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Come and take a look traducir español

469 traducción paralela
Come and take a look.
Ven y echa un vistazo.
Come and take a look.
Venga y mire
Hey, come and take a look.
Ven aquí.
Come and take a look!
Ven a verlo con tus propios ojos.
Come and take a look.
Venga y vea
- I'll come and take a look.
- Iré a dar una mirada.
Come and take a look at my canvas.
Ven a echar un vistazo a mi tela.
- Come and take a look at this!
¡ Ven a ver!
- Come and take a look.
- Ven a ver, vamos.
- Why don't you come and take a look?
- ¿ Por qué no sales a mirarlo?
Nitai, come and take a look!
Nitai, ¡ ven y echa un vistazo!
- Come and take a look!
- ¡ Venga a ver!
I don't know, please come and take a look
No lo sé. Venga a ver.
Bergner, come and take a look at this.
Bergner, ven y echa un vistazo a esto.
- Vicki, come and take a look at this.
- Vicki, ven y echa un vistazo a esto.
Hey, come and take a look at this.
Oye, venga y eche un vistazo a esto.
Now, look. When you get a load, take it over to Rebstock's place and come right back here.
Mira, cuando cargues todo, llévalo al rancho de Rebstock y regresa aquí.
Come here and let me take a look at you.
- No me importa. Deja que te mire.
Voy a echarle un vistazo.
Come here and take a look.
Ven aquí y echa un vistazo.
Come on out and take a look at it.
Sal a verlo.
Come over here and let me take a look at you.
Ven acá y déjame verte bien.
Amy, come over here and take a look at this.
Amy, ven y echa un vistazo a esto.
Come down here and take a better look.
No, baje aquí y mírelo más de cerca.
Well, we've come this far. Maybe we oughta stop off and, uh, take a look around.
Si hemos llegado hasta aquí, echaremos un vistazo.
We'll take this down, then come back and look around.
Llevemos esto abajo y regresemos a buscar más.
I got nervous after I left you and I decided to come over here and take a look for myself.
Me puse nervioso después de dejarle y vine por aquí para echar un vistazo.
Hey, come on in and take a look at the model home.
- Sí, La he visto.
I just thought I'd come up and take a look around. You're poaching.
Se me ha ocurrido venir a echar un vistazo.
Come on, let's go up and take a look at this big, important man.
Vamos a ver a ese tipo tan importante.
Will ye come aboard and take a look at young Hawkins'wound?
Venga a curar la herida del joven Hawkins.
I don't know how much I can do, but I'll never find out unless I come down here and take a good look for myself.
No sé cuánto puedo hacer, pero no lo averiguaré... si no bajo aquí a verlo todo con mis propios ojos.
Kids, come and take a look!
Chicos, venid a ver las anguilas.
- Come and take a look.
Venga a ver.
Paul, could you come over and take a look?
Paul, ¿ no puedes ir a verlo?
Come on out and take a look!
Quiero que Io veas.
Oh, I see. Look, sir. All we have to do is take a card, punch holes in it, one for each wrong thing this Major Cargill did, send it through an IBM machine and come up with the right answer.
Mire usted no tenemos mas que coger una tarjeta, perforarla por cada falta que haya cometido ese mayor Cargill, introducirla en una máquina automática, y esperar las respuestas concretas.
The whole world is gonna want to come here and take a look at that thing down there.
El mundo entero querrá echarle un vistazo a esa cosa.
We'd appreciate it if you'd come down to the Hall of Justice tomorrow morning at 9 : 00, and take a look at the porters who worked the Ansonia dock in the lineup.
Le agradeceríamos que nos acompañara al palacio de justicia mañana por la mañana a las 9 : 00 y echara un vistazo a los mozos que trabajaron en el muelle del Ansonia.
Take a look at the colonel and the wife captain that come in the base.
Miren al coronel y a su esposa la capitán entrando a la base.
Come here and take a look at this.
Ven aquí y echa un vistazo a esto.
Hey, Pete, come over and take a look at this car.
Oye, Pete, ven a echarle un ojo a este coche, ¿ vale?
He came to Mexico years ago, and I've come to look for him and take him home.
Lleva en México muchos años, yo he venido a buscarlo para llevármelo.
Would you like to come along and take a look at my rabbit traps?
¿ Te gustaría acompañarme a ver mis trampas de conejo?
It's a gold mine. Why don't you come over and take a look.
Es una mina de oro. ¿ Por qué no vienen a echar un vistazo?
Why don't you take a look around, Lieutenant, and come back later?
¿ Por qué no da un paseo y regresa más tarde?
But come on up here and take a look.
Pero ven aquí y echa un vistazo.
Come over here and take a look.
Ven aquí y echa un vistazo.
I'd probably come down and take a look at you.
Probablemente habría bajado a echar un vistazo.
Come and take a look.
Pero tú no.
Look, come and drink some wine with us and later I'll take you to the Port St. Martin.
Mira, ven y bebe un poco de vino con nosotros y después lo llevo a Puerto San Martín.

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