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Didn't i say that traducir español

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I didn't say that.
- Yo no diría eso.
But that's because I didn't know what to say.
Pero eso es porque yo no sabía qué decir.
I didn't say that.
Yo no dije eso.
I didn't say that.
No dije eso.
Can't say I didn't expect that.
- I didn't say that.
- Yo No dije eso.
No, I didn't say that, it's just that the team needs me.
No dije eso, es que el equipo me necesita.
No, I didn't say that. I said there's nothing you can do.
No, yo no he dicho eso. dije no hay nada que puedo hacer.
I don't... I didn't say that.
Yo no dije eso.
I was going to say that that is good coming from a girl who didn't even call her own brother back to say she was sorry.
Iba a decir que es bueno... viniendo de una chica que ni siquiera puede llamar... a su propio hermano de nuevo para decir que lo sentía.
- I didn't say that.
- Yo no he dicho eso
I told myself that it was because I was afraid to scare her, but really, it was because I was afraid to watch her say her goodbyes because I just didn't want it to be real.
Me dije a mí mismo, que era... porque tenía miedo de asustarla. Pero la verdad. Era porque tenía miedo de decirle adiós.
No, I didn't say that.
No, yo no he dicho eso.
- I didn't say that.
- Yo no dije eso.
No, I didn't say that.
It really took a leap of faith because... um... it all seemed so perfect when... you came to the house, you asked to interview me, I didn't really kinda say, "Please please interview me, please" like, I didn't, you know? We weren't allowed to do that.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Creo que fue cuestión de destino porque... { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Todo se fue dando tan perfectamente... { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Cuando llegaste a la casa... { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Me preguntaste si me podías entrevistar sin que yo lo pidiera...
You didn't... you didn't say that I'm...
Tú no dijiste...
I could of torn out that page, which ultimately I did because I didn't want it to be found in my archives by one of my great grandchildren and they say oh, grand daddy was a big Nixon supporter.
Podía sacarle la hoja, que fue lo que hice al final porque no quería que lo encontraran en mi archivo uno de mis tataranietos y dijeran oh, el bisabuelo fue un gran soporte de Nixon.
I didn't say that.
No quise decir eso.
I knew that not everyone appreciated what I had to say. But I didn't really care.
Sé que a no todos les gustó lo que dije pero no me importó.
I didn't say that, but I'm considering it...
No dije eso. Pero lo estoy considerando. Sí.
Well, you just said she was a self-destructive, crazy girl. - I didn't say that.
Acabas de decir que es una joven loca y autodestructiva.
- I didn't say that.
No dije eso.
Well, at least I didn't say that he died.
Bueno al menos no dije que el murio.
- Didn't I just say that?
- ¿ No acabo de decir eso?
Didn't I say that anyone with water to give must have a well?
¿ No dije que alguien con agua para dar tiene que tener un pozo?
Can you say to her that I'm sorry that I didn't come and visit her sooner but that there was a lot to do after Kai's death, a lot of reorganising and so forth?
¿ Le puedes decir que lamento no haber venido a visitarla antes, pero que tenía mucho que hacer después de la muerte de Kai, mucha reorganización y cosas por el estilo?
- I didn't say that.
I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you say that. Okay.
Voy a fingir que no oí eso.
But I didn't think anyone had the guts to say that to me.
Pero yo no creo que nadie tuvo el valor de decirme eso.
Didn't I always say that was your destiny.
¿ No digo siempre ese era su destino.
I didn't say that I missed...
- No he dicho que la extraño...
I didn't say that.
- No digo eso.
I didn't say that!
¡ Yo no dije eso!
I didn't say that.
- Yo no he dicho eso.
- I didn't say it like that.
- Yo no lo dije así.
I didn't exactly say that.
Yo no dije eso exactamente.
I'm glad you're here, but why didn't you call to say that you were coming?
Pero, ¿ por qué no llamaste para avisar?
That's- - I didn't want to say it, but I don't want to come here for $ 500 and have you be pissed at me, when I can go get that for free from practically every other woman I've ever met.
Es. - No quería decirlo, pero yo no quiero para venir aquí por $ 500 y has estará enojado conmigo, cuando puedo ir a buscar eso gratis desde prácticamente todas las mujeres que he conocido.
I didn't say that at all Krishna.
Yo no he dicho eso en absoluto Krishna.
- I didn't say that.
- Eso no es lo que dije.
- I didn't say that.
- No dije eso.
No, Kyle, I didn't say that.
No, Kyle, yo no he dicho eso.
No, I didn't say that.
No, no he dicho eso.
I didn't say that.
Yo no he dicho eso.
Well, I think when most people say they don't want to talk about it, it means it didn't go very well, but with you, I'd infer that, uh, it it went pretty well.
Cuando la gente dice que no quiere hablar significa que todo salió mal, pero tratándose de ti puedo inferir que te fue bastante bien.
Why didn't yöu ever say that I should be careful inside the house too?
¿ Por qué no me dijo? ¿ Qué debo tener cuidado dentro de la casa también?
I didn't say that.
No lo dije yo.
I didn't say that. 'Cause I love you too much to lose you, sweetheart.
Hice cosas terribles y está bien que sea castigada por ellas.
Well, now, I didn't say that.
Bueno, ahora, yo no he dicho eso.
That rumor or me trying to say I didn't do it?
¿ Ese rumor o yo intentando decir que lo hice?

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