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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ C ] / Could you come with me

Could you come with me traducir español

598 traducción paralela
- Could you come with me for a minute?
- Venga conmigo un minuto.
- Could you come with me?
- ¿ Podría usted venir conmigo?
- Could you come with me!
- ¿ Puede venir conmigo?
Could you come with me for a moment?
¿ Podrías venir un momento?
Listen, could you come with me later?
Oye, ¿ puedes venir conmigo después?
Could you come with me for a minute, please?
¿ Podrías acompañarme un momento?
I thought I could get a Little house outside the city If I could get you to come back with me.
Pensé en tener una casita a las afueras si vuelves conmigo.
Could you come out to supper with me?
¿ Puede venir a cenar conmigo?
If you will come with me, you could stay overnight in a private ward.
Si me acompaña, puede dormir en una estancia privada.
Oh, could you come out with me later for a spot of supper?
¿ Podría salir conmigo más tarde para cenar?
If you were to come away with me what could we say having made them right?
Si se viniera conmigo ¿ qué diríamos, si le hemos dado la razón?
Furthermore, I could come down the day before the dance and help you with the decorations. That is, of course, if you want me to.
Si queréis, claro.
Well, if you give me about 15 minutes to get dressed, you can come up and have breakfast with me and we could...
Déme 15 minutos para vestirme... y, mientras desayunamos, podemos...
Ojalá pudiera venir conmigo
- We could try, or you could stay another five weeks and come back with me.
Puede intentarlo, o puede quedarse 5 semanas más y volver conmigo.
I was wondering if you'd come out to supper with me tonight. So you could improve my dancing?
Quería saber si irías a cenar conmigo esta noche.
Listen, could you come home with me?
Oye, ¿ me acompañas a casa?
I like the others too. I wish you could come with us.
Los otros me gustan también, ojalá pudiéramos estar juntos.
You're very fond of that little tune, aren't you? You know, I wish I could come straight out with what I want to know.
Phillip, me gustaría poder decirte abiertamente lo que sé.
But I do wish you could come home with me.
Pero me hubiera gustado que regresaras conmigo.
Mr Christopher, suppose Sergeant Garrett could see his way, just this once.. To let you come and talk things over with me.
Sr. Christopher, supongamos que el Sargento Garrett está de acuerdo en dejarle venir a verme para que hablemos las cosas.
Come to that, you could easily slap me over the head with that poker.
Llegados a ese punto, podría golpearme con ese atizador.
If you could just come through with the help you promised...
Si se pudiese concretar la ayuda que me prometió...
I thought Tommy's mother could come and live with you and Marty. - I talked to Tommy's brother and I said "You gotta take her for a couple of years!" And he says "Oh, no!" - Well...
Se me ocurrió que la mamá de Tommy podría mudarse con ustedes.
I could come back from 10 years alone on the moon, half-crazy and watch you swimming, stripped, at the Y for hours and walk out with no thoughts in my head except where I could get myself a good meal.
Porque aunque volviera medio loco después de haber estado 10 años solo en la Luna y la viera nadando desnuda durante horas, me largaría sin pensar en otra cosa que procurarme una buena comida.
You could come with me and visit the tomb of king Anamita.
Visitar la tumba de un rey Anamita.
Don't you see, if they could come here and live with us, then we'd only have one house to run, and you wouldn't have the expense of paying Mrs. Connolly to come and stay with me while you're away and...
¿ No ves que si... vivieran con nosotros sólo mantendríamos una casa... y no deberías pagar a la Sra. Connolly... para que se quedara conmigo cuando no estés?
Could you come out and give me a hand with EMMARAC, please?
¿ Puede venir a ayudarme con CAME?
Maybe this Sunday, maybe I could come along with you?
Tal vez este domingo, quizá me deje acompanarla?
Anna, I want to make you a proposal come back to Rome with me tomorrow, we could live together, if you like.
Anna, tengo algo que proponerte. Vuelve a Roma conmigo, mañana. Podríamos vivir juntos, si quieres.
You could come back as a law partner with me anytime.
Podráas regresar como socio máo cuando quisieras.
Come inside with me for a minute you could use a distraction. - What are you going to do?
Entra un momento conmigo, así espantas penas.
Matt, I'm going to go to Paris in a few days... and I wish you could come with me... just for a little while.
Matt, me voy a París dentro de unos días y me gustaría que pudieras venir conmigo por un corto tiempo.
I wish I could come with you. But, since my father was taken away, he told me to look after my mother.
Me gustaría ir con usted, pero cuando se llevaron a mi padre me mandó cuidar de mi madre.
You could call it Come Cycle With Me.
Podrías llamarlo "Súbete a mi moto".
You could come with me.
Podrás acompañarme.
If you could come with me, there's no man I'd sooner raise... yes, with my own hand.
Si me apoyases, a ningún hombre desearia ensalzar más... con mi propia mano.
I believe it would be better if you were here with me do you think you could come here just for a day?
Creo que sería mejor si estuvieras conmigo. ¿ Crees que podrías venir sólo por un día?
Oh, now, come on. You could have come out like a man and told me you were gonna bring that dog home instead of hiding it, smuggling it in with the puppies, Mark.
Pudiste ser un hombre y decirme que ibas a traer el perro a casa, en lugar de esconderlo entra las cachorras.
I wish I could come with you, but you can see how it is.
Me hubiera gustado ir con usted, pero como puede ver...
You could come with me to Aomori.
Podrías venir conmigo a Aomori.
Now, if you could find the time at your convenience, maybe you'd come with me and translate.
Si tuviera tiempo cuando mejor le venga, quizá pudiera venir conmigo y traducir.
Then call me back and with the thought... see if you could come up tomorrow morning. - You and I can see what we can do with this damn thing.
Mire a ver si puede venir aquí mañana temprano... para discutir que podemos hacer.
How can you set your mind to living in a cave when you could come back to France with me?
¿ Por qué te quedas en una cueva cuando podrías venir conmigo a Francia?
I wish I could come back with you.
Me gustaría poder volver contigo.
If my wife decided to murder me, she could come up with a better alibi than you got.
Si mi esposa decidiera matarme se le ocurriría una mejor coartada que la suya.
Maria, if I could find a way, would you come back with me?
María, si puedo encontrar la forma, volverías conmigo?
If I could find a way to get off this island, would you like to come with me?
Si encontrara la forma de salir de aquí, ¿ querrías venir conmigo?
Although, maybe... you could come with me.
Oh.. pero... pensé que te quedarías conmigo.
That's fine for me, I could have never come alone with you.
Para mí es comodísimo, no pensará que vendría sola con un Casanova como Ud. a pasar unos días a Courmayeur.
Wish you could come back to bed with me.
Ojalá pudieras volver a la cama conmigo.

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