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But it wasn't him traducir español

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Well, it ain't my place to say it, Miss Jerry, but if I had a boss that was so hard-boiled he wasn't satisfied with my working all day at the office without slaving home at night, I'd tell him to go to... The place he's heading for, and moreover...
Bueno, no soy quién para decirlo, Srta. Jerry, pero si tuviera un jefe que fuese tan duro... que no estuviera satisfecho con mi trabajo durante todo el día en la oficina y me hiciera seguir trabajando en casa de noche como un negro, le diría que se fuera a donde tuviera que irse, y además...
I tried to explain to him it wasn't a question of suffering or vivisection or any such rubbish, but he simply wouldn't listen to me, and then they... they...
Intenté explicarle que no sufrían ni los viviseccionábamos ni nada por el estilo. Pero no quiso escucharme, y entonces...
Well, it wasn't much to you, maybe, but it's a lot to him.
No será mucho para usted. Pero tal vez signifique mucho para él.
But first I have to tell you I gave him money. And it wasn't exactly mine.
Pero el dinero que le di no era mío.
I offered to give him back the ring but there wasn't anyone he wanted to give it to.
Le he dicho que se podía quedar con el anillo pero no había nadie a quien se lo quisiese dar.
I was in love with him, and I knew it for the first time that night but now he's dead, and I'm not sorry. He wasn't worth it.
Estaba enamorada, y lo supe esa noche pero ahora está muerto, y no lo siento.
Klaas wasn't anywhere near the boy that was killed, but they blamed it on him.
Klaas no estaba cerca del muerto, pero le culparon.
But wasn't it dreadful, him being dead like that?
Que horrible que muriera así, ¿ verdad?
Yes, but it wasn't him.
Sí, pero no era él.
But it wasn't him.
No era él, estoy segura.
Somebody may have killed him, but it wasn't Adam.
No, alguien lo mató, pero no fue Adam.
It wasn't in your interest. But you know who killed him.
Ya sé que no fue usted, pero sabe quién lo hizo.
- But it wasn't him, it...
- ¡ Pero no fue él, fue...
But it wasn't much fun watching him go down.
Pero no fue divertido verlo caer.
"But as he went to cut it, " he noticed it wasn't quite straight enough to suit him.
Pero cuando fue a cortarla vio que no era lo bastante recta.
It was him or you, but it wasn't going to be you.
Entre usted y él, eso no le habría pasado a usted.
yes, but it wasn't him what do you mean it wasn't him!
- Sí, pero no era él. - ¿ Cómo que no era él?
It was him all right, but it wasn't him we should order now the boys are hungry, you understand?
Bueno, sí... Era él pero no era él. Hay que pedir, porque los chicos se mueren de hambre.
I think Papa's going to hire you, but it wasn't easy to convince him.
Creo que papá le va a contratar. No ha sido fácil convencerlo.
No, it wasn't. But I never lied to him.
No, no lo era, pero jamás le mentí.
But as it turned out, it wasn't the captain. Miss Gravely hit him with the heel of her shoe after he attacked her.
Pero era un golpe que la Srta. Gravely le había dado porque le atacó.
It wasn't serious with others, but it's different with him.
No iba en serio con los otros, pero con él es diferente.
But if it wasn't goodbye for him, it could've been for some of us.
Pero si no lo hubiera hecho, todos lo hubieramos lamentado.
It wasn't too severe... but it was the warning, at least I tried to make him see it that way.
No fue demasiado severo... pero fue una advertencia, por lo menos traté de que lo viera de esa forma.
It's a pity that the Monsignor wasn't able to come, but you can report this to him.
Realmente es una pena que Monseñor no haya podido darse cuenta personalmente de esta desgracia. Pero ustedes le informarán.
It wasn't easy to get him out of the rain, but, uh, I talked him into it.
No fue fácil sacarle de lalluvia, pero, hablé con él para que entrara.
