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Eran traducir español

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The boxes were yours.
Las cajas eran suyas.
Or they were partners in an even bigger cash business like drugs.
O eran socios en un negocio de dinero aún más grande, como las drogas.
And three others. Possibly innocent civilians.
Y la de otros tres, quienes eran civiles inocentes.
All the fights I had with Father made me wake up and sort myself out.
Las peleas con padre eran para hacerme despertar y que enderezase mi camino.
They were his everything.
Ellos eran su todo.
What things did he say were sexy?
¿ Qué cosas dijo que eran sexys?
See, there was this armored truck rolls through town every other Thursday carrying over $ 2 million.
Hay aquellos blindados que recorren la ciudad eran todos los jueves : Llevaban doce millones de dólares.
It was probably just some driver trying to catch some shut eye, but he spooked me good.
Probablemente eran algunos de los serenos. Tratando de dormir, pero Ovzona... se retiró.
You were just lucky to have really good parents.
Tuve suerte de ser sus padres, eran buenos.
His ex-wife said the only people in their OffKey network besides the cleaning lady were family.
La ex mujer dijo que las únicas personas en su red OffKey además de la señora de la limpieza, eran de la familia.
Fighting and his outfits that he claimed to be made from a high-tech breathable material he called Spanlon.
Pelear y sus atuendos que clamaba eran hechos de una fibra de alta tecnología llamada spanlon.
One day when the taunting was bad, I was getting down on my knees, and in front of everybody, out of pity, and out of sarcasm, I proposed to her.
Un día cuando los insultos eran muy malos, me puse de rodillas, y delante de todos, por pena, y dejando el sarcasmo, le propuse matrimonio.
I mean, I thought it was the Xanax, honestly.
O sea, pensaba que eran los trankimazines, en serio te lo digo.
Your injuries were severe.
Tus heridas eran serias.
I think he meant well.
Creo que sus intenciones eran buenas.
I didn't know they were home-made.
No sabía que eran caseros.
Because they were terrible.
Porque eran horribles.
Why did you eat them all if they were terrible?
¿ Por qué los comiste todos si eran horribles?
He made them his family.
Eran como su familia.
Just like Bling was the wrong guy and Lenny Kravitz.
Como tampoco lo eran Bling ni Lenny Kravitz.
I don't know if the sleeves were the problem.
No sé si las mangas eran el problema.
- Oh, you and Crusty were a thing?
- ¿ Tú y Crusty eran pareja?
I thought all dry cleaners were pretty much the same.
Yo pensaba que todas las tintorerías eran iguales.
And they were super-nice.
Y eran súper amables.
Sometimes I would share them... and then, sometimes they were just for me.
A veces las compartía y a veces eran solo para mí.
I thought you were a group of like-minded individuals who might embrace someone with a wallflower lifestyle.
Creí que eran un grupo de individuos afines que aceptarían a alguien con estilo de vida tímido.
What do you think the first cave paintings were made from?
¿ De qué creen que eran las primeras pinturas rupestres?
You better,'cause you haven't seen Shane in months, and I saw this website called Sorority House Sluts, and all the sluts in that sorority house were super flexible.
Más te vale, porque llevas meses sin ver a Shane y he visto la web de la Hermandad de los zorrones y todos los zorrones de la hermandad eran superflexibles.
Found this purse the other day, behind this blanket that I'm 99 percent sure a man died under, but the beading on this thing was crazy.
El otro día encontré un bolso tras una manta debajo de la que seguro que alguien murió, pero las perlas que llevaba eran lo más.
They were my fries.
Eran mis patatas.
- They were just fucking fries!
- ¡ Solo eran unas patatas!
And he said his golf game was usually way better than mine, and that's what the texts were about, okay?
Y dijo que su juego de golf por lo general era mucho mejor que el mío, y eso es de lo que los textos eran, ¿ de acuerdo?
They were exceptionally close.
Eran excepcionalmente cercanos.
My other boys, they were very tough.
Mis otros muchachos, eran muy duros
You told me it was family business.
Tú me dijiste que eran asuntos familiares.
They were my family, too.
Eran mi familia, también.
- He thinks you and Gary were having an affair, and I found out and killed him.
- Piensa que tú y Gary eran amantes y que yo me enteré y lo maté.
- Uh-huh. I mean, I don't know if I did. His chains were really thick.
Las cadenas eran muy gruesas así que no estoy segura.
Did the Samras ever say anything about being harassed because they were Muslim?
¿ Los Samra alguna vez dijeron algo acerca de ser acosados porque eran musulmanes?
We had to fire a lot of our help... because they were undocumented.
Tuvimos que despedir a mucha de nuestra ayuda... porque eran indocumentados.
So, what I'm saying is, if you come clean... you tell us who the other two guys were... you might be able to cut yourself a deal right now.
Por lo tanto, lo que digo es, confiesa... nos dice quiénes eran los otros dos tipos... podría ser capaz de procurarse un trato en este momento.
In the gang unit, half the bangers we dealt with were kids.
En la Unidad de Pandillas, la mitad de los pandilleros eran niños.
Chatter was he raped a girl but she got away.
Las habladurías eran que él violó a una chica pero que ella escapó.
We found him laying beside a dumpster, missing part of his body that I'm assuming was kind of important to him.
Lo encontramos tirado al lado de un basurero, con partes faltantes de su cuerpo que asumo eran importantes para él.
I believe the Reynauds were clients of Cassel when he held power in his lands in the north.
Creo que los Reynauds eran clientes de Cassel cuando ocupaba el poder en sus tierras en el norte.
I give my advice freely since our grandmothers were second cousins and that is surely worth a morsel of assistance.
Doy mi consejo libremente ya que nuestras abuelas eran primos segundos y que es sin duda vale la pena un bocado de asistencia.
He said they were brothers.
Dijo que eran hermanos.
The Bretts weren't his real parents.
Los Bretts no eran sus verdaderos padres.
I'm just saying, things were different.
Sólo digo, las cosas eran diferentes.
It... it was only $ 200.
Eran... sólo $ 200.
But it didn't matter... because my motivations were corrupt.
Porque mis motivaciones eran corruptas.

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