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But it's not working traducir español

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You did a great job, Emmerich, but it's not working.
Buen trabajo, Emmerich, pero fue ineficaz.
Yes, perhaps things could have changed, but he was not normal. Comes home after working all day and the girl's crying makes it impossible to sleep.
Los niños lloran, tienen hambre y se ponen enfermos y los padres que trabajan necesitan dormir.
Mistress, I'm working as hard as I can every day but it's still not enough
Señora, trabajo tan duro como puedo todos los días, pero aún no es suficiente.
Jimmy... i want you to have this. It's not much but i've only been working two week s.
Jimmy, te he traído esto.
But whatever it does, it's obviously not working.
Pero haga lo que haga, obviamente no funciona.
I'm standing so high but it's still not working.
Por más que lo intento no da resultado
but it's not working?
- Aun así, no da resultado.
It's not only a building foundation which is being laid... but the foundations of a new life... and prosperity for working people as well.
No son simples cimientos, sino el fundamento de una nueva vida... y del bienestar de los trabajadores.
I couldn't tell you on the phone, but... ... it's not working.
No podía decírtelo por teléfono, pero... esto no funciona.
It's not working, but it's fine.
- No funciona, pero va bien.
Larissa and I bought a little house there to spend most of our time, but unfortunately, it's not working out.
Larisa y yo compramos una pequeña casa alli para pasar la mayoria del tiempo Pero desafortunadamente, no esta funcionando
- Yes, I'm trying but it's not working...
Eso intento, pero no va bien.
Ethel, we've not had much time to talk, but I'm working on my first film and I'd like - what I mean - it's going to be completely different from this one.
Ethel, no tenemos mucho tiempo para hablar. Trabajo en mi primer film y me gustaría... Lo que quiero decir es que va ser muy distinta de esta...
It's not the novel, but it shows I've been working. I think you'll like it.
No es la novela, pero demuestra que he estado trabajando. Lo gustará.
Philip Philipovich, naturally, it's not for me to offer you advice... But look at yourself, you're completely worn out, you can't go on working like that.
Philip Philipovich, tengo que decirle algo... considere, está usted completamente agotado ;
But it's not working.
Pero no funciona.
Yes, I took a sleeping pill, but it's not working.
Sí, me tomé la medicina, pero no me hace efecto.
Okay, it's not something that your average joe punter is going to find all that accessible, but in the market he's working to, he delivers, and Gordon will tell you that that's a compliment I use very sparingly indeed.
Vale, no es algo que el público medio vaya a encontrar del todo accesible, pero en el mercado en el que está trabajando, él ha cumplido, y Gordon te dirá que es un cumplido que uso muy muy poco.
I don't know, but whatever I'm doing, it's not working for me, and now I'm just crying out of control, and I still can't get in touch with my emotions.
No sé, pero lo que sea que hago, no me funciona y ahora estoy llorando sin parar y aún no puedo contactarme con mis emociones.
It's good he has a part-time job... but I'm not sure... about the people Bart's working for.
Sé que es bueno que un muchacho tenga un trabajo... pero no estoy segura sobre la gente para la que trabaja Bart.
But it's not working. I mean, he keeps digging. It's getting too complicated.
pero no da resultado, el sigue escarbando, esto se complica demasiado.
He's looking for a job... because he studied philosophy, but it's not easy to find a job and for now he's working as a salesperson.
Mucho gusto. Él está buscando un trabajo porque también tiene los estudios, ha estudiado filosofía pero puesto que es difícil encontrar trabajo, entonces hace de representante de detergentes.
- Well, I did think it over, but, well, I mean, working for the firm, it's not really my cup of tea, is it?
Bueno, sí, ya lo he pensado, pero vaya, es que trabajar en la fábrica no creo que sea lo mío, me entiendes?
'Cause, you know, it's one thing to go out and have a good time... but it's another thing to go out and then feel guilty about going out... because, really, you should be staying at home and working on your future... and not sleeping in'til 2 : 00 p.m. And waking up with a hangover ;
Pero eso no me levantaba el ánimo porque una cosa es salir y pasarla bien y otra cosa es salir y luego sentirte culpable por hacerlo. Porque deberías estar trabajando en tu futuro y no durmiéndote hasta las 2 P.M., y despertándote "crudo" y, por lo tanto, sin lograr nada ni pasarla bien, ni crear tu futuro.
