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Chanting continues traducir español

63 traducción paralela
- [Chanting Continues]
- [Chanting Continues]
[Chanting Continues] Out!
[Chanting Continues] Fuera!
( Chanting continues ) Silence for the Prince of Wales!
¡ Silencio ante el príncipe de Gales!
[chanting continues]
[chanting continues]
[dramatic music ] [ chanting continues]
[dramatic music ] [ chanting continues]
[Chanting Continues] Looks like they cut our transmission cable.
Creo que cortaron el cable de transmisión.
[Chanting Continues] Look, Rachel, I know what you're thinking, but now's the time when you gotta hang tough.
Mira, Rachel, sé lo que estás pensando pero es hora de que te mantengas firme.
[Chanting Continues] Aloha, Sam.
- Aloha, Sam.
Chips! - [Chanting Continues ] - [ Exhales] Oh, hold it.
- Oh, aguantalo.
[Chanting Continues] We're not gonna protest!
No vamos a protestar!
- ( chanting continues )
¡ Topanga!
( Chanting continues outside )
( El canto continúa fuera )
[chanting continues] Ram, ram, Kali, ram.
Ram, Ram, Kali, Ram. Ram, Ram, Kali, Ram. Ram, Ram, Kali, Ram.
[Chanting continues]
[El canto continúa]
[helicopter overhead ] [ chanting continues]
- [Chanting Continues]
No. No.
[Chanting Continues] No bloodforoil! - What? You're coming to the meeting, right?
¿ Qué?
[Chanting continues] If I'm listening to him doing that, isn't that me getting involved?
Si yo escucho lo que el dice, ¿ no me estaré involucrando?
( Chanting continues )
{ } El canto sigue
( Cantar CONTINÚA )
[Chanting continues]
[El canto sigue]
( chanting continues ) All right.
De acuerdo.
[chanting continues] Not only is it terrifying if you were to imagine yourself in that position, it's also the opportunity to find out what you're made of.
No solo sería aterrador, si uno se imagina estar en esa situación si no que sería la oportunidad de averiguar lo valiente que es.
[Chanting Continues] Saul!
¡ Saúl! ¡ Saúl!
- ( chanting continues ) - Wow.
- ( chanting continues ) - So, y'all enjoy it?
Bueno, ¿ os lo habéis pasado bien?
- Cat, hey! - [Chanting Continues]
¡ Oye, Cat!
Wonder Wharf is open for business! ( chanting continues )
¡ Muelle Increíble está abierto al público!
- Oh, it's getting roofed. - [Chanting continues]
Se está fastidiando.
- ♪ - ( chanting continues )
- * - ( Canto continúa )
- ( Chanting continues ) - Uh, I got to admit, I thought this would be more titillating.
Tengo que admitir, pensaba que esto sería más excitante.
- ( Chanting continues ) - Okay. Hey-hey, lot of skin.
Vale, eh, eh, un montón de piel.
- ( Chanting continues )
[Chanting continues]
¡ Bea! ¡ Bea!
[chanting continues] Mr. Murphy, you have a date with the principal.
Señor Murphy, tiene una cita con el director.
( chanting continues )
( Canto continúa )
[Chanting Continues] Who's there?
¿ Quién está ahí?
( Chanting continues ) Feel the spirit!
¡ Siente el espíritu!
( Crowd continues chanting his name )
¡ Titus!
( Continues chanting, sobbing )
Perséfone, te invoco por la tierra y el fuego y el agua y el humo.
( chanting continues )
[Continues chanting] You're dying!
Bonnie, no puedo dejar que lo hagas. ¡ Te estás muriendo!
[chanting, yelling continues]
El corazón de Tlahuicole es ofrecido al Dios del sol y de la guerra.
( El público sigue cantando )
[Sound of chanting, clapping continues]
Sonido de cantar, aplaudir continúa
( Pasifae CONTINÚA canto )
( CHANTING CONTINUES ) No justice, no peace.
No hay paz, no hay justicia.
( CROWD CHANTING ) We're moving in! The group marched from Messiah Baptist Church... ( REPORTER CONTINUES INDISTINCTLY ) REPORTER :
¡ Nos vamos a mudar!
( Chanting continues ) Yeah, mom?
¿ Sí, mamá?
( Chanting continues ) Ma, I got to go.
Mamá, te tengo que dejar.
OK, let's just... ( Chanting continues )
OK, vamos a...

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