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Evidently traducir español

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Evidently, she has been quite promiscuous since childhood.
Evidentemente, ha llevado una vida muy promiscua desde su niñez.
Evidently, I had some idea crossing the road... but then the conversation started up, and it got completely blotted out of my mind.
Tuve una idea mientras cruzábamos la calle, pero cuando reanudamos la conversación, me olvidé por completo de qué se trataba.
No, but evidently, Jasper knows you.
No, pero evidentemente Jasper le conoce.
We live in a universe of magic, which evidently you cannot see.
Vivimos en un universo mágico, que evidentemente vosotros no veis.
Well then you evidently do not know the Earl.
Entonces evidentemente no conocen al conde.
He concealed the fact he played at Sunsplash and evidently knew Joanne.
Ocultó el hecho de que jugaba en el Sunsplash y conocía a Joanne.
He, then promised gold, evidently not finding the easy quantities he promised.
Después prometió oro. Naturalmente que no encontraron las cantidades que prometió.
Evidently separated from your mother ship before you hit our atmosphere.
Te separaste de tu nave nodriza antes de penetrar en nuestra atmósfera.
Evidently, so did the crowd.
- Parece que el público también.
- Evidently, you agree with the same thing.
- No cabe duda de que está de acuerdo.
Evidently some people like what we do.
Por lo visto, hay quienes nos aprecian.
Evidently some type of bomb was thrown against the back of the house.
Evidentemente lanzaron una especie de bomba Molotov a la parte de atrás de la casa.
How can one convince a patient that he needs curing from an illness- -which evidently gives him so much pleasure?
Sra. de Montreuil, ¿ cómo se puede convencer a un paciente de que necesita curarse de algo,... que sin duda alguna le causa tanto placer?
They got a witness evidently.
Es evidente que tienen un testigo.
Nothing is simple, evidently.
Nada es simple, evidentemente.
"Nice." Evidently you think of me as a woman friend.
"Amable". Evidentemente me ves como una "amiga".
Evidently, I have a pickle up my ass.
Evidentemente, tengo un pepino en mi trasero.
The story goes that while I was in the womb... she played the piano continuously to give me a head start... and, evidently, it paid off.
Se dice que mientras yo estaba en el seno... ella tocaba el piano continuamente para darme una ventaja. Yevidentemente, dio resultado.
Evidently, Mr. Ringo is an educated man.
Parece que el Sr. Ringo es un hombre educado.
Evidently, Fenwick moved the murder weapon, she didn't notice.
Evidentemente, Fenwick movió el arma asesina sin que ella lo supiera.
Evidently, you were abducted two days after beaming to the surface.
Al parecer, le secuestraron a los dos días de llegar a la superficie.
Evidently the poison was added to his portion after it was set aside.
Evidentemente, agregaron el veneno después de dividir las porciones.
- Evidently not.
- Obviamente.
The city council had evidently not overlooked its opportunities... to influence the choice of the voters.
Evidentemente, el ayuntamiento no había menospreciado sus oportunidades para influenciar la elección de sus votantes.
Evidently done during his blue period.
Hecho evidentemente durante su período azul.
Well, evidently, certain of the contestants were given the answers in advance.
¿ De qué se trata exactamente? Pues, evidentemente, a algún concursante le dieron las respuestas por adelantado.
so to speak, a subject of some extrinsic will, something malignant and evidently cynical.
por así decirlo, un sujeto de cierta voluntad extrínseca, algo maligno y evidentemente cínico.
Evidently I'm allergic.
Evidentemente soy alérgico.
Well, evidently, she's white water rafting in Colorado with Tom Cruise.
Bueno, parece ser que está navegando rápidos en Colorado con Tom Cruise.
Evidently not.
Al parecer, no.
It fuckin'gets you fuckin'down Evidently chicken town
Eso te desanima Y claro es Chicken Town.
Evidently my bladder didn't hear you.
Evidentemente mi vejiga no te oyó.
His intense infatuation for me, his mechanical abilities and, evidently, he has enough money to spend on all those elaborate gifts.
Su intensa obsesión conmigo, sus habilidades mecánicas y se ve que tiene dinero de sobra para gastar en esos regalos.
Evidently, he's become very lax in his waning years.
Obviamente ha bajado mucho la guardia con el decaer de la vejez.
Evidently, Shawn didn't come home last night.
Evidentemente, Shawn no regresó a casa anoche.
The coffin landed here, but evidently it was mis-tagged.
El ataud llegó hasta acá, pero evidentemente fue confundido.
She said okay, but evidently, she changed her mind.
Aceptó, pero por lo visto cambió de idea.
Evidently not.
Por supuesto que no.
Now, evidently, the only one that's gonna need a doctor here... is yourself, my friend.
No, evidentemente, el único que necesitará atención médica... eres tú, amigo.
Evidently, Lieutenant Rabb, you believe eating ice cream has priority over reporting to the commanding officer.
Teniente Rabb, evidentemente cree que comer helado tiene prioridad... sobre presentarse ante el oficial al mando.
- Evidently not hard enough.
- Evidentemente no lo suficiente.
See, evidently it makes him very apathetic about his work.
Verás, evidentemente lo vuelve muy apático con respecto a su trabajo.
Evidently we've landed on a world where women are in authority and men are relegated to a second-class status.
Evidentemente hemos aterrizado en un mundo donde las mujeres son la autoridad y los hombres ciudadanos de segunda.
Evidently, they did not enter this cavern alone.
Evidentemente, ellos no estuvieron solos en la caverna...
Evidentemente, la escuela de vuelo no acepta amigos insectos.
Evidently the toughest part are the children.
Claro que lo más duro son los hijos.
Her friends evidently thought this was good enough for her, and it was.
Todos querían lo mejor para ella, y así fue.
- Evidently.
We evidently have arrived on a world where they regard intellectual achievement with the same adulation that we confer on movie stars or sports heroes. Rather sensible if you ask me. Did you hear what they were calling you?
Según el almanaque, el congreso estadounidense, y el directorio de casi todas las empresas del Fortune 500... son todas mujeres.

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