes un descanso porque ese es el tiempo que te tomara deambular por ahí después de enviarle veinte mensajes a tu novio.
It's because you didn't think Suzy could make it out with her claustrophobia.
Es porque pensaste que Suzy no lo lograría con su claustrofobia.
You know, years ago, after your mom's dad passed away, I took her and went back to my parents'house because it was familiar and safe.
Sabes, hace años, luego de que el padre de tu madre muriera, la tomé y la llevé de vuelta a la casa de mis padres porque era un lugar familiar y seguro.
Thanks to time travel, and it's because of time travel that I know you're here.
Gracias al viaje en el tiempo, y es por el viaje en el tiempo que supe que estarías aquí.
Because y-you... really look like you're bringing your A-game, considering it's a bunch of boring lawyers and grumpy old judges.
Porque tú... parece que vas a por todas, considerando que es un puñado de abogados aburridos y viejos jueces amargados.
'Cause, like, there's stuff I want to talk to you about, but we've been hating each other so bad, so I can't, and it sucks because I don't know who else to go to, but I can't trust you because you don't support me.
porque, como, hay chismes sobre los que quiero hablarte, pero nos hemos odiado mucho el uno al otro, así que no puedo, y es una mierda porque no sé a quién más acudir, pero no puedo confiar en ti porque no me apoyas.
It's a great opportunity, and you should take it because life doesn't give those out all the time.
Es una gran oportunidad y deberías tomarla porque la vida no provee esas todo el tiempo.
All right, because it's you.
Vale, porque eres tú.
Because I love you. I know you're head over heel in love with me, but it's a bad beginning.
Sé que estás enamorado por completo de mí, pero es un mal inicio.
Call her because it's you two that she loves and she's really proud of, and there's nothing that Dale and I can do about it.
llámenla porque a ustedes los quiere ella esta realmente orgullosa Y no hay nada que Dale y yo podamos hacer.
You gotta threaten to leave without ever actually leaving, because you know that you're too old and it's too late to go back out there and find a new man and start the whole manipulation cycle all over again.
Tienes que amenazarlo con marcharte sin marcharte nunca en realidad, porque sabes que estás muy vieja, y es muy tarde para salir allá fuera y encontrar otro hombre, y empezar todo el ciclo de manipulación de nuevo.
The images you crave get sicker, and sicker, and sicker, but it's OK, because the Internet will always catch up to you.
Las imágenes que anhelas son más y más y más enfermas, pero está bien, porque Internet siempre te alcanza.
because it's true 90
because it's fun 25
because it's the right thing to do 30
because it's wrong 29
because it's embarrassing 16
because it's not 44
because it's the truth 44
because it's not true 18
because it's 93
it's your choice 290
because it's fun 25
because it's the right thing to do 30
because it's wrong 29
because it's embarrassing 16
because it's not 44
because it's the truth 44
because it's not true 18
because it's 93
it's your choice 290
it's your birthday 200
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your lucky day 103
it's your call 289
it's your life 157
it's yours 974
it's your turn 401
it's your move 63
it's your decision 99
it's your funeral 64
it's your turn now 40
it's your lucky day 103
it's your call 289
it's your life 157