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Finney traducir español

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Now I owe Finney $ 3.
Ahora le debo $ 3 a Finney.
I owe Finney a night off.
Le debo a Finney una noche libre.
Well, with your night off and my $ 3, Finney should do very well, sir.
Bueno, con su noche libre y mis $ 3, Finney estará muy contento, señor.
- Maybe we should get rid of Finney.
- Deberíamos deshacernos de Finney.
¿ Finney?
Did you tell Mr. Stanhope that Finney is waiting with the car?
¿ El Sr. Stanhope sabe que Finney lo espera con el coche?
- Good night, Finney, and thank you.
- Buenas noches, Finney y gracias.
- Finney, take Miss Wilson home.
- Finney, lleva a la Srta. Wilson a su casa.
- Good evening, Finney.
- Buenas noches, Finney.
- Finney, will you run an errand?
- Finney, ¿ harías un mandado?
Yes, Finney.
Sí, Finney.
Thank you, Finney.
Gracias, Finney.
You will eat those words, you Finney.
- No se puede dormir en esas camas.
- I-Is this Mr. Finney?
- ¿ Es usted el señor Finney?
- This is Mr. Finney.
El Sr. Tinning.
Mr Giffin from Texas, General Finney, General McAndrew, Colonel Plummer.
Señor Giffin, representante de Texas. El general Finney el general McAndrew y el coronel Plummer.
General Finney, General McAndrew and Colonel Plummer. It's in my data.
... el general Finney, el general McAndrew y usted, coronel Plummer.
General Finney wants you to go in his car.
- Señorita Frost. Irá en el coche del general Finney.
Gracias por la información, Sra. Finney.
Comes from an old Spanish family named Finney.
Es de los Finney, una familia española.
- Some time we'll spend a week at the old Finney mansión... down by the tracks and I'll go into detail.
En alguna ocasión pasaremos una semana en la vieja mansión Finney... junto a la vía del tren, y te contaré con detalle.
All right, so I'm gonna disgrace the fair name of Finney.
Voy a deshonrar el apellido Finney.
George Phipps. - This is Miss Finney.
- Ella es la Srta. Finney.
- Hello, Miss Finney.
- Hola, Srta. Finney.
" I've been watching your work, Miss Finney, and I think you're ready for advancement.
" Observé tu trabajo y creo que estás lista para un ascenso.
- Uh, I... - Where's Miss Finney?
- ¿ Y la Srta. Finney?
- You waiting'for Miss Finney?
- ¿ Esperas a la Srta. Finney?
- We're just good friends, kinda, Miss Finney and me.
La Srta. Finney y yo sólo somos buenos amigos.
Maybe your fatherJoe Finney wasn't exactly a saint, may he rest in peace... but I learned about men from him.
Quizá tu padre Joe Finney no era un santo, que en paz descanse... pero yo aprendí de los hombres por él.
General Finney's supposed to be aboard.
El general Finney viene a bordo.
Mrs. Finney said she thought so, either.
La Sra. Finney opina lo mismo.
Brother Finney... is that Little Mink?
- Hermano Feeney, ¿ ese es Little Mink?
Brother Finney!
¡ Hermano Feeney!
Comrade Finney!
¡ Camarada!
Purchased Finney's Hardware this city October 15 last.
Comprado en Finney's Hardware, pasado 15 octubre.
Here, take this to Jim Finney's.
Toma, llévate esto al bar de Jim Finney.
- Finney, we got the good stuff.
- Finney, traemos licor del bueno.
Finney, you got a tin ear.
Finney, estás sordo.
Thank you very much, Mr. Finney.
Muchas gracias, señor Finney.
FINNEY : Hey, girly. Come here.
Oye, chica, ven aquí.
It ain't gonna look so good on you, Finney.
A ti no te quedará tan bien, Finney.
Finney, a table for the boys.
Finney, una mesa para los chicos.
But if you've as much as mention the name of Phelim O'Feeney- - Ah! Yourself just mentioned it now.
Pero si alguien menciona a Phelim O'Finney...
Honestly I do. But Phelim O'Feeney did sustain abrasions and contusions. Necessitating his going to hospital.
Comprendo tus sentimientos, pero Phelim O'Finney ha sufrido quemaduras y contusiones y necesita ir al hospital.
- It's me, Sergeant Finney.
- Soy yo, Sargento Finney
Well, then I went to Finney's to buy this darling midnight blue dress that was on sale.
Luego fui a la tienda a comprar un lindo vestido azul que estaba en oferta.
CARTER : Mr. Finney, we'd like to have a look around inside the plant.
Sr. Finney, queremos revisar la planta.
I'm sure it'll be all right, Mr. Finney. FINNEY :
- No se preocupe, Sr. Finney.
Mr. Finney witnessed almost the entire fight.
El Sr. Finney lo vio todo.
- But I don't believe you know my mother, Mrs. Finney.
Pero no conoce a mi madre.
Finney and the razor boys are after him.
Vamos Duke, ocúpate de ello.

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