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Finley traducir español

756 traducción paralela
Well, that's very kind of you, Dr. Finley.
Es usted muy amable, doctor Finley.
I'm going to talk it over with Dr. Finley and see what he thinks ought to be done.
Hablaré con el doctor Finley y veré qué cree él que se deba hacer.
- Does Dr. Finley know about this?
- ¿ Sabe esto el doctor Finley?
It's very important that Dr. Finley be at my house this evening.
Es vital que el doctor Finley venga a mi casa esta noche.
- have some coffee, Dr. Finley.
-... tome un poco de café, doctor Finley.
I suppose what you want from me, Dr. Finley... is permission to deal as drastically with Harvey... as his future conduct might deserve.
Supongo que ustedes quieren, doctor Finley mi autorización para tratar a Harvey del modo que exija su conducta.
You Henry Devers?
Me llaman Finley. - Hola.
He's over yonder in the shed. Much obliged...
Agradecido, Finley.
I got Finlay and my girl Becky.
Tengo a Finley y a mi chica.
you'll be sorry! Yes, Finlay?
¡ Lárgate Finley!
That's Finlay... and them's Devers cattle!
- ¡ Finley y las vacas de Denvers!
Specially with Finlay here as a witness.
Especialmente teniendo a Finley de testigo.
Even Finlay told me... you set a line for "Lead Pencil". And my girl Becky...
Incluso Finley me contó que lanzó cuerda para pescar a "Lapicero".
Finlay, you was right... His whiskers is as big as lead pencils.
Finley, tenía razón, sus bigotes sí que son como lapiceros.
- Oh, that must be Mr. Finley.
- Debe ser el señor Finley.
- Wesley, Mr. Finley is here.
- Wesley, el señor Finley está aquí.
Now, Wesley, you must learn to be friendly with Mr. Finley.
Wesley, debes aprender a ser amable con el señor Finley.
William, this is Fester Chinley.
- Chester Finley.
"... accompanied by Chester Finley, musical director. "
" la señorita Marjorie Winfield... - Lo agradezco.
Why, you know perfectly well the only man I saw while you were away - was Chester Finley.
Sabes perfectamente que el único hombre que vi en tu ausencia fue Chester Finley.
Go ahead, Finley, you'd better start it, because I'm gonna finish it. Very well.
Adelante, Finley, es mejor comenzar, porque te voy a terminar.
Bill left town because he thought a love letter that Marjorie gave me to burn was from Chester Finley.
Bill se fue de la ciudad porque pensaba que una carta de amor que Marjorie me dio a quemar era de Chester Finley.
Oh, excuse me, Mr. Finley.
Perdón, señor Finley.
Finley, come in here.
Finley, venga aquí.
Hello, Doc, Sergeant Finley.
Hola, doctora. Soy el sargento Finley.
I know you're not, but Sergeant Finley said you had a story to tell... a confidential story.
Ya lo sé, pero el sargento dijo que tienes algo que explicar. Una historia confidencial.
- Oh, don't worry, Mr. Finley.
No se preocupe, Sr. Finley.
This is Mr. Finley, Mrs. Fenimore.
Este es el señor Finley, señora Fenimore.
Oh, Mr. Finley, will you take this one?
- Oh, Mr. Finley, ¿ quiere esta copa?
Mr. Finley's expecting you.
El señor Finleigh está esperándola.
Hello, Mr. Finley.
Hola, señor Finleigh.
Why, Mr. Finley spoke to me. I had to say something.
El señor Finleigh me ha hablado, tenía que contestar.
Why, Mr. Finley, you missed your true calling. You should be on the stage.
Señor Finleigh, usted ha equivocado la carrera debería actuar.
Is there - Please, dear Mr. Finley, Is there a chance That the duke would let me charter it for two weeks in July?
¿ Hay alguna posibilidad, señor Finleigh, de que el Duque me lo alquile esas dos semanas de julio?
Thank you for the tea, Mr. Finley.
Gracias por el té, señor Finleigh.
Goodbye, Mr. Finley.
Adiós, señor Finleigh.
What Mrs. Finley means- -
Lo que quiere decir la Sra. Finley...
Gordon Stuart a certain Miss Finlay...
Gordon Stuart y una tal Srta. Finley...
Honey get me Dr. Scudder at the Finley Hospital.
Ponme con el doctor Scudder, del hospital Finley.
Honey, try to get me Boss Finley on the phone, will you, please?
Ponme con el Jefe Finley, ¿ quieres, por favor?
That pretty young lady. Boss Finley's daughter.
La hija del Jefe Finley.
Get me the Thomas J. Finley Hospital, please.
Con el hospital Thomas J. Finley, por favor.
I wrote how Finley and Tom Jr. feel about your recent behavior toward a certain young lady.
Y lo que pensaban Finley y Tom sobre tu reciente comportamiento con cierta joven.
You know what the name Boss Finley means so don't try to see Heavenly or talk to her or anything.
Sabes lo que representa el Jefe Finley. No intentes ver a Heavenly ni hablar con ella.
What is the number of the Finley residence?
¿ Cuál es el número de la residencia Finley?
- Thank you, ma'am. Finley residence.
Residencia Finley.
Finley residence.
Residencia Finley.
- Where's Coventry?
Director Finley - ¿ Se va a una isla?
Chester Finley.
- Gusto en conocerte, Chester.
"... acompañada de Chester Finley, el director musical. "

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