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Bunnies traducir español

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In the royal chapel, choir bunnies innocently sing their praises then, craftily disguised as a monk...
En la capilla real, los coros de conejitos cantaban inocentemente sus rezos, entonces, hábilmente disfrazado de monje...
Of all the dumb bunnies.
Qué inocente.
Almost makes one believe in Santa Claus again and Easter bunnies.
Casi hace que uno vuelva a creer en Santa Claus y el conejo de Pascua.
The Easter bunnies are in again.
Ya volvemos con el conejo de Pascua.
You're a day early f or Easter bunnies.
Si busca perdices, aún estamos en veda.
Why, you big brave bunnies.
Valientes conejillos de indias.
To the guys that draw the bunnies
Como los chicos que pintan conejos.
For the guys who draw the bunnies
Como los chicos que pintan conejos.
Beach bunnies, surfers and dragsters, it gives me great pleasure to give you great pleasure.
Muñecas playeras, surfistas y pilotos, me complace mucho complacerlos.
- Your Playboy pyjamas with the bunnies.
- Tu pijama de Playboy con los conejitos.
The fellow's going on about jungle bunnies, my dear.
- Está hablando de la selva.
- Poor bunnies
- Pobres conejos.
- If you enjoy playing... little bunnies.
sí, si le divierte jugar a los "pollitos"...
Four little bunnies running...
Cuatro conejitas correteando...
Did you choose the serving staff from the "Playboy" bunnies?
Elegiste el personal de servicio entre las conejitas de Playboy?
You stupid bunnies!
¡ Conejos tontos!
- Bunnies, bunnies.
- Conejitas, conejitas.
- Playboy bunnies?
- ¿ Conejitas de Playboy?
I negotiated two barrels of fuel for a couple of hours with the bunnies.
Negocié dos barriles de combustible por un par de horas con las conejitas.
One of the back bay bunnies, back bay of Brooklyn, that is.
Uno de los conejitos de la bahía de atrás, la bahía de atrás de Brooklyn, claro.
The jungle bunnies! .
¡ A los conejos de la jungla!
- - Fuckin'jungle bunnies!
¡ Jodidos monos de la jungla!
- What's wrong? Bunnies are cute.
- Las conejitas son lindas.
Good news for the beach bunnies, but bad news for the farm boys.
Buenas noticias para los amantes de la playa, malas para los granjeros.
We just want to say that we're not Spirit Bunnies anymore.
Solo queremos decir que ya no somos "Las Conejitas de Espiritu".
- Live? - Quick, like bunnies.
Debéis hacerlo rápidamente.
Lmmediately my feet began to sweat as those two fluffy little bunnies... with the blue button eyes stared sappily up at me.
Los pies me empezaron a sudar mientras aquellos conejitos de ojos de botón me miraban estúpidamente.
They rent a chalet, ski and melt a few snow bunnies.
Alquilan un chalet, esquí y derriten la nieve de unos conejitos.
Calling all cars, be on the look out for Dangerously and accomplices dressed as nuns, driving a sedan covered with you'll love this, duckies and bunnies.
Llamando a todas las patrullas. Escuchen : Peligroso y cómplices disfrazados de monjas.
To impress a bevy of buxom Bunnies, who now will never speak to you again.
Para impresionar a un grupo de conejos rolliza, que ahora no hablará con usted de nuevo.
- "Sporks"? - And napkins with bunnies on'em. Gee.
Servilletas con conejitos.
- With bunnies on them.
-... con conejitos...
"Pardon me, cute and fuzzy bunnies," he said.
"Perdónenme, lindos y peludos conejitos," les dijo.
The cute, fuzzy bunnies were quick to cooperate this time. The path they sent him on landed him on an ocean-going vessel.
Los lindos conejitos peludos cooperaron con él y lo enviaron al océano en un barco.
Our hero hated boats, but he was desperate on his quest... and once again he fell victim to the heinous cute and fuzzy bunnies.
Nuestro héroe odiaba los botes, pero estaba desesperado y una vez más cayó en manos de los odiosos conejitos peludos.
Those cute and fuzzy bunnies... weren't so bad after all.
Quizás esos conejitos no eran tan malos.
If we give in, we're giving in to all the cute, fuzzy bunnies in the world.
¡ Nos estamos dejando vencer por unos simples conejitos!
There was nothing even the cute and fuzzy bunnies... could do about it, thank you.
Y los conejitos peludos no podían hacer nada.
These are my bunnies.
Esos son mis conejos.
Over my bunnies?
- Encima de mis conejitos?
Well, Steph, your bunnies are very pink.
- Steph, tus conejitos son muy.... rosas...
My mom made those bunnies just for me. Don't you like them?
- Mi mamá hizo esos conejitos sólo para mi....
These bunnies.
- Estos conejitos?
I love these bunnies.
Adoro estos conejitos.
I'm sure Elvis had bunnies hanging all over Graceland.
Estoy seguro que Elvis tiene conejitos saltando por toda Graceland.
You can cover up my bunnies if you want.
- Puedes cubrir mis conejitos si quieres.
That's all right. Your bunnies are growing on me.
Tus conejitos empezaban a crecer en mi.
Well, at first I wasn't sure but when I saw that kid telling me I could cover her bunnies up and I was looking at that little baby, counting on me to stop her pain I don't know, I got all warm and tingly- - And somebody stop me.
- Oh, al principio no estaba seguro. Pero no lo sé, cuando veo esa niña diciendomme que puedo cubrir sus conejitos y estaba viendo a esa pequeña bebé en mis brazos, contando conmigo para que deje de tener dolor. No lo sé.
You're hugging me in a room with pink bunnies.
Estás abrazándome en una habitación con conejitos rosas.
What is "dicso" bunnies?
Conozco algunas chicas de El Salvador. Son "conejitas" de una disco.
I know some girls from El Salvador, except they're all disco bunnies.
- El Salvador - ¿ Si?

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