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Climb aboard traducir español

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Climb aboard and she capsizes.
Suba a bordo y zozobra
- Hurry, Father. Climb aboard.
- Deprisa, papá. ¡ Sube!
Climb aboard.
- Oh, vamos.
Just climb aboard my magic carpet, and away we'll go.
Tú súbete a mi alfombra mágica y nos iremos lejos de aquí.
Just climb aboard my magic carpet and away we'll go.
Tú súbete a mi alfombra mágica y nos iremos lejos de aquí.
- George Bailey. Yeah, George Bailey, whose ship has just come in. Provided he has enough brains to climb aboard.
Claro, George Bailey, cuyo barco acaba de llegar a puerto, si es lo bastante listo para subir a bordo.
Pile your loot in the back and climb aboard.
- Pon el botín atrás y sube a bordo.
You heard I was making out alright, so you came here to climb aboard the gravy train.
Sabías que me va bien y has venido a aprovecharte.
Climb aboard.
Once the havoc is over, every mother's son will try to climb aboard our ship.
Después del estrago, todo hijo de vecino intentará subirse a nuestra nave.
Climb aboard, boys.
Suban a bordo, muchachos.
Climb aboard. Mr. Rawlings.
- El Sr. Rawlings.
We'll climb aboard!
Todos a bordo.
Climb aboard there.
Súbanse ahí.
Hey there, climb aboard!
Eh, chica, ¿ te llevo?
Yes, I'll just climb aboard again.
Subiré de nuevo, entonces.
After i see you climb aboard that ship and take off.
Después de que lo vea trepar a bordo de esa nave y despegar.
I'm just going to climb aboard my Spar and drift... about the solar system.
Voy a subir a bordo de mi Spar y viajar... por el sistema solar.
TWA, Nice airport, the 2 : 45 to Tahiti. We just climb aboard.
Sure thing. Climb aboard.
Sí, suba.
Some climb aboard and dive off the boat.
Algunos trepan a bordo y nadan desde el buque.
Climb aboard, Young Fred.
Sube a bordo, joven Fred.
- He's trying to climb aboard.
- Él está tratando de subir a bordo.
Climb aboard.
Climb aboard.
Sube a bordo.
Go on, climb aboard.
¡ Vamos, entrar en el!
Climb aboard.
suba a bordo.
Won't you climb aboard?
¿ Por qué no subes a bordo?
Won't you climb aboard
¿ Por qué no subes a bordo?
Then you open up the stirrups... climb aboard... and when youre ready to go, pull that lever and zowie!
Luego abres los estribos. Te subes encima. Y cuando estás listo para partir, levantas la palanca y ¡ Suaw!
Climb aboard, soldier.
Suba, soldado.
It's best to climb aboard in good time
Lo mejor es subir abordo a tiempo.
- Climb aboard.
- Suba.
Climb aboard.
Well, then let's climb aboard... in an orderly fashion- - spread out!
Entonces vámonos... de manera ordenada- - ¡ Sepárense!
Go ahead and climb aboard.
Suba a bordo.
TWA, Nice airport, the 2 : 45 to Tahiti. We just climb aboard.
T.W.A., Niza, a las 2.45, Tahiti, un avión, tomémoslo.
Climb aboard.
¡ Suban!
Climb aboard, friend. How are you?
Sebastian lo sabía, nació sabiéndolo, pero yo no.
My survival instincts told me not to climb aboard this thing.
Mi instinto me dijo que no subiera a este cacharro.
It was thrilling not to climb aboard.
Fue emocionante no subirme.
- Well, then, let's climb aboard.
- Entonces, subamos a bordo.
- Climb aboard.
- Súbete.
Climb aboard. I'll tell ya, any friend of this man is a friend of mine.
Cualquier amigo de este tipo es amigo mío.
Tess, climb aboard.
Tess. Suba a bordo.
Climb aboard, Sonny.
Sube, Sonny.
Climb aboard McDuff.
Suba, McDuff.
- Climb aboard.
- Suba a bordo.
Climb aboard.
- Venga, sube.
- Well, climb aboard the bus.
Suban al autobús.
And now, ladies, take your man by the hand and climb aboard the roller-coaster to love.
¿ Hisiste DJ a Upchuck?

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