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Cocked traducir español

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Come on, fellas, and keep those guns cocked.
Vamos, amigos, y preparen las armas.
- I'm not going to go off half-cocked.
- No voy a estropearlo todo ahora.
Well, keep it cocked.
Manténgala arriba.
- The cocked hat, you fool!
- ¡ El sombrero arqueado, tonto!
- Don't fly off half-cocked.
- No te sientas mal. Yo...
Throws our whole schedule into a cocked hat.
Toda nuestra programación está patas arriba.
I wait for an opening with me right cocked.
Me preparo para darle un gancho a la derecha.
Don't let's go off half-cocked and do something we'll be sorry for.
No hagamos algo de lo que nos arrepintamos.
Cocked head. Soldier, eh.
Parece un bicornio.
As a mouser, Archie knocks poor old Percy into a cocked hat.
Cazando ratones da mil vueltas a Percy.
Why? When it comes to seeing the future, something once happened to me that knocks your theories into a cocked hat.
Me ha sucedido algo que tira por tierra sus teorías.
- Who goes off half-cocked.
- Quien se apresura sin recapacitar.
Uh, before telling you, Charlie, I want you to know that we haven't gone off half cocked on this. It's dangerous, but we can handle it.
Em... antes de contártelo querría que supieras que el asunto en cuestión es peligroso pero podemos manejarlo.
Don't you think you're going off half-cocked'cause she didn't show up once?
¿ No te estás pasando un poco porque te haya dado el primer plantón?
But, let's not go of f half-cocked, what do you say boss?
Pero... no vayas a volverte loco. ¿ Qué dices, jefe?
Never go off half-cocked.
Nunca actúo impulsivamente.
No one but a pulp magazine that went off half-cocked before we knew all the facts ourselves.
Nadie excepto una revista que actuó precipitadamente antes de que supiéramos los hechos de primera mano.
Yocum, why go off half-cocked on this thing?
¿ Por qué publicaría esto sin tener toda la información?
It's cocked.
Está amartillado.
- Well, don't go off half-cocked again.
- Procure no precipitarse otra vez. - No, mi teniente.
Your gun comes out cocked as you jerk it for action.
Tu arma saldrá martillada al desenfundar.
Not even if you went off half-cocked?
- ¿ Ni siquiera que me cogiste desprevenido?
If anything knocks this into a cocked hat, it'll be a firefight.
Si algo falla, será una carnicería.
You always keep that carbine cocked?
¿ Siempre lo lleva cargado?
Don't go off half-cocked.
No pierdas la cabeza.
Piute, you keep that shotgun cocked... and pointed in the right direction.
Piute, mantén la escopeta amartillada... y apuntándoles.
Me, yes, I could run off half-cocked, given a good reason.
Yo, sí, podría trastornarme dada una buena razón.
Well, you should have seen me in my cocked hat and gold braid when I proudly presented my credentials.
Tenían que haberme visto con tricornio y galones... cuando presenté mis credenciales.
It's all cocked hats and wind and liniments.
Sólo sombreros torcidos, viento y linimentos.
It's cocked and ready to fire.
Está montada y lista para disparar.
- Was this revolver loaded and cocked?
- ¿ Estaba el revólver cargado?
A gun that's unloaded and cocked ain't good for nothing!
¡ Un revólver sin cargar no sirve de nada!
Don't go off half-cocked.
- Me voy. No te precipites.
Barter's dead, Minton had a broken shoulder, and Chester had been cold cocked pretty bad.
Barter está muerto, Minton se ha dislocado el hombro y a Chester lo han dejado frito.
- You forgot your cocked hat.
- Se le olvidaba su sombrero.
Try not to go off half-cocked.
No te enojes.
Suicide? Tucker found Ralph hanging in his bedroom... wearing a cocked hat, underpants and a ballet skirt.
Tucker encontró a Ralph colgando en su habitación... con un tricornio, calzoncillos y un tutú.
Cocked hat. Cocked hat.
tricornio. tricornio.
You said cocked hat, Charles.
Dijiste tricornio, Charles.
Wh-Why was Ralph wearing a cocked hat?
¿ Po-por qué llevaba Ralph un tricornio?
He looks at them both with his head cocked on one side.
Las mira a las dos con la cabeza ladeada a un lado.
Let's not go off half-cocked.
No amartilles el arma.
Well, then let's go off all-cocked, but let's go off.
No la amartillaré, la dispararé.
There's no sense in going off half-cocked.
No tiene sentido partir sin terminar la lección.
As vice chairman, you need to stop and think before you go off half-cocked
Como vicepresidente, tienes que pararte a pensar antes de perder la cabeza.
- After you slip this forward, the mechanism is cocked to fire.
- Al empujar este dispositivo, se conecta el mecanismo.
Is your pistol cocked, Mr. Lyndon?
¿ Vuestra pistola está cargada, señor Lyndon?
With one vigilant eye cocked on the doings of willing helpers... who run unnecessary risks without the protection of safety footwear.
También es importante la buena vista para pescar las buenas ideas, que se ponen en peligro al no utilizar zapatos de protección.
Now let's not go off half-cocked now, honey.
No debemos frustrarnos, cariño.
If I was ever to be a lady, I'd give him a sky-blue coat with diamond buttons and a cocked hat and a box of money. Good?
¿ Bueno?
I'm waiting for an opening with me right cocked but it don't come.
Voy a darte una paliza a derechazo limpio pero la oportunidad no llega.

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