Oh, it wasn't easy, but I helped him.
No fue fácil. Pero lo ayudé.
I sort of felt it wasn't any good... but I just had to go and try and find him again.
De alguna manera sentía que esto no estaba bien... tenía que irme e intentar encontrarlo otra vez.
But I don't even know him, I'm saying that, if he went away, it means that it wasn't ok for him.
Si ni siquiera le conozco. Digo que si se ha ido será porque no os iba bien. ¡ Despacio!
A body was washed up, but it wasn't him.
Un cadáver fue arrojado por el mar, pero no era él.
I tried to explain to him it wasn't my fault, but he wouldn't listen.
El término medio de la I, le tiene alguna vez importado Acerca de cualquier cosa o alguien Sin pensar ¿ Qué podrían hacer para usted?
It wasn't very ladylike, but I begged him.
No era apropiado para una dama, pero le rogué,
It looked very much like him, but it wasn't Jena.
Se parecía mucho a él, pero no era él.
- But it wasn't him.
- Pero ¡ No era él!
Thornton's got something wrong with him, but it wasn't our doing.
A Thornton le ocurre algo, pero no por culpa nuestra.
You thought it was your honor that stopped you from making him testify, but it wasn't.
Creías que tu honor te impidió hacerle declarar... pero no fue así.
I told him it wasn " t the cook, but that one...
Le estoy explicando que no fue culpa del cocinero, sino del...
I'm sorry for Rochard. - But it wasn't me who murdered him!
lo lamento por Rochard pero yo no le he asesinado, Inspector.
Officer Perelli heard the explosion at 2.12, but wasn't sure of the location. It took him four minutes to spot the blown gate.
El oficial Perelli oyó la explosión a las dos y doce, al no localizarla, tardó cuatro minutos en encontrar la puerta destrozada.
I wouldn't trust him if I were you. - But wasn't it you who hired him.
Qué Alan dijo sobre lo incidente con Newman?
I tried phoning him to call it off, but he wasn't in all day
Aquella noche había quedado con Oreste. Lo busqué para avisarle, para quedar otro día... pero nada.
My husband told me it wasn't any of our business but I told him I was gonna call the police.
Mi marido me dice que no es cosa nuestra... pero yo le he contestado que llamaría a la policía.
Wasn't the sort of life I'd choose for myself, but it was good for him.
No es la vida que habría escogido para mí pero fue buena para él.
It wasn't, but we killed him anyway.
No lo era, pero, aun así, lo matamos.
Lieutenant, I realize it isn't my place to say anything, but why did you tell him he wasn't the suspect?
Teniente, no me corresponde hacer ningún comentario pero por qué le dijo que no era sospechoso. - ¿ Para que bajase la guardia?
But this time, it wasn't money that attracted the count's interest but the city's young ladies, who, unfortunately for him, were closely guarded by their mothers.
Pero esta vez, no era el dinero lo que atraía in interés del conde, sino las jóvenes de la ciudad, que, por desgracia para él, eran custodiados de cerca por sus madres.
But he was in pretty bad shape. The light wasn't much good but I got a good look at him and for a moment I really thought it was you.
No había muy buena luz pero logré verlo y por un momento pensé que eras tú.
He was planning to join me... in Monte Carlo... but it wasn't from him.
Había planeado reunirse conmigo en Montecarlo. Pero el mensaje no era de el.
The President assured me he was going to nominate him to... fill Perkins'place on the Supreme Court. But he wasn't going to announce it until next week.
El presidente me aseguró que le presentaría como candidato... para el puesto de Perkins en el Tribunal Supremo,... pero que no lo anunciaría hasta la próxima semana.
It took him about 10 minutes to chew Jan out about what she had said, but you could tell his heart wasn't in it.
Se pasó diez minutos regañando a Jan por lo que había dicho, pero sin mucho entusiasmo.
But it wasn't raining when I left him.
Pero cuando lo dejé no llovía.

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