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Doc holliday traducir español

165 traducción paralela
Where's Doc Holiday? In here, Pat.
No te culpo, pero no voy a crearle problemas a Doc Holliday.
And after the way I've heard people talk about you... ever since I was in short pants.
¿ Por qué? El gran Doc Holliday con un ayudante.
- Doc Holliday, mostly.
- Doc Holliday, de casi todo.
This is Doc Holliday's town, and when he comes back...
Este pueblo es de Doc Holliday, y cuando vuelva...
Doc Holliday.
Doc Holliday.
- This is Doc Holliday, fellas.
- Éste es Doc Holliday, chicos.
- You mean Doc Holliday?
- ¿ Querrá decir Doc Holliday?
The man that killed Doc Holliday.
El hombre que mató a Doc Holliday.
I'm Doc Holliday's girl.
Soy la chica de Doc Holliday.
- Doc Holliday on it?
- ¿ Iba Doc Holliday?
Doc Holliday's with them.
Doc Holliday está con ellos.
- Where's Doc Holliday?
- ¿ Dónde está Doc Holliday?
Let me tell you something, Doc Holliday.
Déjame decirte algo, Doc Holliday.
Doc Holliday played poker with him.
Doc Holliday jugó al póker con él.
Doc Holliday killed his brother.
Doc Holliday mató a su hermano.
- Doc Holliday is none of my business.
- Doc Holliday no es asunto mío.
They're just holding Doc Holliday upstairs in his room.
Sólo retienen a Doc Holliday en su habitación.
I was too busy finding out that Doc Holliday and his lady friend have just checked in at the Dodge House.
Estaba ocupado averiguando que Doc Holliday y su novia... se han registrado en el Dodge House.
Doc Holliday?
¿ Doc Holliday?
She stands for everything I hate in Doc Holliday.
Representa todo lo que odio de Doc Holliday.
I've never needed anybody in my life and I sure don't need Doc Holliday.
Nunca he necesitado a nadie y mucho menos a Doc Holliday.
There's gonna be a lot of bad talk about you riding with Doc Holliday.
Habrá muchos rumores porque hayas cabalgado con Doc Holliday.
- They got Doc Holliday with them.
- Doc Holliday está con ellos.
the Youngers....
Doc Holliday, los Clantons, los Youngers...
Doc Holliday, now come on, now apologize to the lady.
Dr. Holliday, ¿ quiere hacer el favor de disculparse?
Well, Doc Holliday got here before noon!
Bien, Doc Holliday llegó aquí antes de mediodia!
Doc Holliday I gotta talk to you!
Doc Holliday, quiero hablar contigo!
Doc Holliday!
Doc Holliday!
Well then, Doc Holliday's yer man!
Bueno, entonces Doc Holliday es su hombre!
Five minutes should see the end of the man they think is Doc Holliday.
Cinco minutos deben ver el final del hombre que creen que es Doc Holliday.
Wyatt Earp'n Doc Holliday, the bottle-puncher lawman and the good-for-nothing drunken gambler!
Wyatt Earp y Doc Holliday, el abogado golpea-botellas y el jugador borracho bueno-para-nada!
Doc Holliday's...
Doc Holliday es...
So that's where you're hidin'Doc Holliday!
Así que aquí es donde estás escondiendo a Doc Holliday!
Doc Holliday?
Doc Holliday?
Why, you've got four of the meanest characters in the territory believing you're Doc Holliday!
Por qué, si tiene a cuatro de los principales personajes del territorio creyendo que es usted Doc Holliday!
Now I don't care what Wyatt Earp said, that man's not Doc Holliday.
No me importa lo que haya dicho Wyatt Earp, ese hombre no es Doc Holliday.
Well he sure enough shoots like Doc Holliday!
Bueno, desde luego dispara como Doc Holliday!
The Clanton gang still think you're Doc Holliday, we'll be waiting for you.
La banda de los Clanton todavía piensan que es usted Doc Holliday, estaremos esperando por usted.
Are you Doc Holliday?
Es usted Doc Holliday?
If you're Doc Holliday, I wouldn't go out there.
Si usted es Doc Holliday, yo no saldría de aquí.
But I might be able to convince them that I'm not Doc Holliday!
Pero yo soy capaz de convencerlo que no soy Doc Holliday!
Mr Clanton, that ain't Doc Holliday that's being held in there!
Mr Clanton, no era Doc Holliday quien iba a ser colgado.
Well on account of Doc Holliday just bein'in the bar!
Bueno, porque Doc Holliday estaba en el bar!
She lid out after the killin'with Doc Holliday ; was with him when he shot Seth Harper.
Vino aquí tras el asunto con Doc Holliday ; estaba con él cuando disparó a Seth Harper.
Well friend, you wanna find her, you find Doc Holliday.
Bien amigo, si quieres encontrarla, encuentra a Doc Holliday.
Doc Holliday's a great friend of mine.
Doc Holliday es un gran amigo mio.
Personal business with Doc Holliday.
Asuntos propios con Doc Holliday.
I don't blame ya, but I'm not gonna make any trouble for Doc Holiday.
Doc Holliday acaba de bajar de la diligencia.
You're looking plenty sassy. You wintered kind of fat, didn't you?
- Mike, ¿ dónde está Doc Holliday?
William Bonny.
- ¿ Doc Holliday?
Ah for Pete's sake Doc, tell'em you're Holliday!
Ah, por el amor de Pete, Doc, dígales que usted es Holliday!

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