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Eating traducir español

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You guys pretended to leave and you're sitting there eating, right?
Habéis fingido iros, pero seguís ahí, comiendo.
So, Edward Albee's eating at Joe Allen, you drop a script at his table, he never calls, and that makes him your mentor?
Entonces, ¿ Edward Albee estaba cenando, le dejaste el guion en su mesa, no te llamó y eso lo convierte en tu mentor?
- Why? You're too young to be eating in front of a TV, watching Matlock.
Eres demasiado joven para sentarte ante la tele a ver Matlock.
I'm supposed to be revising and eating wasabi peas and trying to earn some money, not baby-sitting the bloody Bash Street Kids.
Este trabajo está destinado a ser fácil. Se supone que debo ser la revisión y... y... y comer Wasabi guisantes y tratando de ganar algo de dinero.
Those are the bad cells that are literally eating into the artery.
Esas son las células malas que son, literalmente Comer en la arteria.
Henry, if that plate is not clear by morning, you're eating off of it for breakfast!
¡ Henry, si no has recogido tu plato por la mañana, lo usarás para desayunar!
From eating each other's butt [bleep], which is what they're doing in there, definitely.
De comerse el culo, que seguramente sea lo que están haciendo ahí dentro.
I'm eating pizza.
Estoy comiendo pizza.
With one stroke, I became completely dependent for everything - - eating, drinking, going to the bathroom.
Con un derrame, me convertí en totalmente dependiente para todo... comer, beber, ir al baño.
Honey, get the car I want, or the only pie you'll be eating is out of the garbage.
Cariño, consigue el coche que quiero, o la única tarta que comerás será de la basura.
He wouldn't look askance at me being here with you, eating pizza in our underwear?
No miraba con recelo a mí estar aquí con ustedes, Comiendo pizza en nuestra ropa interior?
And I mean, you made it because you're eating at Beak.
Y quiero decir, que lo hizo porque estás comiendo en el pico.
Just grasp the bird by its head and start eating at the feet.
Apenas agarrar el ave por su cabeza y empezar a comer a los pies.
No, Lei, way too many photos of me eating foam.
RANDY : No, Lei, demasiadas fotos De mí comer espuma.
I can't believe we're here, eating the finest...
No puedo creer que estamos aquí, Comer los mejores...
You are judging me for not eating most of my
Usted me está juzgando por no comer la mayor parte de mi
- Yeah. - And eating raw is unnatural.
- Y comer alimentos crudos no.
[Richard] The cooking hypothesis is that humans are unlike every other animal, because we are biologically adapted to eating our food cooked.
Según la hipótesis de la cocina, somos distintos a los otros animales por nuestra adaptación biológica a los alimentos cocidos.
Homo erectus is the species that is somehow adapted to eating relatively soft food.
El Homo erectus es una especie que de algún modo se adaptó a comer alimentos relativamente blandos.
Though they generally spend much of their week living in modern houses and eating food from modern kitchens, on weekends they go out to the country to reconnect to their land and their traditions, which revolve around the primacy of fire.
Aunque generalmente pasan gran parte de la semana en casas modernas cocinando en cocinas modernas, los fines de semana salen al campo para reconectarse con su tierra y sus tradiciones, que giran en torno a la primacía del fuego.
This nutritionist persuaded them to go back to the bush, to their former way of eating.
Una nutricionista los convenció de que volvieran al campo, a comer como comían antes.
Henry Fielding, the English novelist, referred to The Odyssey as "Homer's book about eating."
El novelista inglés Henry Fielding decía que la Odisea era "el libro de Homero sobre comida".
I think we should all deal with the fact that when you're eating meat, you're eating a dead animal, and it is... it's consequential.
Todos deberíamos procesar la idea de que, al comer carne, comemos un animal muerto, y es importante.
Yeah, and I think also if you... You know, if you eat meat like this, you'll find that you probably end up eating less meat, because you find out how good really good meat is.
Sí, y si comes carne como esta, quizá termines comiendo menos carne, porque sabrás lo deliciosa que es la carne buena de verdad.
Most of the meat eating we do, I have a lot of trouble justifying.
Me cuesta mucho justificar por qué comemos tanta carne.
I also think there are ecological reasons to justify meat-eating.
También creo que hay motivos ecológicos que justifican el consumo de carne.
