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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ F ] / Final warning

Final warning traducir español

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This is a final warning.
Es un último aviso.
Final warning.
Último aviso.
LaRoche has told me to give you his final warning.
LaRoche me ha dicho que es la última oportunidad.
This is a final warning to all personnel.
Ultimo aviso a todo el personal.
Our final warning.
Nuestra última advertencia.
This is the final warning.
Ésta es la última advertencia.
This is your final warning.
Esta es su ultima advertencia.
I give you a final warning.
Le doy una advertencia final.
Let me give you a final warning.
Déjeme hacerle una última advertencia.
Look, this is your final warning.
Mire, éste es su último aviso.
RECORDED FEMALE VOICE : Final warning. Final warning.
"Aviso final, aviso final."
Well, then... a final warning... eh, Carl?
Bien, entonces denle una advertencia final, Ok, ¿ Carl?
This is your final warning.
Esta es la última advertencia.
This is your final warning.
Ésta es su última oportunidad.
This is your final warning, Anderson.
Esta es la última advertencia, Anderson.
Tell the press... that I am the Gemini, lieutenant. Final warning.
Dígale a la prensa que soy el Géminis, teniente.
Allright, this is your final warning.
vale, este es tu último aviso.
This is a final warning for Scott Hastings and partner..... to please... leave the floor!
¡ Esta es el último llamado para Scott Hastings y pareja..... por favor... dejen la pista!
This is your final warning.
Es la última advertencia.
This is a final warning
Esta es mi última advertencia.
Final warning. Primary power off line in ten seconds.
Desconexión de energía primaria dentro de 10 segundos.
Final warning.
Advertencia final.
This is your final warning!
¡ Es el último aviso!
Heed not this final warning, and you will be a pariah, cut off, shunned and reviled by every man, woman and child in this town!
¡ Si no acatas este último aviso, serás para siempre una paria, aislada, rehuída y vilipendiado por hombres, mujeres y niños en esta ciudad!
This is my final warning.
Es mi último aviso.
I've given you my final warning.
Date ya por advertido.
Not yet... final warning.
Todavía no... es el último aviso.
Unidentified ship, this is your final warning. Surrender your vessel, or be destroyed.
Nave no identificada, advertencia final : rendirse o ser destruida.
Disengage immediately. This is your final warning.
No habrá más advertencias.
This is your final warning.
Es mi última advertencia.
♪ You can feel the final warning ♪
You can feel the final warning
I'm in love with Robbie six years ago...
Amo al Robbie de hace 6 años. Robbie, el vocalista de Final Warning.
Robbie, the lead singer of Final Warning... when I used to come and watch you from the front row... in your spandex pants... your silk shirt unbuttoned... licking the microphone like David Lee Roth.
Yo lo veía desde la primera fila, vistiendo pantalones ajustados... la camisa de seda desabotonada... lamiendo el micrófono como David Lee Roth.
This is your final warning.
Ésta es la última advertencia.
People, this is your final warning.
Escuchen, esta es nuestra advertencia final.
Lieutenant Paris, this is your final warning.
Teniente Paris, esta es su advertencia final.
Take this as your final warning!
¡ Este es tu último aaaavvvviiiissssoooo!
This is my final warning.
Esta es mi advertencia final.
This is the final warning.
Esta es la advertencia final.
Didn't I give you a final warning?
¿ No te dije que era la última advertencia?
That'll be your warning for final precautions.
Ese será su aviso para las precauciones finales.
Let me know, I give you warning And I'll be around to see you right away At the break of the day
# Me lo haces saber, así me avisas... # #... y vendré de inmediato a verte... # #... al terminar el día... # #... y si al final de la noche sin mí... #
... some kind of silly warning you know and they, they opened the show, I think, and they also closed the show which I thought was like a... an astute planning on Sullivan's part, because it would made you very angry if you had to sit through the whole show to wait to see The Rutles, you know, so they clearly, every-one had tuned in to that week's show, just to see The Rutles.
Abrieron el programa y lo cerraron. Me pareció astuto por parte de Sullivan. Así ya no te molestaba esperar hasta el final para verlos.
This warning is final.
Es el último aviso.
This is a final warning.
... esta es la última advertencia.
- Drop dead! -... is you final warning.
Es la última advertencia.
And at the bottom of the form, is there a disclaimer warning that it is against the law to give false information?
¿ Y al final del formulario hay una advertencia de que dar información falsa va contra la ley? - Sí.
Bottom of the ninth. Two-minute warning. Last frame.
Final de la novena, 2 minutos de advertencia, ultima ronda.
Warning There was misconduct in the final exam given in the past day ( Organic Chemistry ). The following students will not get credit for the class regardless of their test grade. Shinobu Ezak, Kenji Kimura, Sho Tonegawa, Takumi Nakamatsu, Yumi Morishita, Kazumichi Rikimaru We wish that students perform their tests with awareness of their actions and upon reflection of oneself.
[Por mala conducta los siguientes alumnos no aprueban a pesar de la nota.]
This doomsday warning has me just a smidge twitterpated.
Esta amenaza del Juicio Final me tiene un poco turulato.
And they're ready and willing to go all the way. Your father isn't urging you to have sex. He's just warning you you can get pregnant now.
Lo que quiero decirte es que los chicos se interesarán por ti y estarán dispuestos a ir hasta el final.

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