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But it didn't work out traducir español

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- I felt like I tried my best, but it just didn't work out. So I just got really frustrated.
Intente hacer lo mejor pero aun asi no fue suficiente, quede frustrada.
But it didn't work out.
Pero no han ido bien las cosas.
I'm sorry it didn't work out, but you can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear.
Siento que no resultara, pero... no se puede pedir lo imposible.
- But it didn't work out that way?
- ¿ Pero las cosas no fueron de ese modo?
It could've been wonderful, but it didn't work out.
Pudo haber sido maravilloso, pero no funcionó.
- Yes, it's possible, but he needs to come to terms with life because that didn't work out.
Pues más vale que se resigne, porque eso ya no es posible.
Of course, I knew it wasn't you in there while the burning was going on, but supposing your escape device didn't work and you oouldn't get out? What then?
Ya sé que el de dentro no era usted, pero y si el mecanismo falla, ¿ qué pasaría?
That's okay, but don't give yourself wrong reasons why it didn't work out, huh?
No importa. Pero no te des las razones equivocadas para justificar por qué no funcionó.
I was going to be married last year, but... It didn't work out.
Me iba a casar el año pasado... pero... no pudo ser.
The occasional client... I tried, but it didn't work out.
Tenemos que hacer esa pregunta, ya sabe... Lo he intentado en vano.
Well, I tried to explain it to him, but it just didn't work out.
Intenté explicárselo, pero no tuve éxito.
I had my chance but it didn't work out
Probé suerte con ella pero el asunto no funcionó.
But it didn't work out, did it?
Pero no funcionó. ¿ verdad que no?
I was married when I was very young, but it didn't work out.
Me casé cuando era muy joven, pero no salió bien.
Yes, but it didn't work out.
Sí, pero no funcionó.
She was a good cook, but in the end it didn't work out.
Ella era una cocinera buena pero al final eso,... no funcionó.
He sent me someplace else after that, but it didn't work out.
Me envió a otro sitio después, pero no funcionó. Ninguno funcionó.
I fought in a war and I got married. But it didn't work out.
He estado en la guerra, me casé... y me salió mal.
Cornbread no Io logró, pero trabajaremos duro para sacarte de aquí.
But it didn't work out.
Pero al final no salió bien.
Because you know, we got married, but it didn't work out.
Porque ya sabes, nos casamos, pero no funcionó.
- I did, but it didn't work out.
- Lo encontré, pero no salió bien.
No! We had a thing, it didn`t work out and it`s over now, but he still likes me.
Tuvimos un lío, resultó un fracaso y todo ha acabado, pero me tiene cariño.
But it didn't work out.
Pero no funcionó.
Out thing ended a long time ago, but it didn't work for longer still.
Lo nuestro acabó hace mucho tiempo, pero hace mucho más que no funciona.
But it didn't work out that way.
Pero eso no funcionó de esa manera.
I've been a mug. I thought I was in love with someone but it didn't quite work out that way.
He sido una tonta, creí que estaba enamorada de alguien pero estaba equivocada.
But it didn't work out!
¡ Pero no salió bien!
We tried some doubles this morning but it didn't work out.
Probamos unos dobles esta mañana pero no salieron bien.
We gave it our best shot, but it didn't work out.
Hemos puesto lo mejor de nosotros pero no ha funcionado.
I was supposed to do research in your country... but I'm afraid it didn't work out.
Se suponía que hiciera investigación en su país... pero me temo que no resultó.
Mind you, I almost did... but it didn't work out.
Aunque, casi lo hice... pero no funcionó.
But in the end it didn't work out.
Pero al final no salió.
I was involved, but it didn't work out.
Estuve con alguien, pero eso fracasó.
But it just didn't work out between us.
Pero no resultó.
We couldn't do it. We tried everything, but it didn't work out.
Lo intentamos todo, pero no hubo caso.
I tried, but it didn't work out that well.
Lo intenté pero no funcionó bien.
But Lady Penelope had other plans and it just didn't work out like that.
Pero lady Penélope tenía otros planes por lo que no pude hacerlo.
I got close in my 20s once, but it didn't work out.
Estuve a punto cuando tenía 20 años, pero no funcionó.
It didn't work out the way I'd planned but...
No salió como lo había planeado pero...
I did that here, but it still didn't work out.
Lo hice aquí, pero no funcionó.
I was a good student, but it didn't work out.
Fue un gran alumno, pero no era suficiente.
But the first time that you tried something... that was really important to you, to us... and it didn't work out, what did you do?
Pero la primera vez que intentaste algo... que era realmente importante para tí, para nosotros... y no funcionó, qué hiciste?
But it didn't work. It just knocked me out.
Pero no funcionó, sólo me atontaban.
The plan was I was gonna go back to work after Emily was born... but it didn't really work out that way.
El plan era que iba a volver al trabajo después de Emily nació... pero en realidad no funciona de esa manera.
Thought maybe Franny and Renee would give me some, but it didn't work out.
Creí que Franny y Renee tendrían hijos, pero eso fracasó.
It's a shame it didn't work out, Marge... but George just felt this neighborhood brought out the worst in him and -
Es una pena que no funcionara, Marge pero George sintió que este lugar sacaba a relucir lo peor de él.
I always wanted to go to college, but it didn't work out.
Siempre quise ir a la universidad, pero... no pude. ¿ De veras?
I always thought I'd go, but it didn't work out.
Siempre pensé estudiar, pero no pude.
At twenty-one, Paul was working as a junior partner for a firm of bricklayers by twenty-eight he had gone out on his own as a sub-contractor but it didn't work out
A los 21 años, Paul era socio minoritario en una empresa de albañileria a los 28 años se habia independizado como subcontratista pero no dio resultado
My own life didn't work out exactly as I wanted it to, but I was energetic and lived a full life in my own way.
Mi propia vida no funcionó exactamente como hubiera querido... pero yo era dinámico y viví una vida plena a mi propia manera.

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