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Ethne traducir español

55 traducción paralela
Yes, my sister's coming of age. Ethne is 21 next Thursday, so Father is letting himself go.
Mi hermana cumple 21 años y mi padre tira la casa por la ventana.
Harry Faversham... coupled with the name of my daughter Ethne.
Harry Faversham, junto a mi hija Ethne.
Ethne, you'll never creak. Never in your life.
Ethne, tú nunca tendrás reuma.
You're not going to rob me of my solitary dance, Ethne.
¿ No me privarás de mi único baile?
Reasons why Ethne Burroughs doesn't love John Durrance.
Razones por las que Ethne no ama a John Durrance.
Well, they had a fine send-off, Ethne.
Han partido bien, Ethne.
You needn't tell me, Ethne. I can see it quite clearly in your eyes.
No necesitas decirlo, lo veo en tus ojos.
If that happens, I should like you to go to Ethne... and tell her that at least I tried to put right... the shame and humiliation that I caused her.
Y entonces, quiero que vaya a ver a Ethne y le diga que al menos traté de reparar la humillación que le causé.
Ethne, I shall love you always.
Ethne, siempre te querré.
I'm glad to find you alone, Ethne.
Me alegro de encontrarla sola.
You must always remember that, Ethne... for the sake of his memory and for your own happiness.
Recuérdelo siempre, Ethne. Por su recuerdo y por su propia felicidad.
Oh. Ethne!
¡ Ethne!
Come on in, Ethne.
Ethne, sírvenos jerez.
Lots of fun in going back to school again, Ethne.
Es divertido volver a la escuela.
Look here, Ethne. I -
Mira, Ethne.
Ethne, read - read the postscript you wrote.
Lee la posdata que escribiste.
Ethne, darling, I'm sorry.
Ethne, querida.
I'll get my coat and fetch yours, Ethne.
Cogeré mi abrigo y el tuyo, Ethne.
We'll be the first to tell Ethne and the old man.
Vamos a decírselo a Ethne y al viejo.
Oh, but Ethne and the general will know before we get there.
Ethne y el general ya lo sabrán.
To Ethne Burroughs.
A Ethne Burroughs.
Dear Ethne...
Querida Ethne.
Ethne, your feather.
Ethne... Tu pluma.
Now, Ethne, come down from there, please.
Vamos, Ethne, baja de ahí por favor.
Oh, dear, yes, come down, Ethne.
Oh, Dios, si, baja, Ethne.
Ethne, listen to Jack, please.
Ethne, escucha a Jack, por favor.
It's not very funny, Ethne.
No es nada gracioso, Ethne.
Harry... and Ethne.
- ¿ Casarse? Harry... y Ethne.
Good night, Ethne!
Buenas noches, Ethne.
Good night, Ethne, we have to take him home!
¡ Buenas noches, Ethne, tenemos que llevárnoslo a casa!
and you did it for me.
y me lo hiciste para mí. - Ethne...
- Ethne... - Nobody in their right minds could call you a coward, especially not your friends.
- Nadie en sus cabales... podría llamarte cobarde, especialmente tus amigos.
It has nothing to do with you, Ethne!
¡ No tiene nada que ver contigo, Ethne!
No, Ethne, l-I never meant to lie to you.
No, Ethne, nunca te quise mentir.
I don't care what people think, Ethne.
No me importa lo que la gente piense, Ethne.
Ethne did.
Ethne fue.
Dearest Ethne :
Querida Ethne :
Ethne, you can't blame yourself.
Ethne, no te puedes culpar.
Your friend forever, Ethne.
Tu amiga para siempre, Ethne.
Hello, Jack. Ethne.
Hola, Jack.
Did you come here to tell Ethne Harry was dead?
¿ Has venido para decirle a Ethene que Harry está muerto?
That won't happen, Ethne.
Eso no sucederá, Ethne.
Was that Ethne's carriage outside?
¿ Era el carruaje de Ethne el que está afuera?
Just as Ethne knew.
Como lo sabía Ethne.
¡ Ethne!
N-Not up there, Ethne.
Ahí arriba no, Ethne.
Harry and Ethne!
¡ Harry y Ethne!
Refuse him leave to marry Ethne?
¿ Qué hizo Hamilton? ¿ Rehusó casarse con Ethne?
No, Ethne, I...
No, Ethne, Yo...
Ethne, you have to...
Ethne, tienes que...

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