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Deirdre traducir español

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I've called her Deirdre.
La llamé Deirdre.
Well, I'll leave you, then, to Deirdre and Lionel.
Bueno, te dejo con Deirdre y Lionel.
Well, Deirdre will be eight next month, so it must be almost eight years ago.
Deirdre cumplirá ocho el mes próximo, debe hacer unos ocho años.
- This is Miss Deirdre Drake.
- Ella es la Srta. Deirdre Drake.
When you married Preston and had Deirdre... and that put money in the bank.
Te casaste con Preston y tuviste a Deirdre... y eso puso dinero en el banco.
Will you keep an eye on Deirdre for me?
¿ Cuidarás a Deirdre por mí?
- Tell me, have you seen Deirdre? - No, I haven't.
- Dime, ¿ has visto a Deirdre?
Deirdre's father.
El padre de Deirdre.
You drop me off at my apartment, and I'll change... and then you go on and pick up Deirdre.
Me dejas en mi apartamento, me cambio... y tú recoges a Deirdre.
Look, I'm getting tired of playing nursemaid to Deirdre.
Me estoy cansando de ser la niñera de Deirdre.
You're very charming, Deirdre.
Eres encantadora, Deirdre.
I should think perhaps he wants to talk to you about Deirdre.
Quizá quiera hablarte sobre Deirdre.
Why, Deirdre.
Pero Deirdre.
I just ran into Deirdre in the hall and she was almost hysterical.
Acabo de ver a Deirdre en el pasillo y estaba casi histérica.
Millie... what did you tell Deirdre about Rudd and me?
Millie... ¿ qué le dijiste a Deirdre sobre Rudd y yo?
You're even jealous of Deirdre's affection for me.
Hasta eres celosa del afecto que Deirdre siente por mí.
Even if you didn't care how much you hurt me... you might at least have given a thought... to what it would mean to Deirdre to have her faith in me shaken.
Aunque no te importe cuánto me lastimaste a mí... al menos podrías haber pensado... Io que significaría para Deirdre perder su fe en mí.
And as you've taken everything else I've ever cared for in my life... you might as well take Deirdre, too, since she's so fond of you.
Y ya que has tomado todo lo que me importó en la vida... puedes llevarte a Deirdre también, dado que te quiere tanto.
I thought it was something you bought for Miss Deirdre.
Creí que era algo que le compró a la Srta. Deirdre.
Well, I've fallen in love with Deirdre.
Me he enamorado de Deirdre.
- With Deirdre?
- ¿ De Deirdre?
Deirdre was feeling rather blue about something, too... and, well, we went for a walk.
Deirdre estaba triste por algo también... y bueno, salimos a caminar.
I just never had thought of you and Deirdre.
Nunca se me ocurrió pensar en ti y Deirdre.
And I think Deirdre's a very nice young girl.
Y creo que Deirdre es una muy buena jovencita.
I've come for Deirdre.
Vine a buscar a Deirdre.
- Deirdre!
- ¡ Deirdre!
Deirdre, are you coming out by yourself or shall I come over and drag you out?
Deirdre, ¿ saldrás tú sola o deberé arrastrarte yo misma?
Mr. Grant, would you get Deirdre's hat and coat, please?
Sr. Grant, ¿ me alcanzaría los abrigos de Deirdre?
Deirdre... I gave you credit for more intelligence than this.
Deirdre... te consideraba más inteligente que esto.
Deirdre, I have never made a practice of slapping people... but I'm dangerously close to slapping you right now.
Deirdre, nunca estuve a favor de cachetear a nadie... pero estoy peligrosamente cerca de cachetearte ahora mismo.
- Come on, Deirdre.
- Vamos, Deirdre.
Deirdre, I want no more nonsense.
Deirdre, basta de tonterías.
- He was, Deirdre.
- Lo estaba, Deirdre.
You can't say when you stop loving somebody, Deirdre.
No se puede decir cuándo se deja de amar, Deirdre.
Deirdre, you think over everything I've said and you'll realize I'm right.
Deirdre, si piensas en todo lo que te dije, te darás cuenta de que tengo razón.
Con Deirdre.
¿ Con Deirdre?
Deirdre and Rudd.
Deirdre y Rudd.
Deirdre was bound to marry someday.
Deirdre se iba a casar algún día.
Ah! Like queen deirdre herself, you were.
¡ Y ha actuado exactamente igual que la reina Deirdre!
Queen deirdre fighting the black prince single-handed. Cracked his skull with a spiked shillelagh, she did, and gave him the heave-ho, from the top story of dublin castle!
La Reina Deirdre, luchando contra el príncipe negro con sus manos, aplastando su cráneo con un garrote irlandés, y arrojándolo al vacío, desde la torre más alta del castillo de Dublín.
He called me queen dierdre.
Me llamó Reina Deirdre.
"Like an echo from the caves of Kakamora I came forth whilst Deirdre wept cool tears."
"Como un eco de las cuevas de Kakamora vine yo mientras Deirdre lloraba lágrimas frías."
If a girl call it Deirdre.
Si es una niña llámala Deirdre. ¿ Quieres?
Her name is Deirdre.
Se llama Deirdre.
Queen deirdre herself.
Es la mismísima Reina Deirdre.
O que você tem? go faster.
Deirdre y Patrick!
I will.
¿ Donde ha ido Deirdre?
Where is Deirdre?
¿ Desapareció en el aire?
It's Deirdre.
- Es Deirdre.

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