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Deathstroke traducir español

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We think they're the work of an assassin. Code named Deathstroke.
Creemos que son obra de un asesino llamado Deathstroke.
Why would Deathstroke want them dead?
¿ Por qué Deathstroke los querría muertos?
Maybe you should get online with him. See what he can tell us about Deathstroke.
Deberías hablar con él y averiguar qué sabe de Deathstroke.
Hunt Deathstroke.
Deathstroke's a ghost.
Es un fantasma.
Deathstroke, yes.
Sí, Deathstroke.
That's who Deathstroke's been killing.
A esa gente mató Deathstroke.
- Deathstroke.
- Deathstroke.
So Deathstroke is affecting the iron in the bloodstream...
Entonces Deathstroke afecta al hierro en la sangre...
- Meaning that if your blood doesn't get a chance to repair itself I can't promise you that another bout with Deathstroke wouldn't kill you.
- Que tu sangre no puede repararse a sí misma. No sé si sobrevivas otro encuentro con Deathstroke.
Then we're gonna have to figure out a way to stop Deathstroke by tomorrow at noon.
Tendremos que ver la forma para detener a Deathstroke mañana.
Maybe I should be off flying around, looking for Deathstroke you should call Dr. Klein, see what's going on.
Tal vez debería estar buscando a Deathstroke y tú llamando al Dr. Klein.
Everything you told me about Deathstroke.
Todo lo que dijiste sobre Deathstroke.
Well, reassuring as that is, there's an assassin named Deathstroke and he's killing everyone that knows you.
Aunque eso le tranquilice, hay un asesino llamado Deathstroke y está matando a los que lo conocen.
I figured out who Deathstroke is, Lois.
Sé quién es Deathstroke, Lois.
You'll take Deathstroke.
- No. Llevarás a Deathstroke.
But Deathstroke can't suspect I'm on your side.
Pero Deathstroke no puede sospechar que estoy de tu lado.
Deathstroke is watching you at all times from beyond the range of your psychic power.
Deathstroke te está vigilando todo el tiempo Mas allá del rango de tu poder psíquico.
Deathstroke, activate her telepathy.
Deathstroke, activa su telepatía.
Black Manta to Deathstroke.
Black Manta a Deathstroke.
I guess we're lucky Deathstroke hasn't pressed a button to block my psychic powers, too.
Supongo que tenemos suerte de que Deathstroke no haya apretado el botón para bloquear mis poderes psíquicos, además.
Deathstroke, been on duty for 12 hours straight.
Deathstroke, llevamos 12 horas de guardia.
Deathstroke to Manta.
Deathstroke a Manta.
Deathstroke to Tigress.
Deathstroke a Tigress.
Hmm, Deathstroke's more of a bishop, actually.
Deathstroke en realidad es más bien un alfil.
Deathstroke killed you both.
Deathstroke los mató a ambos.
Even took down Deathstroke before the summit.
Incluso venciste a Deathstroke antes de la junta.
WOLFMAN : With a character like Deathstroke, I actually did not create him to be a villain.
No creé al personaje de Deathstroke para que fuera un villano.
You had your shot, Deathstroke, but you're not the only assassin in town.
Tuviste tu oportunidad, Deathstroke, pero no eres el único asesino de la ciudad.
You will call me... Deathstroke.
O puedes llamarme Deathstroke.
- Deathstroke has a contact stationed here.
- Deathstroke tiene un contacto aquí.
We find him, we find Deathstroke.
Si lo encontrarnos, encontraremos a Deathstroke.
We could take Deathstroke out...
Podríamos deshacernos de él.
Deathstroke killed my grandfather. He has to pay.
Deathstroke mató a mi abuelo. ¡ Debe pagarlo!
Ubu's Deathstroke's right-hand man.
Ubu es la mano derecha de Deathstroke.
Deathstroke is mine.
¡ Deathstroke es mío!
Where is Deathstroke?
¿ Dónde está Deathstroke?
- No. - It appears there's a connection... To ra's and Deathstroke.
- Al parecer hay alguna conexión entre Ra's y Deathstroke.
Deathstroke has my family.
Deathstroke tiene a mi familia.
But Deathstroke took over.
Pero Deathstroke ocupó su lugar.
Deathstroke said he would spare us if I gave this to you.
Deathstroke me dijo que nos perdonaría si te daba esto.
Deathstroke has Talia.
Deathstroke tiene a Talia.
We've been calling him Deathstroke.
Lo hemos estado llamando Deathstroke.
Deathstroke : You must have quite a bit of faith in this cure if you've come alone.
Deben tener bastante fe en esta cura para que hayan venido solos.
♪ Arrow 2x18 ♪ Deathstroke Original Air Date on April 2, 2014
♪ ♪ Flecha 2x18 Deathstroke fecha original del aire en 02 de abril 2014
They're calling you Deathstroke.
Te llaman Deathstroke.
His name is deathstroke.
Su nombre es Deathstroke.
How does a guy named deathstroke keep such a low profile?
¿ Cómo es que un tipo llamado Deathstroke tiene un perfil tan bajo?
Deathstroke is no hero.
Deathstroke no es ningún héroe.
You have to be more careful, deathstroke.
Tienes que ser más cuidadoso, Deathstroke.

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