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But i don't believe it traducir español

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You don't believe it, but I'll show you.
Espera y lo verás.
I don't believe it but it sounds grand.
No me lo creo, pero suena bien.
I read that too but I don't believe it.
También lo he leído, pero no puedo creerlo.
I'm sorry to say it, sir, but I don't believe you.
- Lo siento. Como ciudadano de este país debería colaborar.
But I don't believe it, Father.
No lo creo, padre.
But I don't believe a word of it.
Pero no me creo una palabra.
I don't believe that destinies are controlled by a throw of dice, but it couldn't have been merely a succession of accidents.
No soy de la idea de que el destino dependa del azar de los dados... pero cuesta creer que todo fuera pura coincidencia.
But I haven't been able to get any whisky out of it. I don't believe you examined it very closely.
No creo que lo haya examinado muy de cerca.
I don't believe in explaining orders, but this time it's necessary.
No creo en explicar órdenes, pero esta vez es necesario.
I don't believe the girl is guilty of anything but writing a silly love letter, And it was her own private possession. If anyone is guilty, it's the person who fished the letter out of the waste-basket.
No creo que la muchacha sea culpable de nada... más que de escribir una carta de amor tonta... y como es algo suyo y privado... si alguien es culpable, es la persona que sacó la carta de la papelera.
They tell me it works with gas, but I don't believe it.
Dicen que funciona con gas, ¡ pero yo no lo creo!
Well, it's, uh... it's funny, but, you know, with a teacher right here in the family, I don't believe I could ever learn to play bridge.
Es curioso, pero, aunque tenga una profesora en la familia, creo que nunca podría aprender a jugar al bridge.
I still don't believe in it, but it's what Julia wishes and....
Aún no creo en ello, pero si es lo que Julia desea y...
They say he was killed at Mafeking, but I don't believe it.
Dicen que murió en Mafeking. Pero no lo creo.
So did I, but I still don't believe it.
Yo también, pero todavía no lo creo.
All right, you don't have to believe it if you don't want to, but I'm telling you.
No te lo creas si no quieres, pero te lo digo yo.
I don't believe it will happen, but I'm her sister so I must help.
Yo no confío en ello, pero soy su hermana y debo actuar como lo hago.
Pretty smart, Marilyn, but I don't believe it.
Muy lista, Marilyn, pero no me lo creo.
I can't believe the Lord means for the strong to parade their strength... but I don't mind doing it if it's got to be done.
No puedo creer que el Señor quiera que los fuertes proclamen su fuerza pero no me importa hacerlo si es necesario.
- So I hear but I don't believe it, personally.
- Eso he oído pero yo no lo creo.
I don't believe they'd hang around Saul's office. It's too near the law courts. - But they might.
No creo que merodeen por el despacho de Saul, está demasiado cerca de los tribunales, pero podrían.
- It isn't that... but I don't believe we'd have much chance against him in the jungle.
- No es eso, no creo que tuviéramos ninguna posibilidad contra él en la jungla.
But I don't believe it!
¡ Pero yo no lo creo!
They do say she set fire to her mother, but I don't believe it.
Dicen que Ie prendió fuego a su propia madre, pero no Io creo.
But I don't believe it.
- Pero yo no me lo creo.
But I don't believe it.
No lo puedo creer.
But I don't believe it remains so, monsieur... for I filled it at the desire of a very high personage.
No creo que siga estándolo, monsieur porque la llené por deseo de un alto personaje.
It doesn't matter to me if you don't believe me, but I'd like to give you one last chance.
Si no me cree, me da igual, pero le daré una última oportunidad.
I don't believe it, but i saw it.
- Sí, no lo creo pero lo he visto.
I don't expect you to believe me, but it's the truth.
No espero que me crea,... pero es la verdad.
I don't know what to believe, but whatever it is, it's terrifying.
No sé qué creer, pero lo que sea, es aterrador.
But I don't believe in it.
Si le divierte... Pero no creo en eso.
Of course, I don't believe a word you said, but I'm awfully glad you said it.
Claro que no creo nada de lo que habéis dicho. Pero me alegro de que lo hayáis dicho.
- All right, I'll go along, but I don't believe it.
- Vale, iré, pero no me lo creo.
All very praiseworthy. Even magnificent. But, frankly, I don't believe one word of it, Mr. Quincey.
Es incluso admirable pero no creo una sola palabra, señor Quincey y nadie le creerá.
I know you don't believe me and you're trying valiantly to humor me... but I'm going to prove it to you.
Sé que no lo crees y que intentas seguirme la corriente... pero, voy a demostrártelo.
I don't believe it, but I'll risk it.
No lo creo, pero me arriesgaré.
It's possible, but I don't believe it.
Es posible, pero no lo creo.
You look at me as though you don't believe it, but I know I'm right.
Me miras incrédula, pero sé que tengo razón.
I don't really believe it, but I'd like to go and see.
No me creo nada, pero me gustaría ir a verlo.
I've got an explanation for this, but I don't believe it myself.
Tengo una explicación para eso, pero yo mismo lo creería.
But I don't believe a word of it.
Pero no te creo ni una palabra.
I don ´ t know how to make you believe it, but- - l ´ m Terpsichore, the Grecian goddess and I came down from Mt.
No sé si me van a creer, pero... Soy Terpsícore, la diosa griega y he venido del Monte Parnaso para...
I don't believe it, but I'm willin'to keep a closed mind.
- No te creo pero haré un esfuerzo.
But I don't believe it.
Pero no lo creo.
I understand how you feel and I don't blame you... but believe me, it's blotted out of her mind.
Entiendo lo que siente y no se lo reprocho, pero créame, lo ha borrado de su mente.
I see your point of view. But it's a cold, bloodless, banker's point of view and I don't believe a word of it.
Comprendo su punto de vista, pero es el punto de vista frío y desapasionado de un banquero y no creo una sola palabra.
I don't know what has compelled this girl to denounce herself but I believe it is my duty to tell you that everything that she has declared is a pure fantasy.
- No conozco el motivo por el que esa joven se ha autoinculpado, pero le aseguro que ese relato es pura fantasía.
But I don't believe I'd count on gettin'it.
Pero yo no contaría con recibirlo.
I was the one who said it, but I don't believe it.
Eso lo he dicho yo, pero no me lo creo.
"Mr. Know-All" I believe is a story of my own invention But I shouldn't like to have to go into the witness box in the Court of Law and take my oath on it
Creo que "Don sabihondo" es creación mía, pero no podría jurarlo a ciencia cierta.

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