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Benched traducir español

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Thirteen for our team and nobody benched.
13 tantos a nuestro favor y 0 en contra.
You're benched there for a month, so that all your classmates can see you who were afraid to face up to things.
Así estarás un mes, para que todos tus compañeros vean bien al que tiene miedo de dar la cara.
I guess I wasn't very sharp, so they benched me.
No estuve muy fino y me sentaron en el banquillo.
No. The dachsies are benched clear over the other side of the building. Yes, okay.
Los salchichas están al otro extremo del edificio.
I will, cos you're benched.
Lo haré, porque chuparás banquillo.
You been benched?
¿ Te mandó al banquillo?
I've been benched.
Me ha sustituido.
I could be benched all year.
Puede que no me saque...
I thought I benched you.
Te puse en la banca.
He got benched his senior year for takin'a little chomp out of a Georgia free safety.
Lo suspendieron su último año por morder a un jugador de Georgia.
T.J. Bryant is benched in favor of Mike Horne.
T. J Bryant está en el banco por Mike Horne.
You know, your dad benched me.
Tu padre me mandó al banquillo.
If I'm getting benched for something I didn't do, I might as well do it.
Si me mandan al banquillo por algo que no he hecho, mejor lo hago.
I just looked at her once and he benched me.
Sólo la miré una vez y me mandó al banquillo.
McGuire is benched?
¿ Bochini no juega?
William is benched for arriving late to the locker room... and Nazareth threatens.
A William lo mandan a la banca por llegar tarde al vestuario... y Nazareth amenaza.
You're benched for two games.
Estás suspendido por 2 juegos.
Hey, I heard about you getting benched last week, and I read about your legal trouble that you've been in.
Escuché que te tuvieron en la banca la semana pasada y leí sobre tu problema legal.
- You're benched!
Eres enviado a la banca!
Can't have our point guard benched.
No puede quedar descalificado.
Every time my coach told me that, I knew I was about to get benched.
Cada vez que mi entrenador me decía eso, sabía que estaba por expulsarme.
Our case, then why am I being benched?
Es nuestro caso, ¿ por qué me excluye?
Calvin got benched for going out joyriding last night.
Calvin va a estar en la banca por manejar un auto anoche.
Well, do you think I want to be benched?
¿ Y tú crees que me gusta estar en el banquillo?
And he benched you in the state championship.
Te saco del campeonato estatal. Si.
He covered and acted like he benched me.
Lo dijo para cubrirse.
Off the record... benched.
Extraoficialmente... enviado a la banca.
- It's gonna look like you benched me.
- Parecerá que me has excluido.
Yeah, man. It's a good thing about getting benched... you get to blow off some practices.
Ventajas de estar en el banquillo.
Okay, now, you said he was benched from the soccer team?
Bien, ¿ y dices que le habían mandado al banquillo?
Yeah, Whitey benched Dan.
Sí, Whitey banqueo a Dan.
By the way, you're benched. Anyone else?
De momento, tú estas apartado de ellos. ¿ Alguién más?
He was benched in the preseason.
Lo enviaron a la banca.
I practiced every time you benched me.
Practicándola en el banco.
The entire boys'basketball team at Richmond High School has been benched.
Todo el equipo de baloncesto de la secundaria Richmond fue enviado a la banca.
He benched me... for the rest of the season, cause I didn't take the test.
Me ha puesto de suplente el resto de la temporada... porque no me hice el estúpido test.
- Hey. - Benched.
Estoy en la banca.
Tell the prom queen thanks, but no. I'm still benched.
Dile a la colegiala que sigo en la banca.
Can you really afford to be benched for that long?
¿ Estás dispuesto a perderte la acción?
Thought he got benched?
Creí que estaba en el banco.
Santos benched him.
Santos lo mandó al banquillo.
You're going to be benched.
Los pondré en la banca.
The idiot benched me.
Ese idiota me ha mandado al banquillo.
I see you've been benched?
¿ Así que te han mandado al banco?
With Smash and Saracen benched, you gotta wonder is coach Taylor cutting off his nose to spite his face.
Con Smash y Saracen en el banquillo, se estarán preguntando el entrenador Taylor cortándose la nariz para escupirse la cara.
He benched you out last week, he's out of control.
¿ Qué si intenta darnos vida antes de los playoffs?
But they benched Toby and he's so upset, he won't come out of the locker room.
Pero no pusieron a Toby y se siente tan mal, que no quiere salir del vestuario.
So until further notice, consider yourselves benched.
Así que hasta nuevo aviso, consideraros en el banquillo.
These are the same crates you flashed on yesterday. The one's that got us benched.
Estas son las mismas cajas de las uqe tuviste un flash ayer el que nos mandó al banquillo
No, Chuck, just benched, but we're going to have to talk about what happened.
No, Chuck, sólo en el banquillo. Pero vamos a tener que hablar sobre lo que pasó.
I've been benched.
He estado en el banquillo.

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