Unfortunately, that's not an option at the moment, but we're working on it.
Por ahora no podemos, pero lo estamos intentando.
Is it not monstrous that this player here but in a fiction in a dream of passion could force his soul so to his own conceit that from her working all his visage waned tears in his eyes, distraction in's aspect a broken voice and his whole function suiting with forms to his conceit? And all for nothing.
¿ No es monstruoso que este actor en mera ficción en un sueño de pasión obligue a su alma a engañarse a sí misma de tal modo que su rostro se encoja y lagrimeen sus ojos, el semblante se le mude y la voz se le quiebre y que todo su organismo se acomode a lo que expresa?
I've been trying to do everything that you think that I should do, but it's just not working.
Intenté hacer todo lo que tú crees que debo hacer.
But it's not working anymore.
Pero ya no funciona.
It's working, but it's not gonna work, you know?
Ahora va bien, pero vamos a terminar.
It was a good idea, Bart, but it's just not working.
Fue una buena idea, Bart, pero no funciona.
Not my finest half-hour... but it's been a pleasant working environment ever since.
No ha sido la mejor cosa de mi vida... pero ha sido un excelente ambiente de trabajo.
But I can't tell if it's working or not.
Pero no podría decir si está funcionando o no.
Cliff, sweetie, it's not working. I know you want this moving, tracking thing but can't we just use the tripod for this one?
Cliff, cariñito, no funciona, sé que querías movimiento en esta escena, pero, ¿ Podríamos usar el trípode?
But it's not working?
¿ Pero no funciona?
But if it's not working out, and if you and Carla are back together I'd appreciate hearing it from you.
Pero si no está funcionando, y Carla y tú habéis vuelto juntos te agradecería que me lo dijeras.
But at least it's not prepared by a woman working a deep fryer in a batter-dipped brassiere.
Al menos no la prepara una mujer en una freidora en un sostén manchado de comida.
I really like you, Birkoff, | but it's not working.
Me agradas, Birkoff, pero no funcionará.
- But it's not working.
¡ Pero no funciona!
I've tried to pretend this is some bizarre hormonal glitch but it's not working.
He fingido que esto es un raro problema hormonal pero no me ha dado resultado.
It worked then, but it's not working now.
Funcionó, pero ahora no funciona.
But it's obviously not working. Stan, why don't you just ask the question?
Stan, porqué no simplemente haces la pregunta?
- Carter! - I'm trying to use the transporter..... to beam him in, but it's not working.
- Intento utilizar el transportador para traerlo, pero no funciona.
Yeah, it's on the fifth floor, but the lift's not working, I'm afraid.
Es el quinto, pero el ascensor no anda.
That's the one I celebrate, because it's the only one where you started and it wasn't followed by not working but rather going back to your boyfriend.
Esa la celebro, pues comenzaste a trabajar para mí y no había razón para renunciar y volver con tu novio.
The only thing that can possibly save us now is the E.I.T., but we're not even sure if it's working properly.
Lo único que puede salvarnos ahora es el TLE... pero no sabemos si funciona correctamente.
Yes, I know, but she's working hard... and it's just not working out.
Lo sé, pero está trabajando duro... y simplemente no está funcionando.
But he knows it's not working.
Pero se da cuenta de que la secuencia no funciona.
We're... - It's not the Ritz Carlton, but it's working for us. - Okay.
No será un hotel de lujo, pero está bien para nosotros.
It'd be nice to have all five plasma injectors working... but it's not essential.
Estaría bien tener todos los inyectores de plasma funcionando pero no es esencial.
Lantash went into him to save him but it's not working.
Lantash entró en él pasa salvarlo, pero no funcionó.
But a coach once told me that the hardest thing is to walk into your Super Bowl locker room at halftime and change the plan that got you there because it's not working.
Pero un entrenador me dijo una vez : Que lo más duro es entrar en tu vestuario de la Super Bowl durante el descanso y cambiar la táctica del equipo porque no está funcionando.

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