Door neighbour traducir español
118 traducción paralela
There goes the next-door neighbour, that's all I needed...
Ya empieza Ia vecina de al Iado. Era Io que me faltaba.
- It's the next-door neighbour.
- Es Ia vecina de al Iado. - ¿ Ah, sí?
That will be Mr Campbell, he is your next door neighbour
- El Sr. Campbell. - Es su vecino. - Ya me doy cuenta.
Does it matter, my sweet next door neighbour?
¿ Pero qué importa eso, mi dulce vecinita de enfrente?
Gonna be our next-door neighbour.
Va a ser nuestro vecino de al lado.
Bad luck for old Smith having the treasurer the next door neighbour.
Tiene la mala suerte de que su vecino sea el tesorero.
This is our next-door neighbour, dear, Mr um...
Es nuestro vecino, cariño, el señor...
My, aren't I fortunate to have such a handsome man for a next-door neighbour.
Qué suerte tener a un hombre tan guapo de vecino.
I'm her next-door neighbour.
Soy su vecino.
Allow me to introduce my next-door neighbour.
Adiós. Es magnífico que podamos tener esta charla.
Ah, John. Allow me to introduce my next-door neighbour.
John, quiero presentarte a mi vecino.
Their next-door neighbour was Mrs April Simnel.
La Sra. April Slimnel era vecina suya.
( narrator ) As they had occupied Manchuria with such ease and without interference from the rest of the world, the Japanese generals there soon turned their attention to Manchuria's next-door neighbour, China.
( narrador ) Tal como habían ocupado Manchuria con tanta facilidad y sin interferencias desde el resto del mundo, los generales japoneses allí pronto se volvió su atención al vecino de al lado de Manchuria, China.
A neighbour, a next-door neighbour.
Un vecino, el vecino de al lado.
Whether next of kin or next-door neighbour
Para los vecinos y los familiares
Your next door neighbour, Dr Maurice Shoenbaum, weighs 175 pounds.
Tu vecino, el Dr. Maurice Shoenbaum, pesa 175 libras.
"Well, I'll ask my next-door neighbour."
"Le preguntaré a mi vecina".
Charley, this is our next-door neighbour...
Charley, éste es nuestro nuevo vecino...
He really believes his next-door neighbour is a vampire... and he's planning to kill him.
Piensa que su vecino es un vampiro... y planea matarlo.
I'm your next-door neighbour, and I thought you should know that through some acoustical oddness
- Hola. Soy su vecina de al lado. Pensé que debía saber que hay algo extraño con la acústica.
This is Laetitia Boothe-Brain, your mother's next-door neighbour.
Soy Laetitia Boothe-Brain, la vecina de su madre.
He's just my next-door neighbour.
Sólo es el vecino de al lado.
This is my new next-door neighbour, Diane.
Es la vecina de al lado, Diane.
I'm the next-door neighbour.
Soy su vecino.
I told you, Fred. My friend's next-door neighbour took it.
Fred, ya te dije, me la tomó el vecino de mi amigo.
- Your next-door neighbour.
- Tu vecino.
The next door neighbour?
El vecino de al lado?
Mistaken for the next-door neighbour.
Confundida con su vecino.
He was Miss James's next-door neighbour.
Era el vecino más cercano de la Srta. James.
Remember that next-door neighbour of mine? The apartment that always smells like potatoes?
¿ Recuerdas el apartamento vecino al mío que huele a papas?
Well the fence we had a bit of luck there because the next door neighbour they paid for it and they did all this end so I done... it came in my favour having a small bit done so that was a blessing there
Con la cerca tuvimos un poco de suerte porque el vecino lo pagó de su bolsillo e hizo toda esta parte Así que... Tuve suerte de que una parte fuera hecha asi que fue una bendición
That's our next door neighbour, Jim.
Ese es nuestro vecino, Jim.
She fell in lust with the next-door neighbour, started spending all of her time there.
Estaba tan pillada por el vecino que empezó a pasar todo su tiempo con él.
And he hears all this panting and moaning and groaning coming from the next-door neighbour's apartment.
Y escucha todos estos ruidos y gemidos viniendo del apartamento vecino.
So he staggers out into the hallway and he sees that the next-door neighbour's door's wide open. So he pops his head in and what does he see?
Sale disparado hacia el pasillo y ve la puerta del vecino abierta, entonces asoma la cabeza y ¿ qué ve?
On the bed, his hand, Muriel, all dressed up to the nines, make-up on, going down on the next-door neighbour.
En la cama, su mano, Muriel, toda maquillada y demás, haciéndole el amor al vecino.
Next-door neighbour.
- Soy el vecino.
And was met with a very intimate... sexually suggestive provocative messages on the phone... from the next door neighbour.
Y lo que encontré fueron unos mensajes muy íntimos... sexualmente sugerentes y provocativos... que mandaba el vecino de al lado.
He was our next-door neighbour in Knightsbridge, Daddy.
My next door neighbour.
Es mi vecino.
That child's voice comes from the neighbour's next door.
La voz de ese niño viene del vecino de al lado.
The day daddy left, I found a coin on the floor... the door was bolted, so we got a neighbour to break in.
Cuando mi padre se fue, encontré una moneda en el suelo... la puerta estaba cerrada, un vecino tuvo que forzarla.
If we took a step sideways, we would ring at our neighbour's door instead of ours! - Hello?
Si diesemos un paso de lado, llamariamos a la puerta del vecino en vez de a la nuestra. - ¿ Si?
We all go next door to the neighbour... and you perform some kind of vampire test on him... to pronounce him human.
lremos todos a casa del vecino... y Ud. le hará algún tipo de prueba para vampiros... y lo pronunciará humano.
They're going in with the next-door neighbour now.
Hablan con el vecino ahora.
One denunciation bears the signature of a 20-year-old neighbour, Resi Kraus. "Since March, 1938, " Ilse Sonja Totzke is a resident next door to us in a garden cottage.
En aquellos días, los parados hacían enormes colas, cada viernes, delante de las oficinas del subsidio de desempleo, y recibían 5 marcos alemanes.
And my next-door-neighbour?
Pero, ¿ cómo, Comisario?
My God two statement, his neighbour next door and the woman opposite both saw him.
Dios, dos declaraciones. El vecino de al lado, y la mujer de enfrente, lo vieron.
One door closes, a hundred others open. Our neighbour is having a wedding tonight. Go put your dress on and we'll go there to work.
No te preocupes, cuando una puerta se cierra, se abren cien nuestro vecino tiene una celebración de boda esta noche ponte el vestido e iremos para allá.
"... your ass will be seen by your neighbour next door ".
".. te verá el culo l ´ inquilino del 1º piano ".
- With the neighbour next door.
- Con la vecina de al lado.
neighbour 65
neighbours 37
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door open 23
door was open 50
door slams 187
door closed 19
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
neighbours 37
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door open 23
door was open 50
door slams 187
door closed 19
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
door opening 118
door shuts 99
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door squeaks 18
door creaking 24
door creaks 69
door to door 18
door buzzes 59
door opening 118
door shuts 99
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door squeaks 18
door creaking 24
door creaks 69
door to door 18
door buzzes 59