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Everly traducir español

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Good night, Miss Everly.
Buenas noches, Miss Everly.
Miss Everly, my fiancée.
La Srta. Everly, mi prometida.
I'm Kay Everly.
Soy Kay Everly.
You're wasting your time, Miss Everly.
Está perdiendo su tiempo Sra. Everly.
Goodbye, Miss Everly.
Adiós, Sra. Everly.
All right. $ 100 to Dwight Everly.
Bien. $ 100 a Dwight Everly.
Last week, he claimed he started The Everly Brothers... -... Frank Sinatra and Laurence Wells!
También dijo que creó a los Everly Brothers, a Frank Sinatra y a Lawrence Welk.
Mrs. Everly, you old bat, I know it's you!
Sra.Everly, murciélago, sé que es usted.
I remember that John and George had Everly Brothers'Gibsons'
John y George tenian "Gibsons" como las de los Everley Brothers.
They looked like ones the Everlys had used
Como las que usaban los Everly Brothers.
I don't give a damn if you bought them from the bloody Everly Brothers.
Como si los has comprado en los malditos Everly Brothers.
So they can give her the good news about Vic getting out.
Nadie sabe dónde está Grace Everly... para que le avisen que Vic está saliendo.
Rita Everly.
Rita Everly.
Grace Everly.
Grace Everly.
Those Everly sisters.
Estas hermanas Everly...
The thing is, if one of Vic's personalities don't get you, one of those Everly sisters will.
Si no te agarra una de las personalidades de Vic... lo hará una de las hermanas.
- I've heard a lot about you.
Grace Everly. - Oí hablar de ti.
- Rita Everly, Nick Falco.
- Rita Everly. Nick Falco.
Take the Everly Brothers with you.
Llévate a los demás.
All right, Mrs. Everly.
Está bien, Sra. Everly.
Dream with the Everly Brothers. Dreaming of warmth?
¿ Sueña con más calor?
Dream with the Everly Brothers.
Sueñe con los Everly Brothers.
Kind of like the Everly Brothers.
Algo como los Everly Brothers.
Call Everly.
Llama a Everly.
I only know the Everly Brothers version.
Yo sólo conozco la versión de Everly Brothers.
Yeah, we heard from Everly already. They let him go last night.
Sí, oímos algo, que lo dejaron salir anoche.
Hey, Everly. I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you last night.
Siento haber sido tan perra anoche.
The last rock show I went to was the Everly Brothers.
Al último que fui fue al de los Hermanos Everly.
You like the Everly Brothers?
¿ Te gustan los Hermanos Everly?
Monday morning, as I made my way into school I was deciding which of the Everly Brothers I'd rather marry when Dana Tressler forced Bryce back into my brain.
El lunes en la mañana, al llegar a clases decidía con cuál de los hermanos Everly me gustaría casarme cuando Dana Tressler me metió a Bryce otra vez.
Oh, Michelle, you know Miriam and everly.
Oh, Michelle, conoces a Miriam y Beverly.
Everly, you have a call.
Everly, tienes una llamada.
Everly will be disappointed in your analysis of his new work.
Everly se sentirá desilusionado con tu análisis de su trabajo nuevo.
- Hello, Everly.
- Hola, Everly.
Everly. You live with him, right?
Everly, vives con él, ¿ no?
Keep your eye on Everly.
Controle a Everly.
So, Everly I found something pretty interesting down in your basement.
Everly... hallé algo bastante interesante en tu sótano.
You have done it again, Everly Campbell.
Lo hiciste de nuevo, Everly Campbell.
I don't know how you do it, Everly.
No sé cómo lo haces, Everly.
- Listen, Everly...
- Escucha, Everly...
¿ Everly?
Don't worry, Everly, his hands are still intact.
No te preocupes, Everly, sus manos están intactas.
- Everly, how's everything going.
- Everly, ¿ cómo anda todo?
Everly, we are not a bank, so let me be completely clear.
Everly, no somos un banco, así que seré claro.
You know, Everly, I like watching you squirm.
Everly, me gusta ver cómo te retuerces.
Only trouble is, nobody knows where Grace Everly is.
Sólo hay un problema.
Nick Falco. Grace Everly.
Nick Falco.
I am the woman Everly, then my son Ned. We Inspected you of occupation.
No, yo soy la Sra Everly y este es mi hijo Ned, estamos auditando tu clase.
Pani Everly that I greet.
- Sra. Everly, hola.
Dreaming of warmth?
Sueñe con los Everly Brothers.
- But love is, as the Everly Brothers so wisely observed, strange.
- Pero el amor es...

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