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Flaherty traducir español

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Flaherty's downstairs, a couple of dicks with him
Flaherty está abajo, con un par de tipos.
There's Flaherty, the bull.
Ahí está Flaherty, el toro.
I heard somebody in Detroit got to Flaherty and told him to start working on a dancer at the Bronze Peacock if he wanted to find out who shot McClure.
En Detroit alguien le dijo a Flaherty que empezara a presionar a un bailarín del Faisán de Bronce, para saber quién mató a McClure.
I'll soon find out if Flaherty's been working on Joe after I have a little talk with him.
Sabré si Flaherty vio a Joe apenas hable un poco con él.
¿ Flaherty?
Don't call Flaherty.
No llames a Flaherty.
Headquarters, I want Sergeant Flaherty.
Jefatura, páseme con el Sgto. Flaherty.
Sergeant Flaherty, this is Olga Stassoff.
Sargento Flaherty, habla Olga Stassoff.
Hello, Dan, this is Flaherty.
Hola, Dan, habla Flaherty.
According to the statement of Lieutenant Thomas Flaherty of the homicide squad Little Caesar, the once swaggering braggart of the underworld wilted in the face of real danger and showed the world his cowardice.
Según declaración del Tte. Thomas Flaherty de la División Homicidios Pequeño César, quien fuera el fanfarrón del mundo del crimen se debilitó ante el peligro y demostró su cobardía.
Flaherty stated further that Little Caesar has contradicted his oft-repeated boast that he could dish it out and take it too. "
Flaherty declaró que Pequeño César contradijo el alarde que hacía sobre poder con todo y ser líder ".
Flaherty ended his interview by remarking :
Flaherty terminó su entrevista diciendo...
He was yellow, just like Flaherty said.
Era un cobarde, como dijo Flaherty.
- Get me Flaherty, and get him quick.
- Con Flaherty, y rápido.
- Flaherty speaking.
- Habla Flaherty.
Funny guy, ain't you, Flaherty?
Eres un tipo raro, ¿ no, Flaherty?
Put Flaherty on here.
- Trae aquí a Flaberty.
- Mrs. Flaherty, I'm disappointed in you.
- Sra. Flaherty, me decepciona.
There was a window broken down at Flaherty's drug store.
Se rompió una ventana de la droguería de Flaherty.
Flaherty, get reinforcements for Mulholland.
Flaherty, trae refuerzos de Mulholland.
You got burned, Mrs. Goldberg's going to have a baby, old man Flaherty's been out of work for over a month.
Usted se quemó, la Sra. Goldberg va a tener un bebé, el viejo Flaherty no tiene trabajo...
- Mrs. Flaherty, could you let me have two dollars?
- ¿ No me prestaría dos dólares?
Sir, there's a driver out here named Flaherty.
Señor, afuera hay un chofer. Flaherty.
¡ Flaherty!
Flaherty, where's my horse?
Flaherty, ¿ dónde está mi caballo?
This is Mr. Courtney, Mr. Flaherty.
Este es el señor Court, Flaherty.
Be a good soul, Mrs. Flaherty.
Sea buena, Sra. Flaherty.
Turk O'Flaherty.
- Turk O " Flaherty.
Mine's O'Flaherty.
Yo soy O " Flaherty.
Flarety, you're in charge.
Flaherty, estás al mando.
Oh, I got a name - Flaherty.
Oh, tengo un nombre... Flaherty.
You are, I presume, Flaherty, A christian man.
Flaherty, me imagino que es un hombre Cristiano.
In bitterness, flaherty.
En la amargura Flaherty.
Oh, Flaherty...
Oh, Flaherty...
Oh, Flaherty Was right.
Oh, Flaherty tenía razón.
Nice to have you with us, Mr. Flaherty.
Un placer, Sr. Flaherty.
- We'll call you, Mr. Flaherty.
- Le avisaremos, Sr. Flaherty.
Prof. Flaherty.
Profesor Flaherty.
It is, indeed, Dan O'Flaherty! Ah, Hello, boya!
Sí, soy yo.
Truth are you there, Dan O'Flaherty? And without discriminating'meself
¡ Qué gran verdad, Dan O'Flaherty!
All I have to do is to open it, dip me hand in and forever be a traitor to the name of O'Flaherty.
Sólo tengo que abrirla, meter la mano y traicionar para siempre al apellido O'Flaherty.
So on Friday, after his meal Dan touched the heart stone of his humble cottage as he had every day of his long and honorable life.
El viernes después de comer, Dan O'Flaherty tocó la piedra de su chimenea...
You'd have the gratification of saying before the whole world that you had pity on O'Flaherty.
Tendrías el placer de proclamar que te apiadaste de un O'Flaherty.
But this O'Flaherty will have no pity on you.
Pues este O'Flaherty no tendrá piedad de ti.
Martin Flaherty, former Boston police officer.
Martin Flaherty, antiguo oficial de policía de Boston.
- Flaherty.
- Flaherty.
Flaherty, check the office for records.
Flaherty, busca los registros en la oficina.
- Meet Mr. Gray. Mr. Flaherty.
El señor Gray, el señor Flaherty.
*... green on irish ground * scamps and scalawags!
¡ Granujas y diablillos! ¡ Maura O'Flaherty se quedó llorando en el muelle!
What you doing on O'Flaherty ground, you grubby man?
¿ Qué haces en la tierra de O'Flaherty?

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