What they wind up doing is eating out.
Al final, termina saliendo a comer afuera.
But, oh, boy, that gives you a whole lot of good eating right there, man.
Ese animal te da un montón de alimento.
[Michael] There are elements of... of traditional ways of eating that we've lost, we've given up.
Hay elementos de las tradiciones culinarias que hemos perdido, a los que hemos renunciado.
Cultures that once held tight to their way of eating are finding it difficult to spend time in the kitchen.
Las culturas que se aferraban a sus costumbres culinarias tienen cada vez más dificultad para pasar tiempo en la cocina.
And that way of eating is part of a daily ritual.
Y esa forma de comer es parte de un ritual cotidiano.
I take it home, in the microwave for five minutes, my kids are eating.
Le doy cinco minutos en el microondas, y mis hijos comen.
The future of eating, throughout humankind, is, "Who will do the cooking?"
En toda la humanidad, el futuro de la comida reside en quién se ocupará de cocinar.
But eating and preparing foods are not one and the same.
Pero comer la comida y prepararla no son la misma cosa.
That little rule will keep you from eating a lot of junk, because you're gonna do what most people do, which is buy the best-quality raw ingredients you can afford and cook it as simply as possible.
Esa regla evitará que comas comida chatarra, porque harás lo que hace la mayoría. Comprarás la mejor materia prima que puedas y la cocinarás de la manera más sencilla posible.
Air is mostly what you're eating when you eat bread.
Cuando uno come pan, principalmente come aire.
I hate when I see that they promote eating more whole grain, so everybody gets on the bandwagon eating, like, whole-wheat macaroni, and, uh...
No me gusta cuando promueven que se coma más harina integral, y todo el mundo se sube al tren de comer macarrones de harina integral o...
Keep an eye on this one, because she has become very creative about not eating her vegetables.
Mantenga un ojo en este caso, debido a se ha convertido en muy creativo De no comer sus verduras.
Oh, I thought it was like a score that you get from eating a ton of sauerklout on, uh, like, a bratwurst.
Pensaba que era una puntuación que te daban por comer muchos Sauerklouts con Bratwursts.
Yeah. You had a full-on panic attack that time we caught you eating spoonfuls of mayonnaise straight from the jar.
Tuviste un ataque de pánico total, la vez que te atrapamos...
That whole bit where I help you with the eating disorder thing...
Cuando cuentas lo del trastorno alimenticio...
Staying and eating at all the same places.
y... quedándonos y comiendo en todos los mismos lugares.
I thought it would be a nice change from everyone eating their cereal separately, plus give me a moment to make my case for watching the lieutenant and Buzz interview Gene Hecht today.
Pensé que sería un buen cambio de todos comiendo su cereal por separado, además de darme un momento para hacer mi caso para ver al teniente y Buzz entrevistando a Gene Hecht.
I know all about your little terminal illness you picked up accidentally eating human brains, which is insane, but somehow not quite as crazy as accidentally getting on a plane to New Guinea when you thought you were headed to New Jersey.
Lo sé todo sobre tu pequeña enfermedad terminal que te contagiaste accidentalmente comiendo cerebros humanos, lo cual es una locura, pero de alguna manera no tan loco cuando creías que ibas a Nueva Jersey.
Save your mouths for eating.
Guárdate la boca para comer.
I thought it'd weird, you know, the small talk, the eye contact, the polite eating, but really, it wasn't.
Creía que sería raro, ¿ sabes? , la charla trivial, el contacto visual, el comer correctamente, pero la verdad es que no lo fue.
You're gonna be eating ice cream and sliding down the rails of those stairs.
Estarás comiendo helado y deslizándote por los pasamanos de esas escaleras.
Even a frog-eating, blue coat Frenchie like you must have heard of that one.
Incluso a un francesito comerranas con casaca azul como tú ha debido de oír esa.
I'm not sure he intends on eating him.
No estoy seguro de que pretenda comérselo.
We'll be eating, we'll be drinking, and we'll be doing a bit of this...
¿ Hay algo menos egoísta, algún trabajo menos alienado, un tiempo mejor aprovechado que preparar algo delicioso y nutritivo para las personas que queremos? ".
... write standing up or eating ice cream, you know?
- No. - Está bien, eh...

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