Cleary traducir español
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Are you Mike Cleary's daughter Biddy?
Es la hija de Mike.
Brother Cleary, a sinner of 14 years standing, - Sitting or lying down, will let out the misery.
El hermano Cleary, pecador durante 14 años, de pie, sentado o acostado, expondrá el sufrimiento.
- Jim Cleary on one.
- Jim Cleary en la uno.
Use Cleary's story for a lead-all.
Usa la de Cleary como principal.
- Cleary...
- Escucha, Cleary.
Okay, Major Clary, if they got a ray down there, I don't know what good our tanks are gonna do, but we'll soon find out.
Bien, mayor Cleary, si tienen un rayo ahí dentro, de poco servirán nuestros tanques. Pronto lo descubriremos.
I took this case only because Bill Cleary's out of town, and, uh, Howard Mitchell is laid up with arthritis.
Acepté el caso porque Bill Cleary está fuera y Harold Mitchell está en la cama con artritis.
I had Cleary get a tow truck in case we need it. Beautiful.
- Le pedí un tráiler a Cleary por si acaso.
Cleary, my people are all tied up now.
Mi gente está muy liada ahora mismo.
Check Cleary on number six.
Vea qué hace Cleary en el número 6.
¡ Cleary!
Hey, Cleary!
¡ Clary!
- Excuse me, Mrs Cleary.
- Disculpen.
The fact is, I'm not much on contests... but thank you all the same, Mr. Cleary.
Pues, la verdad, no me agradan los concursos. Gracias de todos modos, Sr. Cleary.
- I take it you're the famous Meggie Cleary. - Do you?
- Supongo que usted es Meggie Cleary.
I could out-shear Bob Cleary any day... if I was cruel enough to show him up in front of these men.
Puedo esquilar más aprisa que él cuando quiera... si fuera tan tonto como para ganarle al jefe frente a los demás.
Meggie Cleary.
Meggie Cleary.
This f5 on Cleary.
5 libras a Cleary.
Mr. Cleary, show him what a boss cocky can do.
Sr. Cleary, enséñele lo que el jefe puede hacer.
All right, Mr. Cleary, come clear.
Muy bien, Sr. Cleary, así se hace.
Long blows, Mr. Cleary.
Eso es.
- Congratulations, Mr. Cleary.
- Felicidades, Sr. Cleary.
The Clearys don't even own Drogheda, and we never will.
Los Cleary no somos los dueños de Drogheda, y jamás lo seremos.
It would be an honor to dance with you, Miss Carmichael... but, you see, Miss Cleary here has hired me for the whole night.
Sería un gran honor bailar con usted... pero la Srta. Cleary me contrató por toda la noche.
I'm no longer an idealist, Mrs. Cleary.
He cambiado. Ya no soy un idealista, Sra. Cleary.
Remember Ian did ride for Dr. Cleary at the end of the last book, but his horse fell jumping that fence, and Ian broke his shoulder and his ribs and lay all night in the ditch and he never reached the doctor, so there couldn't have been any experimental blood transfusion that saved her life.
Lan fue a buscar al Dr. Cleary al final del último libro, pero su caballo se cayó e lan se rompió un hombro y las costillas y no pudo avisar al médico, así que no pudo haber una transfusión de sangre experimental que la salvara.
And then old Dr. Cleary deduced that Misery must be Lady Evelyn-Hyde's long-lost daughter because of the rarity of deadly bee stings, my heart just leapt!
y el Dr. Cleary deduce que Misery debe de ser una hija que ella había perdido dada la rareza de las picaduras mortales, ¡ el corazón me dio un vuelco!
- Mr Cleary.
- EI señor CIeary.
- That asshole Cleary!
- ¡ Ese imbécil de CIeary!
- I'll get you, Cleary! All right?
- ¡ Me vengaré!
Cleary all but accused you in French.
No has hecho nada todo eI año. CIeary te acusó.
Cleary is a sick shit and so are you, you four-eyed runt!
¡ CIeary es un demente y tú también!
- Cleary says he cheated.
- CIeary hizo trampa.
Arthur Cleary.
Arthur Cleary.
Will you have a sandwich, Father Cleary?
¿ Tomará un sandwich, Padre Cleary?
Don't stay in your usual places... Vaughan's, Cleary's Pub.
No vayan a los lugares habituales "Vaughan", la cantina de Cleary.
The Clearys do that very well.
Los Cleary lo hicieron muy bien.
I am trying to give you hope for the future, Mrs. Cleary.
Trato de darle esperanza para el futuro, señora Cleary.
Mrs. Cleary, I'm afraid he doesn't want to see you, ma'am.
Sra. Cleary, me temo que que no quiere verla.
Father Cleary, what happened?
Padre Cleary, ¿ Qué sucedió?
Father Cleary.
El Padre Cleary.
Father Cleary had a saying :
El Padre Cleary solía decir :
- Hi. - We're looking for Kenneth Cleary.
- Hola, buscamos a Kenneth Cleary.
All right, look, Cleary's wife was wearing Harper Anderson's ring, so we might get him for possession of stolen property.
Su mujer llevaba el anillo de Harper Anderson. Podríamos encarcelarlo por posesión de bienes robados pero si Harper no lo corrobora, ni siquiera tenemos eso.
More importantly, she said she can ID Cleary as her rapist.
Pero además dijo que reconocería al violador.
Oh, Cleary's wife was no help.
La mujer de Cleary no ha servido de nada.
- And no knowledge of Kenneth Cleary.
- No. - Y no conocen a Kenneth Cleary.
What Cleary does have is Harper Anderson's ring.
Lo que Cleary tiene es el anillo de Harper Anderson.
You hear that, Cleary?
¿ Has oído?
Yes, Mr. Cleary.
Sí, Sr. Cleary.
And somebody's got to keep the Cleary line going.
Y el apellido Cleary debe continuar, ¿ no?
clear 3420
clearly 1747
clearance 26
cleared 26
clears throat 1710
clear your mind 34
clear the table 19
clear the area 71
clear your head 52
clear my head 36
clearly 1747
clearance 26
cleared 26
clears throat 1710
clear your mind 34
clear the table 19
clear the area 71
clear your head 52
clear my head 36
clearing throat 68
clear the way 99
clear the air 23
clear a path 30
clear the court 17
clear as a bell 21
clear the bridge 17
clear the room 54
clear off 96
clears his throat 22
clear the way 99
clear the air 23
clear a path 30
clear the court 17
clear as a bell 21
clear the bridge 17
clear the room 54
clear off 96
clears his throat 22
clear out 126
clear it 26
clearing of throat 39
clearly not 42
clear it out 16
clear here 17
clear as day 33
clear it 26
clearing of throat 39
clearly not 42
clear it out 16
clear here 17
clear as day 33