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Can you talk to him traducir español

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But before talking to the princess, His Majesty, the king, wants you to talk to him... so that he can give you permission to talk to the princess.
Pero antes de hablar con la princesa, S.M., el Rey, quiere hablar con usted con el fin de concederle permiso para hablar con la princesa.
- You can't even talk to him.
- No puede ni hablar con él.
I know, Pete, but you can talk to him this afternoon.
Lo sé, Pete, pero puedes hablar con éI esta tarde.
You can see him, but you can't talk to him.
Puede verlo, pero no puede hablar con él.
It means he can't talk to anybody, and you can't talk to him.
Significa que él no puede hablar con nadie y viceversa.
You can only talk to him for a minute. Thank you, deputy.
- Sólo pueden hablarle un minuto.
You sure can talk straight to a fella and ball him up at the same time.
Puedes ser muy sincera con un tipo y fastidiarlo al mismo tiempo.
Can't you make them listen? Give him a chance to talk to ya. Your money's safe.
- ¿ Puedes hacer que escuchen?
I can't promise you that but there'll be a licensed agent here later if you wanna talk to him. That cut you have?
No puedo prometérselo, pero luego vendrá un agente con licencia si quiere hablar con él.
You can talk to him in the morning.
Ya hablarás con él por la mañana.
Entretanto... Tal vez puedas hacerlo hablar.
But, you can't talk to him.
No puedes hablar con él.
You can talk to him all day and all night, till midnight.
Podrá hablar con él todo el día y toda la noche.
No, you can't talk to him now.
No, no puedes hablar ahora con él.
- I want you to bring him in here so I can talk with him.
- Quiero que lo traigas aquí para que pueda ayudarle.
I want you to bring him in here so I can talk with him.
Quiero que lo traigas aquí para hablar con él.
All right, you can talk to him.
Bien, puede hablar con él.
- You can talk to him in the morning. - But you said...
- Podrá hablar con él por la mañana.
Can't you talk to him?
¿ Por qué no le hablas?
I'll phone Dr. Harvey and try to have him out here Thursday. You can talk with him then.
Pediré al Dr. Harvey que venga el jueves... para que Ud. pueda hablar con él.
But can't you talk to him?
¿ No podéis hablarle?
Well, we've got more than one room in the house. You can talk to him downstairs.
Tenemos más de un cuarto en la casa.
Suppose we go to the drug store and call up Uncle Charlie, you can talk to him yourself
Pregúntale si lo envió. - ¿ Qué te parece? - Bien.
You can't talk to him now, I told you the man's dead.
- ¿ Qué más da? Está muerto.
You can't talk to him.
No podrás convencerlo.
You wanna go up and make it six just so you can talk to him?
¿ Quieres que sean seis sólo para hablar con él?
We have a date at 9. Why don't you ask him to dinner? We can talk before dinner.
Bien, invítale a cenar aquí y hablaremos antes de la cena.
You can talk to him.
Se puede hablar con él.
- You mean he's so tough I can't talk to him?
- ¿ Ni siquiera puedo hablar con él?
How can he when you won't let me talk to him?
¿ Cómo si no me deja verlo?
Donnie, how can you let him talk to me like that, your fiancée?
Don, ¿ cómo permites que me insulten así? ¡ A tu prometida!
- why can't you talk directly to him?
- Podrías hablar con él directamente.
Calm him down, talk to him, and see if you can't get him to change his attitude.
Cálmale. Intenta hacerle cambiar de actitud.
How can the government maintain justice... if honest people like you are always afraid to talk... and you don't want to help him?
¿ Cómo podrá el gobierno ser capaz de hacer justicia si la gente honrada como tú siempre tiene miedo de hablar y no quiere ayudarle?
If you talk to him, I can never return.
Si le hablas, nunca podré volver.
You can talk to him, but I don't think he'll cooperate.
Pueden hablarle, pero no le sacarán nada.
You can talk to him yourself.
Vd. Mismo puede hablar con él..
You want to meet his daughter so you can get to talk to him?
¿ Quieres conocer a su hija para poder hablar con él?
You can talk to him.
Habla con él.
- Yeah. You can talk to him and go to his lectures.
Podrás verle e ir a sus conferencias.
Look, you can talk to him.
Hable con él sin miedo.
Do you think you can get him to talk?
¿ Cree que hablará?
I want to talk to him before - You can't keep me away, Doctor.
No puede impedírmelo, doctor.
- I know. I find it hard to believe you can't talk to him.
Me resulta difícil creer que no puedas hablar con él.
You want to see your husband? AII right, you can talk to him too. But think about it first.
Usted va a ver a su marido e incluso podrá hablar con él pero antes permítame que la invite a reflexionar...
You can't talk to him about it.
No se puede hablar de eso con él.
You can talk to him.
Puedes hablar con él.
Captain Turner stopped to talk, once he starts gabbing you can't get away from him.
El capitán Turner se paró a charlar.
You can't talk business to him now.
Está enfermo, no puede hacer negocios con él ahora.
Can you tell Mr. Warkins that Lily Berniers, that Lily Prine Do you want to talk to him immediately?
¿ Le puede decir al Sr. Warkins que Lily Berniers, que Lily Prine quiere hablar con él inmediatamente?
Now, so I can be completely sure you are not deceiving me I would like to be with you when you talk to him.
Ahora, para estar completamente seguro que no está engañándome Me gustaría estar a su lado cuando usted hable con él.

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