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Born and raised traducir español

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Anyhow, I was born and raised on a farm.
Yo he nacido en una granja.
Both of'em was born and raised in the hill country.
Ambos nacieron y se criaron en las montañas.
He was born and raised here.
Nació y se crió aquí.
I was born and raised not far from here.
Nací y me crié cerca de aquí.
- Like animals he was born and raised in the jungle.
- Igual que los animales nació y creció en la jungla.
Well, I was born and raised in Tokyo.
- Nací y me crié en Tokio.
Any 10-year-old kid who was born and raised like an Indian could whip the daylights out of them.
Cualquier muchacho de 10 años que haya sido criado como un indio... los mataría de una paliza a todos ellos.
I was born and raised in the wheat country.
Me crié en tierra de trigales.
I was born and raised in Boston myself.
Yo nací y crecí en Boston.
You were born and raised in Boston and you went to Harvard, where you edited the Lampoon.
Nacido y criado en Boston y fuiste a Harvard donde editaste la gaceta universitaria.
Just where were you born and raised, huh?
¿ Dónde naciste y te criaste?
Born and raised right here, he's as typical a New Yorker as anyone you'll ever meet.
Siempre vivió aquí. Es el neoyorquino típico.
I was born and raised in Milwaukee.
Nací y crecí en Milwaukee.
He was born and raised in Athens.
Nació y se crió en Atenas.
We were born and raised there.
Allí nacimos y nos criamos.
Steamboat man, born and raised on the river.
Nací y crecí en un barco a vapor en el río.
Husband number four was born and raised in good old Yonkers.
El cuarto marido nació y creció en el viejo Yonkers.
My father was born and raised in a slum environment.
Mi padre nació y se crió en un ambiente horrible.
- Was born and raised in Mannheim.
- Nació y creció en Mannheim.
I'm born and raised in the greatest country on earth and I'm proud of it!
¡ He nacido y crecido en el mejor país del mundo y estoy orgulloso!
We were all born and raised in that foundry.
Cierto. Todos nacimos y nos criamos en esa fundición...
Because you can't go on living defeated where you were born and raised.
No puede se puede quedar derrotado donde se nació y se crecio.
Well, I was born and raised here, and this is my home.
Bueno, nací y crecí aquí, y este es mi hogar.
I was born and raised in this town, remember?
Nací y crecí en este pueblo, ¿ recuerdas?
Born and raised in Racine.
Nacido y criado en Racine.
Boy, take the advice of an old-timer who was born and raised in this county.
Acepte el consejo de un veterano que nació y creció en este condado.
My daughter Pat was born and raised among you.
Mi hija Pat nació y creció entre vosotros.
She was born and raised here.
- Esta es la casa donde nació y vivió su juventud.
Well, I was born and raised in this life.
He nacido y crecido en este mundo.
We Judeans were born and raised into that right.
Crecimos con ese derecho.
I was born and raised in the Bend Country.
- Nací y crecí en la comarca de Bend.
- Born and raised.
- He nacido y me he criado allí.
I was born and raised here. As all my falks.
Entonces ¿ está en contra?
You were born and raised in Montelepre.
Pero si Usted ha nacido en Montelepre.
Gents, my wife-to-be and me, now, we was born and raised in this county.
Mi futura esposa y yo nacimos y nos criamos en estas tierras.
That's where I was born and raised.
Allí fue donde nací y crecí.
I was born and raised in a Liverpool slum.
Nací y crecí en un barrio pobre de Liverpool.
Nacida y criada en una granja.
He was born and raised here.
Nació y creció aquí.
I was born and raised on a barge.
Nací y me crié en una barcaza.
- I was born and raised there.
- Nací y me crié allí.
You were born according to the law and raised according to the law.
Tú naciste y creciste de acuerdo con las leyes.
I thank Almighty God... who caused me to be born of a royal stock... and raised me to be a queen of so large and mighty a kingdom.
Agradezco a Dios Todopoderoso... que me hizo nacer de linaje real... y me hizo crecer para ser reina de tan grande y poderoso reino.
You were born and raised in Hester Street
¡ Tipejo!
You know, i was born and raised in back of the stockyard.
Nací y me crié cerca de los muelles.
You were born and raised in this city, weren't you, kenet?
Usted nació y creció en esta ciudad, ¿ verdad, Kenet?
Don`t you think it`s time you got back to the main stream of your life? Back to your roots? What you were born for, and raised for?
¿ No crees que ya es hora de volver a tu vida común y corriente a tus raíces, a aquello para lo que naciste y fuiste criado?
You were born according to the law and raised according to the law.
Tú naciste según la ley y creciste según la ley.
Would you tell us something about yourself, where you were born, how you were raised, and how you came to be a geisha?
¿ Podrías contarme algo sobre ti, dónde naciste, cómo te criaste... y cómo te convertiste en una geisha?
I was born in a bass drum and raised in a brass horn.
Nací en un bombo y me crié en una corneta.
I was born, raised and educated.
Nací, crecí y fui educado.

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