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Connors traducir español

840 traducción paralela
I think I'm running for office. Oh, dad. This is Spud Connors, my relief driver.
- Este es mi piloto suplente
Spud Connors is coming up along side of Eddie.
El segundo coche se acerca a Eddie
'Hey, Eddie.' I want you to meet my wife, Mrs. Connors.
Eddie ésta es mi esposa, la Sra. Connors
( Male announcer )'Well, here's a surprise.' 'Number 25 with Spud Connors, substituting for Eddie Greer'
La sorpresa de la noche, el no 25.
'Kid brother with the famous, Joe.'
Conducido por Connors, no por Eddie.
'And the third party in the family tussle, is Spud Connors' 'In number 25, has wedged himself between Joe and Eddie.'
Spud Connors viene detrás y se interpone entre los hermanos.
'Looks like Connors is acting as the peacemaker 'At this record breaking pace.' 'He won't move aside and he hasn't'
Spud es como un pacificador no intenta pasarlos, sólo separarlos.
'Joe is waving Connors to get out of his way. But he won't.' 'After all he's in there to stay.'
Joe le hace señas a Connors para que se aparte, pero éste no lo hará.
'Connors still in the same position.' 'Joe Greer doesn't seem to be able to force his way in.'
Connors sigue en la misma posición.
'There's Joe Greer.' 'There's Bud.' And I don't see Spud Connors...
Ahí va Joe Greer, pero no veo a Spud Connors
It's Spud Connors. I can't get through that again.
No puedo seguir, es por Spud
- That's it, Connors.
Ahí está, Connors.
I just came up with Tommy Connors, Warden.
He venido a acompañar al joven Tommy Connors.
- Yes, but Connors is on the inside.
- Sí, pero Connors está aquí.
Thomas Connors, sentenced to serve from 5 to 30 years for robbery first degree, additional indictment for assault with deadly weapon
Thomas Connors, condenado de 5 a 30 años por robo en primer grado, agravado por posesión de un arma de fuego.
And if Connors has got any ideas that he is going to get any favours, he'll find out different right away.
Y si piensa que Connors recibirá un trato de favor, verá que no es así.
- I'm Tommy Connors.
- Soy Tommy Connors.
You are going to find out that you got a figured out all wrong, Connors.
Pronto verás que te equivocas, Connors.
But the point is, Connors, you haven't got a chance.
Pero resulta que no tienes ninguna posibilidad.
One of these days, you'll learn, Connors, that no man has respond in this world except in relation to the people around him.
Un día, aprenderás, Connors, que en este mundo nadie es mejor que nadie.
- I'll... I'll tell the warden, Connors.
- Se lo diré al alcaide, Connors.
Connors is doing three man's work around.
Connors estás haciendo un trabajo de tres.
Hey, Connors, you have a visitor.
Connors, tienes una visita.
- Alright Connors.
- Está bien, Connors.
That's all right, Connors, sit down.
Está bien, Connors, siéntese.
Hey, Connors? How did you come out?
Connors, ¿ cómo te fue?
Babe, this is Tommy Connors.
Nena, es Tommy Connors.
Connors, thanks for telling your girl to look after my wife.
Gracias por decirle a tu chica que cuide de mi esposa.
What's the matter, Connors? You lose your nerve?
¿ Qué te pasó, Connors, perdiste las agallas?
But I'm glad you didn't try, Connors.
Me alegro de que no lo intentaras.
Hey, Connors, warden wants to see you right away.
Connors, el alcaide quiere verte enseguida.
- Good morning, Connors, I want to talk to you.
- Hola, Connors, quiero hablarte.
Please inform Thomas Connors, Fay Wilson condition critical, not expected to live.
Informen a T. Connors que Fay Wilson está grave.
Connors... suppose I told you there was a train leaving here in twenty minutes and I'd let you go to her... on your honour, would you come back tonight?
Connors... Supón que te digo que hay un tren que sale en 20 minutos. Si te dejara ir a verla... por tu honor, ¿ regresarías esta noche?
- Connors! - Yeah.
- ¡ Connors!
- Connors.
- Connors.
Say, you have a prisoner up there by the name of Thomas Connors, haven't you? Doing 5 to 30?
¿ Tiene usted un recluso llamado Tom Connors, que cumple de 5 a 30 años?
I think Connors will come back tonight and give himself up.
Creo que regresará esta noche y se entregará.
I thought I knew Connors.
Pensé que conocía Connors.
Warden Long still believes in "Honour System ;" Confident Connors Will Return.
Long cree en el sistema de la palabra de honor. Confía en que vuelva Connors.
Connors Goes on Trial For Murder.
Connors juzgado por asesinato.
Connors Convicted of First Degree Murder!
- Hi, Connors.
- Hola, Connors.
- Regulations, Connors.
- Son las normas, Connors.
You're a strange fellow, Connors.
Eres un tipo extraño, Connors.
All right, Connors.
Está bien, Connors.
He is right, Connors.
Tiene razón, Connors.
"My Dear Mr. Connors..."
" Estimado Sr. Connors...
It's alright, Mr. Connors, I'm going today, I'll take care of your little matter all the way out
No te preocupes, hoy saldré de aquí y me ocuparé de ello.
'Connors is gonna hold on to number two position.'
Connors se mantiene el segundo.

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