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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Does that mean anything to you

Does that mean anything to you traducir español

306 traducción paralela
Does that mean anything to you? Wait a minute. You don't –
No me digas que es uno de los Middletons de Boston.
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Significa algo para ti?
- Does that mean anything to you?
- ¿ Te importa?
T, P and objective Y does that mean anything to you?
¿ Le suenan de algo los objetivos'T','P'o'I'?
- Does that mean anything to you?
- ¿ Eso significa algo para usted?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Le dice eso algo?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Eso significa algo para ustedes?
The Imperial Theater? Does that mean anything to you?
Teatro Imperial. ¿ Le dice algo?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Eso significa algo para Ud.?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Significa eso algo para ti? No lo sé.
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Les dice algo? No, ¿ eh?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Significa eso algo para Vd.?
- Does that mean anything to you?
- ¿ Te dice eso algo?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Significa algo?
Well, does that mean anything to you?
¿ No le dice nada?
Uh, does that mean anything to you?
¿ Significa algo para Ud.?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ No significa nada para ti?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Significa algo para usted?
- Yes. Does that mean anything to you?
- Sí. ¿ Eso significa algo para ti?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Significa eso algo para ti?
Now, does that mean anything to you?
- ¿ Significa algo para Ud?
Does that mean anything to you, ma'am?
Significa algo para usted, madame?
Does that mean anything to you?
- ¿ Significa algo para usted?
"Skonnan Empire", does that mean anything to you, hmm?
Imperio Skonnano te suena de algo?
Does that mean anything to you?
Significa algo para vosotros?
- Does that mean anything to you?
- ¿ Significa eso algo para tí?
- Does that mean anything to you?
- ¿ Les dice algo eso? - No.
- Does that mean anything to you?
Todo en una noche de faena, ¿ eh? Siento no parecer muy agradecido.
Goliath. Does that mean anything to you?
Goliath. ¿ Significa algo para ti?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Significa eso algo para Ud.?
Does that mean anything to you, huh?
¿ No te dice nada eso, eh?
Wait. Does it mean anything to you that I came here to marry Dan Morgan?
Espere, ¿ significa algo para usted que haya venido a casarme con Dan Morgan?
So that silly offer of $ 5,000 does mean more to you than me or anything!
¡ Entonces, los $ 5.000 son más importantes para ti que yo y que cualquier cosa!
That doesn't mean anything to you, does it?
Pero una herida interior que ha estado pudriéndose por años, envenenándole -
Andy Solmes. Does that name mean anything to you?
Andy Shawns. ¿ Este nombre te dice algo?
" Does that name mean anything to you?
¿ Le dice algo ese nombre?
Walter Donovan. Does that name mean anything to you?
walter Donovan, ¿ Ie dice algo ese nombre?
Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Eso te dice algo?
Yes. Does that word mean anything to you, hm?
¿ Tiene esa palabra significa algo para ti, ¿ eh?
Does the phrase, "The little red tractor that huffed and puffed" mean anything to you?
Sí. ¿ La frase "El pequeño tractor rojo que jadeaba y resoplaba" le dice algo?
- Does that mean anything to you?
¿ Eso significa algo para usted?
Sheriff, does that mean you're not going to do anything?
Sheriff, ¿ quiere decir que no va a hacer nada?
Does that name mean anything to you?
¿ Ese nombre significa algo para ti?
Does that fur coat mean anything to you?
- ¿ Le dice algo ese abrigo de piel?
Does that name mean anything to you?
¿ No le dice nada este nombre?
Does that date mean anything to you?
¿ Esa fecha significa algo para usted?
Does that name mean anything to you?
¿ Te dice algo ese nombre?
Just because you are upset you can't do anything for me does not mean I'm the one that has to get tranquilized.
Si está preocupada porque no puede ayudarme no significa que deba tranquilizarme a mi.
So does that mean you can change into anything you want to?
Eso quiere decir que puedes cambiar de aspecto cuando te plazca?
Does that name mean anything to you?
¿ Significa eso algo para usted?
- That money does not mean anything. - Well, I'll give it to you.
¿ Es usted el Sr. Nematzadeh?

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